Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 195 Calm, Calm

Chapter 195 Calm, Calm

"Okay, we saw Yaoyao players teleport back to the line after going home to replenish their equipment. It seems that they are not planning to support or something. Hey, no, this is a direct confrontation with Gnar, wow... With this exquisite movement, I feel that if it wasn’t for Ping A’s inability to dodge, she would even want to dodge Ping A!”

Seeing that the top lane suddenly turned to the offensive and no longer conservative, the commentators became excited all of a sudden. After all, no one likes to watch a game in a pool of stagnant water. The two sides have been facing each other smoothly during the previous period. The opponent took the resource CRM and directly Let go, there is no match at all.

These two commentators are here to say that after listening to Li Shuyao's Evening Star, her mentality is calmer... Li Shuyao should also be a more Buddhist person...

Then as soon as he finished speaking, Li Shuyao rushed up and started fighting.

However, the two of them didn't care about whether they were Buddhist or not, so the speed of their speech suddenly accelerated, and their tone of voice continued to rise.

"Hey, Gnar is a bit overbearing, he jumped behind Jian Ji, she didn't see that Jian Ji has murderous intentions."

"I can see it, I can see it, but it's too late at this time, Jian Ji happened to get stuck in the other party's anger, the other party happened to have just transformed into a sage, and he was ready to go home after pushing the line!"

"Ouyo, Ouyo... This opening, another opening... Gnar can't fight anymore, whoops, whoops, this is being chased and beaten."

"Wow...the two flashed almost at the same time, and even Jian Ji was a little earlier than Gnar. This is a direct prediction of the opponent's flash. Let's make a breakthrough and kill alone!"

"My God, Yaoyao directly completed a solo kill on the first day of playing."

"And it feels so unpretentious, it feels as if I teleported back directly, walked over and completed the kill directly."

"Excellent, this is the right time, and I kept using that kind of conservative tactics to confuse the other party, so that the other party didn't even think that she was ready to kill."

"This is the strength of the top ten Hanbok kings. It's really terrifying."


"6666, Sister Yao is amazing."

"Yeah, yeah, shit, strong."

"Okay, okay, haha, let's pierce them and hit the road."

"Cough cough, calm down, don't be 6 in the basics, and don't call her Miss Yao, you can call her sister Yaoyao or Shujie." Li Shuyao coughed. Although they probably didn't mean that, it still sounded a little weird.

"Ang? Why?"

"Yeah... Sister Yao... is there something wrong?"

"Kids, don't ask so many questions, play the game well!" Li Shuyao glared: "Now listen to my instructions, and if you lose, it will be mine. Don't worry, if your coach scolds you, let him come at me."

"...that... he is also your coach."



When the commentator excitedly called Li Shuyao to kill solo, almost everyone in the lounge of CRM waved their hands excitedly, turned to look at Shen Zongyue, and then saw him yawning next to him...

Everyone was suddenly in awe, take a look, take a look, if he is the manager, isn't he just a solo kill? As for being so excited!
Yes, it’s true that you don’t need to be so excited, it’s just a solo kill, it’s not that you won this game, so what if you won one game, it’s not that you won the whole game, even if you won the whole game How about it, it’s not the championship, so what if it is the championship, it’s not the championship of the top league, even if it is...

Cough cough, forget it, forget it, think about it, the world champion will come out.

So, everyone quickly calmed down and continued watching the game!They wanted to see what surprises Li Shuyao could bring them. The guy was solo-killed in the first game of his career, that's amazing.

Shen Zongyue knew from their expressions that they had misunderstood... He didn't intend to yawn at this time.

Uh, the previous fight was too boring, and he didn't want to get sleepy, but he really couldn't hold back.

The main reason was that I was a little late at work last night, and I was a little tired after coming here to arrange Li Shuyao's affairs today. If it wasn't because it was Li Shuyao's debut show that he paid so much attention to, he would probably have fallen asleep.

Just yawning now is already very face-saving.

But it's a bit embarrassing when it happens to be a solo kill... How can he explain that he doesn't think it doesn't matter, it's just a coincidence?
Forget it, I can't explain it, I won't explain it.

As the manager of the team, I just don't think there's anything wrong!It wasn't a big deal!As for the fuss!really...

It's not good to be calm.

That, it's really amazing, it's still such a strong suppressing force Yaoyao, it seems that she should gradually take over the game... Sure enough, how could those little guys command you.

The first few minutes will be suffocated.

Shen Zongyue squinted his eyes and smiled. Li Shuyao was famous for her aggressive style of play in the ranks, which impressed countless professional players. He asked many professional players who had faced off with her, and they all said that they felt very oppressive.

During the trial training, she also directly penetrated the opposite lane.

He didn't believe that this guy could suppress his character. He thought she was going to make a move several times in the early stage, but he restrained himself. It was definitely those teammates who persuaded her.

But character is character, persuasion is not persuasion.

Moreover, Li Shuyao has his own system, this is what Tantai Jingyi told him before, and on the field, as long as Li Shuyao takes over the command, it will be reflected little by little.

Even if you haven't trained before, it will be more or less reflected.

Look at the change from the previous style now, and suddenly start attacking around Li Shuyao, directly hitting the opponent by surprise.

The opponent's tactics have begun to appear chaotic, and there are more and more mistakes.

Li Shuyao was already invincible in the top lane after calling the jungler, mid laner, and support to kill the opponent's laner three times and the jungler twice in a row.

After all, this is a secondary league, and the opponent doesn't have that strong tactical quality. If it's LPL, they can make some countermeasures. After all, although Li Shuyao took command, they haven't trained together after all, and there are still many flaws. Not so much here.

So this mid-to-late lineup stunned the opponent all the way through in 16 minutes.

But the AD on the CRM side was a bit miserable. He was caught several times, and was even caught to death once. After that, this guy didn't even stay under the tower. As long as the opposite person was gone, he started to run back.

Everyone else stopped being cowardly, and he just highlighted the word cowardly...

But I can also feel that his counseling is steady, and there is a feeling of eagerness to try.

Shen Zongyue could tell that after Li Shuyao's solo kill, the spirit of the entire team changed, from passive avoidance to active attack.

The intensity of the secondary league is not as good as that of the top league, that's for sure, so the opponent was directly beaten...

Shen Zongyue didn't care so much about whether he could win this game. What he cared about was that Li Shuyao was not only strong in himself, but could also affect other teammates, so that everyone's frustration caused by the loss in the last game gradually disappeared.

This was the biggest surprise Li Shuyao gave him.

The players in the secondary leagues don't have as strong a mental adjustment ability as the players in the top leagues. For teenagers, losing a game will affect their mentality. What's more, in their opinion, if they win Li Shuyao, they will have to continue to lose.

Under such circumstances, being able to quickly lead the team to reverse as a rookie is not something everyone has.

 Thank you YA Ruli for your reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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