Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 210 It's up to you!

Chapter 210 It's up to you!
The result of the majority of positive reviews was thought of by Li Shuyao in advance. One is that the TV drama will not let too many bad reviews appear, so there are certain trolls and control reviews in it, but both Li Shuyao and Lu Yao asked not to control too much. ... so there are still some negative comments.

Although for most of the songs, there are few negative comments, but compared with Li Shuyao's previous songs, there are more controversies.

This is also normal. After all, this song is from the TV series. There are many fans or black fans of the TV series coming in, plus Fu Jinqing's traffic and the drainage of the show.

Naturally, there are all kinds of people. If there are too many people, there will be disputes. Everyone looks at this work with different purposes, so the conclusions they draw are naturally different, so Li Shuyao doesn't care too much.

What she pays special attention to is generally her own independent works, and this kind of works that are attracted by other parties is almost fine, and if they are overly controlled, they will also cause disgust.

after all……

Some of the messages were so fake that Li Shuyao couldn't stand it anymore!

such as:

"It's so beautiful, I like this kind of work the most."

"It's really interesting to see this kind of theme by accident. It's a good drama worth watching."

"This is the best TV series I've ever wanted in this period of time. I seem to be watching the next episode soon."

"I haven't watched TV dramas for a long time, but this drama is so good, I really like it."

"I've finished watching the newer episodes right away, it's really good."

"It's so fun to watch, I like it so much, it's hard not to watch a good drama."

"It was recommended by a friend, and I have already fallen into it."


Li Shuyao is tired of watching it. Did you find the wrong place? This is the MV of a song, not the TV series you were looking for. You can’t even tell the difference between the player and station B. It’s time to deduct money!

This should be the sailors hired by the TV drama. If you don’t look professional at all, you can’t change your speech skills. Randomly pick a few people from among the web writers and write you a hundred and eighty articles, can you? Don't use such words, it's really embarrassing.

Besides, what are you doing with a bunch of first-level trumpets?It's also thanks to you for finding so many trumpets, it must have been quite a struggle to answer the questions.

Who can't see that this is a navy?If it wasn't for Li Shuyao, the sailor, he would immediately dance jazz for you in high heels!
Forget it, regardless of these people, it's a sold song anyway, and such comments can't be found anyway, and the hot reviews are basically true, and it took her a long time to find it.

Stretching for a long time, Li Shuyao looked at the time and it was still early, so hurry up and paint, try to finish part of the work within three to five days, and then leave it to Lu Yao to do it!
The food video is already being edited, and Li Shuyao is quite satisfied with the preliminary cut out, and after pointing out some opinions, let them continue to follow along.

It will be finished in about three or four days.

Li Shuyao is going to save up first, so there is no need to update it so quickly. There have been a lot of videos updated in the past two days. Although they are all suspected of advertising, the quality is very good.

Whether it's Wan Xing or this Zhiyou, the quality is excellent. Although the video of Zhiyou is simply a TV series theme song, the quality is still very good.

The high-quality video makes everyone ignore that these two are the essence of advertising videos.

So Li Shuyao decided to update it every Monday, and save videos, so that I can be lazy in the future... No, I can go to other things.

After painting at about four o'clock, Li Shuyao went to the live broadcast. She didn't do much makeup, she simply patted and painted, so that her face would not look pale when she was on camera.

In fact, because of her martial arts practice, she is very full of energy and blood, so even without makeup, she still has a ruddy complexion, and she will not look vicissitudes.

This kind of life lasted for almost 6 days. Li Shuyao basically used the time except eating, sleeping, and live broadcasting to paint. The original paintings and storyboards are exquisite and meticulous.

The main reason is that this time I want to paint the life in the mountains and forests, the process of firing blue and white porcelain, and the firmness and tenderness expressed by the two when they support each other, so Li Shuyao has withheld a lot of details.

Li Shuyao looked very satisfied, and even drew a picture directly...

Well, it was painted with watercolors, very unprofessional, after all, she didn't even have a crayon, let alone paint, canvas or something.

It takes several days to paint an oil painting on bare canvas.

Not to mention ink painting...

When Li Shuyao watched the video, I saw that the ancients used various natural dyes to paint, and used various ores, medicinal herbs and other colors to color, and the paintings really would not fade for hundreds of years.

Anyway, she can't play with that thing, she can draw with a computer now.

If she had to fix it, she probably would have to find some calligraphy and painting masters to shake hands...

"It's finally finished..." Li Shuyao looked at the blue and white porcelain placed in the bamboo house in the forest and nodded in satisfaction. A clean and distant feeling appeared on the paper... on the computer screen, it can be used as a wallpaper!

Then Li Shuyao sent all these materials to Lu Yao: "Sister Lu, I have finished the blue and white porcelain MV painting part, and I will leave the rest to you. Come on, fighting, Ollie!"

Not long after, Lu Yao sent six opinions to Li Shuyao: "..."

This is so easy and natural for you to tell me!
After finishing this work, I got the electronic music done by myself, so I can wait for the training camp with peace of mind, and even if the electronic music is done, she doesn't plan to post it this month, she plans to post it after a while.

I have released two songs this month, and the frequency of consecutive releases is too high!
You can't let the audience develop the habit of posting two or three songs a month, this habit is very bad!What's wrong?The main reason is that it is a bit expensive to up the master...

In the future, I will try to play one song a month, and then take a one-month break occasionally. I can guarantee 10 songs a year, or even a little less, 8 to 9 songs are acceptable.

This is considered a high yield, right?

It's better than the strong trumpet who has delayed the album for several years!

Posting one song a month can also lengthen the time for publicity and digestion for everyone, otherwise one song may not reach the maximum publicity.

"Hoo... electronic music..." Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief, remembering the electronic music that he wanted to bring to the New Year's festival. It is also one of Li Shuyao's favorite electronic music. There are pure music versions and lyrics Version, before it became popular all over the world.

The person who created this song is also a genius boy.

A hot man who has been hiding behind a hood and a mask, always only showing a pair of deep eyes to the audience!

Although his music is not the first classic, but basically very nice.

"With e-sports, this electronic music will definitely become popular again, so no matter how much money this song earns, please donate it. It can be regarded as my contribution to the world."

Li Shuyao left the studio, came to the music room, and took a deep breath when she saw the brand new equipment that had been installed.

Synthesize the music on the computer first, and then adjust it slowly...adjust it!

"Well, that's it!" Li Shuyao nodded, then turned and walked out of the music room. Before that, eat first!

It's time for lunch!

 I sent red envelopes in the group at 12 o'clock in the morning before, and then it seemed that the network card was broken, and many people didn't receive it... Haha, they received it one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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