Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 194 I shouldn't be cowardly eating a tower knife under the tower

Chapter 194 I shouldn't be cowardly eating a tower knife under the tower
"We saw the second scene, the CRM was replaced by a newcomer Yao, if I read correctly, is this the nursery rhyme in the main book of Up that wrote the song Let Him Go?"

The two commentators on the commentary stand were also very interested in this change of CRM, which is common, but it is rare to change a singer.

"We saw that Yaoyao has joined CRM before, but we didn't expect it to actually play." Another commentator said: "Then let us look forward to what kind of performance Yaoyao will have."

"That's right, the Wushuang Jianji that Yaoyao just chose is one of her best heroes. In the rank, her hero has maintained a high winning rate of 71%. She took out this hero in the first game, and it can be seen Her confidence in this hero."

"Yeah, the opponent directly took out Gnar as a response. This duel on the road is not a contest between two tanks."

"This can't help but remind me of the five-kill sword girl in the final of this year's World Championship. I don't know what kind of surprise this junior player will bring us."

The two of them are still looking forward to Li Shuyao, not because she is a newcomer, but because she is a big up master, one thing to say, these two can be regarded as half of her fans, after listening to the Chinese version of Let Him After that, both of them also searched Li Shuyao's homepage.

Then pay attention decisively, and then start to like, coin, collect...

Almost every music video of Li Shuyao is worth collecting, and this type of video is also the most collected among her various videos.

It's not that no up host or anchor came to play professionally before, but there is one thing to say, in fact, there is no self-media with such a volume to play.

Even faintly crossed the border.

Although it is said that Li Shuyao also plays games and has a high rank, but after all, he started in the music area, and he has not given up on the music area now, and is even very active.

It can be said that she is currently on the rise in the area of ​​​​up masters, and she is far from the bottleneck, but she directly came to play professionally.

Both commentators found it very interesting, and it was even conceivable that there would be public opinion soon.

As for things like the primary arena, the two commentators are already used to it. After all, compared to LPL, there are too many primary arenas in the secondary league. It is true that they will kill the Quartet as soon as they come up, but most of them just play. The players performed poorly.

But this is not to say that they have no potential. They played poorly at the beginning, but with their own efforts, they gradually surpassed their peers and entered the top league!

Well, in the secondary league, being able to enter the top league is already a big goal. As for the league championship and the world championship, they are all things floating in the sky.

There are only a small group of people in the entire LPL, and there are actually quite a few people who retire in the secondary league every year...

Many people left in a hurry before entering the public's field of vision to shine.

So, the two commentators are very interested. Does Li Shuyao think it's not suitable to retire after playing for a while, or can she really make something famous?

Except for the matters in the competition, the topics of the two of them basically revolved around Li Shuyao. There was no way. Compared with the other 9 players, Li Shuyao was too famous.

This game, which may not be reported by other self-media, may be reposted because of Li Shuyao's existence.

"We saw that at the beginning, Yaoyao didn't display as strong aggression as in rank in the top lane."

"Yes, after all, it's the first time I've landed on the field, so I'm afraid I should be more cautious."

"But I can see that she has solid basic skills and a certain level of suppression. Although there are no counter-kills, there have been about 6 counter-attacks. It took less than 6 minutes."


Li Shuyao was a little depressed, not because she didn't want to be aggressive, but because her teammates kept telling her to be steady and not to be impulsive...

Well, mainly to tell her.

She is very happy about the scientific experiment, because she is very clear-headed and in good condition on the field!Although a game can't explain anything, it should be useful!

It's just that the state of the teammates is a little bit wrong, a little too cowardly.

Even if she crossed the river a little bit and pressed people, their jungler would remind her immediately, and even the support would say a few words.

But, what they said was very tactful, even a bit concerned, so Li Shuyao held back.

Generally speaking, she is a soft-spoken person. If you speak well and smooth your hair, then she will be happy to take care of you and agree to your request.

In turn, it will definitely explode!

Therefore, she listened to the good persuasion of her teammates. After all, she is only on the field for the first time, and has not experienced systematic training before, so her understanding of the game is definitely not as good as the other four players.

And the coach also told Li Shuyao to listen to their jungler and support before leaving the field, and not to act without authorization.

Li Shuyao listened.

Because what everyone said was very gentle, and there was nothing domineering. They were all concerned and even took care of her.

So she endured it, even if the other party danced and showed signs in front of her, she endured it...

She felt that this should be the team's tactical arrangement. After all, they chose a relatively conservative lineup as a whole except for herself.

The so-called conservative lineup is actually not to waste money in the early stage, and to win the 6-piece team in the later stage.

It's just that such a lineup is often weak in the early stage, and it is easy to be directly defeated by others.

So it is normal to be conservative in the overall early stage.

But a little too conservative.

As long as the opponent makes some fake moves, they will start to retreat and give way. If it is not that their own skills are really good enough to crush their opponents, they should be crushed now, let alone crushing the knife.

She gradually discovered that these people were not conservative in tactics, but really a little timid. She quickly figured it out. One was that they were a little scared by the loss in the last round, and the other was the strangeness of her.

Because he couldn't figure out what Li Shuyao's strength was, he could only prepare for the worst and use her as a tool.

So after dawdling for almost 10 minutes, 1 blood hasn't exploded yet.

"No." Li Shuyao sighed lightly.

"What's the matter? Is there any trouble?"

"The jungler on the opposite side has disappeared. Pay attention to Yaoyao, he may be on the road."

"What's wrong with Rumor?"

"Your state is wrong." Li Shuyao quickly said while taking advantage of the gap in the teleportation line back home: "You are afraid."

"how come."

"That's right, don't worry about Yaoyao, we will definitely win."

"It's good for us to grow steadily."

"No, you are not developing steadily, we are giving up all the resources we can compete for." Li Shuyao manipulated Jian Ji to move forward. During this period of time, she has almost figured out the opponent's operational thinking, and the opponent's jungler is basically I don't have the idea of ​​going on the road, I can only say that there is something wrong with my thinking!

Maybe not, it was Li Shuyao's conservative style that caused them to misjudge, so they habitually gave up on the road, started to control resources, and grabbed the bottom road.

Gnar on the opposite side is also a little bit drifting, and there are more loopholes in his position.

While Li Shuyao was talking, he went straight up and began to consume the opponent's blood volume, and began to quickly operate his hands. The Wushuang Sword Fairy on the game screen suddenly seemed to become more flexible.

The two sides fought directly, and Gnar also confidently handed in the displacement skill directly.

"I don't know what you are afraid of, but I don't think I should fight like this. I chose Wushuangjianji. I shouldn't eat the tower sword under my own tower, but open the blood formation under the opponent's tower!"

As Li Shuyao's voice fell, the notification sound in the game suddenly sounded:

"first blood!"

When the opponent noticed something was wrong, Li Shuyao directly predicted Flash, and at the same time as the opponent flashed, Flash slashed with a sword, gaining a blood and a single kill against the opponent.

 It seems that it's been quite cold these two days, and I'm wearing a big cotton jacket in the office, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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