Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 193 If I can't win, I will retire in place

Chapter 193 If I can't win, I will retire in place

Li Shuyao's purpose of boxing here is also very simple, she wants to test whether the e-sports version of Taijiquan that she has edited and edited is really useful.

No matter what I said before, it was just a theory. No matter what, she had to try it in the field. No one else said it, she would always try it herself first.

Of course, as far as scientific research is concerned, one person’s example is definitely not enough, and everyone has to come together at that time, but the first step must start with her, she is ready to become a CR player and concurrently Martial arts coach!

She is doing Tai Chi here slowly, and the other team members look confused... What is this sister doing here?
Speaking of...

Although they have all started to receive Tai Chi training, but they are only exercising after normal training, and you have not practiced completely, why are there so many missing in the middle, and kicking, what about kicking? went?
This sister's practice is not authentic, I'm afraid she didn't learn from it on some video website.

Misunderstanding my son!
But it didn't take too long for everyone to feel emotional, and they will be on stage soon.

Although the secondary league is not as large as the top league, it is still a competition, and there are bursts of cheers from the front.

Li Shuyao took a deep breath and sat down. At this moment, she could clearly feel that her mind was clear and her energy was concentrated.

She knows this very well, because she feels this way every time she finishes doing it, so it's not surprising, she can try it later when she goes on stage.

The coach stepped down soon after the BP ended. Everyone watched the game intently. Li Shuyao was no exception. She will play in the next game. Although it doesn't matter whether the result is the result or not, it's just to pave the way for her to enter the lpl smoothly, but she still wants to Do your best to win.

If the opponent who is only in the secondary league can't beat her, let alone compete for a world championship.

In the first game, the situation of CRM was not good. The opponent's tempo was too fast, they just passively accepted the moves, and they were quickly defeated by one mistake after another.

When they left the stage, several players were extremely dejected. They lost the first game, and Li Shuyao had to be replaced in the second game... Although they were half of Li Shuyao's fans, this was the arena.

They haven't trained together for a day. Even if she is very strong, how can she win the game without cooperation.

Today...maybe he will be directly taken away 2-0.

Li Shuyao didn't say anything, or in other words, she hasn't said much since she came here. After all, at present, she is considered an outsider who forcibly joined the class.

She didn't have any record to prove herself before, so what she said at this time seemed a bit superfluous.

Let's speak with strength.

Li Shuyao sighed slightly in her heart, why did she come up to such a difficult situation...

"Feeling stressed?" Shen Zongyue covered his mouth and whispered next to her. Speaking of which, he didn't really care about the victory or defeat of the second team. After all, from a certain point of view, the second team is their talent pool. Selecting talents here will also trade the talents of the second team.

So he valued the performance of these players more than winning or losing.

In the final analysis, it still depends on the performance of the first team in the top league and the World Championship. It is useless for the second team to perform well.

"It's okay." Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows: "If I can't beat this, I will retire on the spot."

"..." Shen Zongyue was unhappy, why did he retire on the spot, the lineup I formed with great difficulty, more than half of the transfer period has passed, and the major teams have basically been integrated...

Well, although there is no official announcement yet, they all know that the talks are basically over. About 8% of the rumors on the Internet are true. The reason why they are true is because everyone has already finished talking. It's just an official announcement.

Anyway, no one will make an official announcement until the last day, just rely on it.

If Li Shuyao ran away at this time, he would have to find another starter. How can it be so easy to find a top laner now!During this period of time, he tried out a lot of top laners, but Li Shuyao's effect was the best.

In addition, Li Shuyao can be regarded as the promoter of this scientific method, and her own state must be very good. Now it only depends on her mentality on the field.

If all these can be guaranteed, Li Shuyao is his ideal top laner.

"Ahem, this is not enough to retire." Shen Zongyue said: "It's just a game, no matter whether we win or lose, it can't affect our mentality. You can become the world's number one top laner. Don't you want to see them treat you Look at it with admiration, don’t you want to promote your music through e-sports channels, that’s a lot of money!”

Shen Zongyue had already inquired about Li Shuyao's character from Tantai Jingyi. This guy came to play professionally purely to promote his music, and even open up overseas markets.

The ultimate goal, of course, is to make money!

Although the salary of professional players is not low, if she really opens up foreign markets, she can earn much more than professional players.

Well, he's talking about regular pros.

There are also many endorsements by top professional players.

"You're right." Li Shuyao nodded approvingly: "Don't worry, the contract has been signed. If you don't fight, you will have to pay liquidated damages?"

"Ahaha, that's right..." Shen Zongyue slapped his lips. If this guy chooses to retire directly and doesn't play in other teams within a year, he really won't violate the contract.

"Let's go, Lao Shen, don't worry, let's see how I get through the other side."

It's almost time to rest here, Li Shuyao patted Shen Zongyue on the shoulder, and then followed the other four teammates and the coach to play.

Shen Zongyue: "..."

What the hell is Lao Shen...

Looking at the strange eyes of other people, Shen Zongyue stared, what are you doing?What are you watching?You've never seen a team manager have a good relationship with the players, have you?

Shen Zongyue sat in his seat, watched the players appear on the TV, and laughed when he heard the loud cheers from the audience. He was thinking, if Li Shuyao really came to the lpl arena, what would the scene be like? What about the situation?

Will it be like those star players?

After all, she is also very popular.

It's really the first time that an anchor or up of this size has come to play professionally.

Shen Zongyue slammed his mouth, no matter what, even if the results do not reach the peak next year, he will definitely achieve good results in marketing.

At least you can make money.

It's not a loss if you can make money.

Shen Zongyue's plan to snatch Li Shuyao is like this. If he can achieve results, it will be better. If he can't, then he will market and stir up the popularity. Let's talk about getting the endorsement!
The matter of Li Shuyao joining CR to play professionally is itself a topic. He has already thought of the possible controversy, and even CR's PR team is already preparing for how to deal with the controversy.

Anyway, this thing will definitely happen. Those who have been scolded and scolded for so many years have also gained experience. Anyway, as long as the grades improve, they will be a good man again!
Play dead when your grades are bad, and make a documentary when your grades are good!
Well, that's how everyone came here anyway.

As long as the results are not too bad next year and he can reach the level of the semi-finals of the playoffs, he will be satisfied.

"Don't let me down..." Shen Zongyue looked at Li Shuyao who was already sitting on the player's seat and said with a sigh.

 It's so cold in Dalian today, it's minus 12 degrees...

(End of this chapter)

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