Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 197 This guy can really do anything just to be lazy

Chapter 197 This guy can really do anything just to be lazy

Li Shuyao's record in this round is very good, 9-1-6, if it wasn't for the short end time, she should have achieved more kills.

The one time she died was the time when she went around and attacked the opponent's AD. Although she successfully stole the AD position, she also dealt a lot of damage and directly disabled the opponent's jungler and mid laner, but she was also attacked by 4 people. The siege, the AD also output a little before dying, so he died.

However, it was also because of being under siege and absorbing tons of skills. When the other teammates arrived, almost all the key skills of the opponent had entered the cooldown state. With no skills and a poor state, it was easy to wipe out the opponent here.

The coach really shined when he saw Li Shuyao's performance. Although he knew that Li Shuyao would be promoted to the first team after the game, at least he could use it today.

To win a victory is counted as a game, let’s not talk about anything else, she really deserves to be promoted to the first team player, he was a little skeptical before, but seeing that she can play this effect without training, this If it is integrated, it is really at least a top laner at the top league level.

As a result, when he informed Li Shuyao to play in the next decisive round, he refused...

This is a bit embarrassing for him. Although it is said that the attention of the secondary league is relatively low, it is not completely ignored. Not to mention the Internet, a considerable part of the audience off the field is Li Shuyao's fans.

Although it is said that she has not publicized this matter, but there are traitors in Li Shuyao's fan group!
Well, I'm talking about you... Zhen Dahong!

As the self-proclaimed number one fan of Li Shuyao, as the No. [-] winner for several months, this big shot can be said to be very successful in the fan group.

Naturally, he knew about Li Shuyao's first appearance on the field, and it was easy to check. Li Shuyao was listed as a substitute in the CRM report. After thinking about it for a while, he knew that she must be making an appearance today, otherwise her name would not be added suddenly. .

So he revealed a little bit in the fan group.

So, there are quite a few fans who came with him today...

Otherwise, why did this group of people yell so hard when Li Shuyao came on stage? There are no star players in the secondary league. At most, everyone is cheering for your operation, but there are not many people who start yelling before the game starts. .

And not only the fans, but also many people in the circle paid attention to this game.

You know, the song Let Him Go is still quite popular in the circle, and Li Shuyao's rank ranking will be pulled out by the major e-sports self-media from time to time, and then a bunch of people will lament why this person doesn't come to play. Profession……

All major teams have more or less contacted Li Shuyao. After all, this complete rookie, who is old enough, capable, and not bound by messy team contracts, is not common. Newcomers are cheap!
Just like what Shen Zongyue thought, even if you can't achieve any results, you can still make money from marketing. The club also depends on marketing to make money.

In the end, it was a bit helpless to be snatched away by CR in advance, who made Jingyi and her best friend.

So, on the surface, this match was just an ordinary competition between the teams of the secondary league, but it really attracted many people's attention, or many people just wanted to see how Li Shuyao's performance was.

Now the managers of the major teams have more or less guessed that Li Shuyao will be the starting top laner of CR next year, and everyone is very interested in this strange player.

Everyone knows the lineup of the other teams, you have such a rookie... Don't be a secret weapon...

The coach naturally knew about these things, so he didn't dare to replace Li Shuyao when Li Shuyao performed so well in this round, he was afraid of being scolded to death...

Hmm... It was the first time he felt this kind of pressure in the secondary league. There were no players of this level in the secondary league before.

When the coach and the other five were on stage, what Li Shuyao had just said to their team's top laner was still echoing in their minds:
"You were beaten so badly in the first round, don't you feel angry? Don't you want to go back and seek revenge from them? I don't believe you don't want to, I don't believe you are just such a person, I don't think you will, I don't think you You should have the drive that a teenager should have!"

"Since you don't have the confidence to win the second game, then I'll help you play the second game. Okay, now I've won a decisive game for you. Don't you dare to play? Don't tell me you dare not even play Don’t dare, what profession do you play! Now, answer me, do you dare!”

"Okay, since you have called out dare, then show it to me! Show everyone, are you worse than me? Are you worse than all of them? Don't you want to be marked with lpl? Do you want to fight to the death in the Super League?"

"Okay, since you said you don't want to, then give it to me! Win this game for me, take out your most confident hero to win the opponent, and let everyone know, you, and you, all of you, He is the king on this stage!"

Li Shuyao yelled and irritated several people, her eyes turned red, and then rushed up screaming... Even the coach rushed up with a flushed face.

When the people from the opposite team came to the stage, they looked at these red-faced boys speechlessly... We obviously lost the last game, why did it seem like you were coming to us for revenge... No, the roles are reversed.

Shen Zongyue looked at Li Shuyao who was leaning on the sofa with a cup of coffee and enjoying himself for a while, and was speechless for a while, if he hadn't learned who you are from Tantai Jingyi in advance, I would have been almost taken away by you.

Why can you say such lines in the second grade in such a serious manner? Hey!
What kind of king on stage... How dare you say this!What kind of social miscellaneous syndrome do you have?
Even if it's a good thing to say, isn't that what the coach should say to the players? Why would you, a rookie, say such things to a group of veteran players?

Look at those boys who are so excited, not to mention the boys, why do other people also look excited!
By the way, are you here to be a player or a psychoanalyst? You not only do Tai Chi before the competition, but also give me a psychological counseling, right?

But you definitely did this out of laziness and didn't want to go on stage, right? Good guy, you really do everything just to be lazy.

But, Shen Zongyue didn't say anything. After all, she did fulfill her previous promise, and even exceeded her promise a little bit. It really is her style...

I like to finish everything first, and then I start to rest.

So although this guy said that he produced a lot of works and was very active from the outside world, in fact, his working time was very short, but his efficiency was scary.

Sure enough, this is the world of geniuses!

Hmm... That guy Lu Yao is right. When he is around Li Shuyao, he always complains in his heart unconsciously. I don't know why. Anyway, he just feels that this guy has flaws all over his body.

If Tucao has energy, then this product is definitely a natural power bank, providing various energy sources for people around you anytime, anywhere.

However, in this case, next year's lineup can really look forward to it.

Chow Mein Coach...does this meet your requirements?

 Haha, the Tucao stars are coming~
(End of this chapter)

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