Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 192 The Girl Playing Tai Chi in the Backstage

Chapter 192 The Girl Playing Tai Chi in the Backstage

Compared with the much-anticipated lpl, everyone pays less attention to the secondary leagues. Not only are there few people watching the games online, but even the live audiences are not many, and the pressure on the players... is actually not small.

After all, the players here are basically young. For them, even if there are not many people watching, it is enough to put pressure on their hearts.

"How are you nervous?" Shen Zongyue, who was driving, smiled.

"Your question is too unprofessional, it can easily make me nervous, okay?" Li Shuyao said with a glare.

"Hahaha, you, a big up with 400 million fans, will you still be nervous in such a small scene?" Shen Zongyue laughed haha. At this time, he was still in a very happy mood.

In any case, this year's lineup has basically been formed. Although the combination of 2 old men and 3 newcomers seems to be training the lineup, he is still very confident.

The new AD and junglers are all players who have performed very well in the middle and lower reaches of the lpl this year. What they lack is experience and a better team.

A better team has better teammates, better coaches, better team analysis and tactical guidance, etc.

And these, CR can provide them.

Although the training camp has not officially started yet, at least the formation of the team has been completed, and he is relieved.

That is to say, this up leader who has been very popular at station B recently is a little bit uncertain. As long as Li Shuyao can display [-] to [-]% of his strength in the rankings in the game, he will definitely be regarded as the top laner in the upper reaches. Play it out, that's the top laner.

He did everything he had to do, and even came over to act as a driver for Li Shuyao himself, leaving the rest to the players and the coaching staff.

Li Shuyao didn't answer whether he was nervous or not. The number of fans doesn't mean anything. She hasn't participated in any special large-scale activities so far, but her mentality is trained by netizens. In addition, the live broadcast also faces many people every day. I didn't see the real person, but the pressure was still quite high.

In fact, there are far fewer people on the scene than in the live broadcast room.

But after all, facing real people, each has its own pressure.

"Teacher Yan Xiaohua, how are they doing?" Li Shuyao asked.

"Their research is very good... In fact, don't underestimate your teammates who only have one game this time. They are the first batch of beneficiaries of the experiment. It's just that the time is very short and they haven't been able to fully utilize it yet, but their state is much more stable. .” Shen Zongyue laughed.

This experiment is actually another important reason for his confidence in the next season. He didn't pay much attention to it when Li Shuyao said it before, but after a period of preliminary experiments, he found that it is indeed effective.

Anyway, it was just doing Tai Chi, correcting the schedule, and scientifically planning the diet. It was not a dangerous experiment, so it was approved quickly.

The CR team members are currently on vacation, so the CRM team members naturally became the first batch of experimenters. After half a month of experimentation, both mental state and competitive level have indeed improved slightly .

This is actually very normal. They are all teenagers. How can teenagers who stay up late every day compare in terms of mental state with teenagers who have a regular schedule and practice martial arts?
It's just that this is a long-term process that needs to be improved slowly, not overnight.

Yan Xiaohua took his graduate students here every day, and besides this, they also did some other experimental subjects, most of which were psychological.

Many graduate students in school are envious of them. CR has a large number of experimental subjects. After all, they have many other branches, which can be studied.

Moreover, e-sports is an emerging industry, and there are not many studies in this area. It is not easy for them to repeat this paper, and it is easy for them to find an angle to start the topic...

In addition, CR is already considering whether to directly carry out joint research with universities. With a series of systematic scientific research papers as support, the e-sports industry will go further.

"When I get to CR, I will share my research results with teacher Yan Xiaohua, and then teach everyone the live Tai Chi exercises I designed." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "I am a patent."

"You still applied for a patent?" Shen Zongyue said in surprise.

"That's not... that's all I'm going to say." Li Shuyao curled her lips, but she thought, what a pity the essence is still Taijiquan, and it's not a new boxing method she created. She can apply for a patent by deleting, deleting, and subtracting?Don't even think about it!

The two had already arrived at the scene while they were talking, and Shen Zongyueka's timing was still very accurate, which happened to be when the CRM team bus arrived.

Then walking, there were two more people in the team.

Li Shuyao and Shen Zongyue.

In fact, everyone has seen Shen Zongyue. After all, they are all League of Legends divisions. The top league and the secondary league are also League of Legends.

But I am still very curious about this new girl.

And soon someone recognized it...

Isn't this a nursery rhyme in the book!
Let me go, it looks exactly the same as in the video, isn't the video all beautified, why does this look more beautiful in reality.

Although they all knew that they had a teammate named Li Shuyao whom they had never met before, but if it hadn't been exposed before, they really didn't know that it was a nursery rhyme in the book.

not to mention……

There is no boy who does not admire Shaoai.

Therefore, these young men looked back three times at one step along the way, and turned back all the way to the lounge, without even looking at their phones!
The team leader and coach couldn't help laughing when they saw this situation, this is the charm of a beautiful girl.

All the way to the lounge, everyone sat down, usually these guys like to play around in the lounge, but this time one or two sat upright, as if everyone was a good boy, ready to maintain Order's team leader was taken aback for a moment.

The host is explaining in front, and everyone in the background is putting on makeup while listening to the coach's analysis...

But obviously everyone is a little bit reluctant to listen to the coach's analysis, basically looking at the mirror in front of them.

Well, Li Shuyao looks really beautiful with makeup on.

And at this time, she still has her eyes closed...

"Ahem...the opponent's mid laner xpd is not weak..." the coach forcibly hooked up the thoughts of several players.

"Huh..." Li Shuyao was actually listening too, but she won't be playing in the first round, so she was still adjusting her mentality more.

Even if there are not many spectators in front, some cheers can be heard.

After simple make-up, Li Shuyao stood up, and when she turned her head, she saw several other people turning their heads too suddenly... She couldn't help but smiled, and then found an open space in the waiting room to start punching.

So she once again successfully attracted everyone's attention...

Everyone is here to prepare for competitions, to hone their hands and so on, why are you practicing Taijiquan there!
A few team members stared at Li Shuyao in astonishment. As expected of a big up with 400 million fans, it wouldn't be embarrassing to just practice Tai Chi in full view.

So strong!
 The background of this game is NEST, but for the sake of the plot, it is not a particularly important point, so it is directly written as a secondary league.

(End of this chapter)

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