Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 196 You are lazy!

Chapter 196 You are lazy!

"Let's clear the bottom lane. We're going to put pressure on the dragons. I'm holding back the top lane. I have teleportation. Don't fight lightly. Our target is the dragons or the second tower on the top lane."

"Pull, pull, don't be impulsive!"

"Can you touch the back and give me a spot, yes, yes, this is the place I ordered."

"The opponent is starting a dragon, don't worry, look for opportunities, and wait for the opponent's formation to show flaws."

"Up, up, up, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm going around, let's go!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay to die, I'll harvest, let's go forward for you!"

"Let me charge all the men! Charge into the formation! Disrupt their formation!"

"NICE! NICE! Kill, kill! Kill! Kill!"

Li Shuyao, who successfully took over the command, fully demonstrated what it means to take the lead... Eldest sister, during the game around Xiaolong, tore a hole in the formation on the opposite side through a series of pulls, and then Li Shuyao directly circled around. After teleportation seconds, he lost the opponent's double C and won this crucial team battle.

This wave not only played a 2 for 4, but also took away Xiaolong and the first tower in the middle and bottom lanes. If it weren't for the unhealthy blood volume, they were all ready to take Baron.

It can be said that this wave is a bit of a victory.

Li Shuyao is still very happy to play. In fact, she often confronted top leagues and even world champions when she was in rank. Although she has not played a training match yet, her learning ability is too strong and she adapts quickly. the rhythm of the game.

There are naturally flaws and loopholes in operation, but it doesn't matter, her technology has been crushed here, and it has made up for the loopholes in operation to a certain extent.

In fact, it is normal for her to take over the command. One is that she herself is strong, and the other is that she is a big up herself. The remaining 4 teammates are her little fans. Li Shuyao is also very active. people...

I didn’t say anything before because I felt that being a newcomer would easily arouse the disgust of others. It would be very sad and disappointing if she was active because of her mistakes but failed.

Although Li Shuyao has let go of her personality after time travel, she is still unwilling to let others down.

But when she found that something was wrong with the team, she quickly stood up. If she didn't stand up at this time, she might really lose.

Although Shen Zongyue said that he doesn't care about winning or losing, Li Shuyao does. If she can't carry here, how can she carry the banner in the World Championships?

"Brothers, hold on tight and don't make waves. Next, let's play this game steadily." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "Let's speed up the plundering of map resources and compress their living space."


"Understood, Sister Yao, I definitely won't mess around."

"Don't worry, don't worry, haha."

"..." Li Shuyao was speechless, how many times have I told her not to call sister Yao!


"Now it seems that CRM has completely taken the initiative. Although it is a mid-to-late lineup, it got a gold lead of 24 in [-] minutes. It can be said that it is a bit blooming."

The two commentators looked at the situation on the field and said with emotion.

"Yeah, it feels like it all started with the first wave of solo kills on the road, and the whole thing started from that wave."

"Indeed, at the time of the stalemate, Yaoyao boosted morale with a wave of wonderful solo kills, and immediately began to reverse the situation, from being [-] behind economically to leading by [-]."

"We saw that after going home to sort out a wave of CRM, they started to push the line in three ways, and then mainly focused on the work area. This is to start making a fuss about Dalong."

"Actually, I think the side band is better. Yaoyao is almost invincible now. There is still a chance to play against the opponent. The opponent is not so far behind. The opponent's lineup is still a bit strong at this point in time."

"Yes, and the opponent's AD has been developing stealthily during this period, and has already made up the second one. The bottom lane is still very fat, mainly because the top lane was destroyed. The economic advantages of CRM are basically concentrated in rumors. Rumor's body."

"That is to say...wait...what is Yaoyao going to do? She...she directly turned on the scan and entered the opponent's red zone after sorting out a wave of soldiers. Field of view, is this going to be an ambush?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, Yaoyao is too bold. She ran to the opponent's red zone by herself, and then the others made expressions in the Dalong zone to seduce the opponent's people over."

"It's started, the purple side also started to move towards Wang Dalong, hey, Yaoyao actually let go of the jungler and support who walked past, this is going to cut straight to the back row."

"Oh...the opponent's AD position is alone!"

"It's coming, it's coming... The moment AD passed by, Yaoyao rushed out of the grass and used a big move... I'll go... It's too fast."

"Just for a moment, AD is gone?"

"Look at the designer, this is the current AD!"

Seeing the opponent's AD being cut to death by Li Shuyao, the two commentators immediately shouted excitedly. Li Shuyao hid in the grass and made a small circle, and appeared directly behind the opponent's AD. The opponent's AD walked at the end of the team. Unexpectedly, there was another person behind.

This is very difficult to happen in the lpl arena. Everyone competes fiercely for vision, and they don't walk so scattered. This is obviously giving the opponent a flaw.

Of course, a flaw is a flaw if it is caught. If the opponent is not a master, this flaw will not be discovered. In many cases, it is difficult for the audience to discover the mistakes made by the team in the game.

Maybe sometimes everyone thinks that both sides made mistakes in this game... In fact, it is because both sides are desperately looking for the other's mistakes, but if one side can crush the other, this kind of situation will almost never happen.

"Huh..." Shen Zongyue let out a long breath. When he saw that under the leadership of Li Shuyao, they directly flanked the opponent and took down the big dragon, he knew that the round was stable. At the point of giving away, it should be won, that is, it has only been more than 20 minutes now, and the time for resurrection is still short, otherwise it will be a wave directly.

But even so, it broke the crystal in the middle.

It is indeed the player I fancy. I didn't participate in the training, but I can have such a performance for the first time on the field. It's perfect!
It's just that sometimes there are still some problems in operation, but it doesn't matter, just let the coaches work hard.

Watching the players win the first game, Shen Zongyue nodded in satisfaction. Although it doesn't matter if they lose this game, it is more comfortable to win.


"You won't play in the next game?" The coach asked Li Shuyao in surprise, and then deliberately glanced at Shen Zongyue, this guy you brought, he played very well, why didn't he play, the next game is a tiebreaker what!
"After all, I'm just a passer-by. They still have to win their game." Li Shuyao pinched her waist and said confidently: "And I think their strength is strong enough to win this game. I also think that my The kid in the top lane must hope that he can win the game, right!"

"Ah? Ah!" The top laner next to him, who was replaced, nodded in a daze.

"..." Shen Zongyue was a little speechless next to him, and he said such righteous words, you just want to be lazy!I see through you!
 Dalian is so cold these days...

(End of this chapter)

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