Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 211 Interview?

Chapter 211 Interview?

It is Li Shuyao's long-standing work habit to finish work as soon as she has work, and then take a rest without any burden. Since she was going to produce that electronic music, she quickly devoted herself to work.

The production of electronic music is still very simple for Li Shuyao. After all, copying is enough. The reason why it takes her so long to make an animation MV is because it is original.

It doesn’t take time to conceive it, and it doesn’t take time to modify it if it feels wrong, and you can’t take it for granted. In order to draw better natural scenery, she has browsed a lot of pictures and videos of natural scenery, and watched a lot of antiques. Photos of buildings, models, etc.

No way, she didn't have time to really watch it, so she could only watch it online. Fortunately, there is something called VR, which is quite immersive.

Well, serious VR.

In addition, she also needs to understand the production process of blue and white porcelain, and then understand some small details of hermit life, which can be counted as small easter eggs in the video.

Otherwise, how do you say that copying is the most convenient, or why are there so many plagiarisms?

So she produced the music very quickly. There is also a singing version of this electronic music, and it is fine to release it later. Fang Xuening can sing it at that time.

Her ethereal voice is very suitable for this electronic music.

She doesn't plan to make this electronic music MV too complicated. She can use a long-lost picture flow, and then add some dancing water splashes and radio waves.

Originally, most of the pure music had no MV, but she made one forcibly to post a video. Last time, the Evening Star had some content, but this time it really has no content.

It just sounds good.

On the other hand, the other version can shoot a MV or something, after all, there is room for expansion in the lyrics.

So this time, Li Shuyao drew a spiral picture with a sense of three-dimensional space. The background is the cosmic starry sky, which seems to be traveling through the starry sky.

And the deeper you look, the feeling of fading is manifested.

It also fits the title of this electronic music.

After drawing the painting, Li Shuyao dumped the electronic music and painting to Lu Yao again: "Sister Lu, I have also made this electronic music for charity, and for this MV, you can make me a song that keeps going to me." The feeling of the GIF of the front stretching, I just said so, you can experience it yourself."

"Then, in the process of stretching, it is also a process of continuous fading, from deep black to light, and finally to soft white."

"In the middle, you can add some electric waves, water droplets and other things to bring out the sense of rhythm. You are all experts, you know it."

"Okay, that's about it, I'll leave the rest to you, come on, fight, Ollie!"

In this regard, Lu Yao once again expressed six opinions: "..."

At this moment, Lu Yao has something in his mind that MMP doesn’t know if it’s appropriate to say it or not. What’s wrong with this deja vu? Didn’t you just give me a video yesterday? I just started doing it here, and you are the first It's all over?

Printers are not so fast!
"Right, there's one more thing."

Just as Li Shuyao was about to put down her phone and roll around on the bed, Lu Yao sent a message, and then called directly:
"Yaoyao, there is something you need to decide."

"Huh? What...seems to be very important." Li Shuyao blinked. In the past few days, she has done nothing but live broadcast.

"There is an exclusive interview, it's an interview with you and Fu Jinqing, it's arranged by TV series, do you want to participate?" Lu Yao asked.

"If I don't participate, this interview will not go on." Li Shuyao slapped her mouth.

"If you don't participate, it will be cancelled." Lu Yao was speechless. You made this song from the beginning to the end. If you don't participate, who will you ask them to interview?
"Uh... If it's not... let's go." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth: "Hey, I'm so tired."

"..." Lu Yao was speechless. You just wanted to go, didn't you? Staying at home these few days is really boring, you just want to go out to relax, right?

I see through you!
"Okay, then you should prepare. I will inform you of the specific interview time." After Lu Yao said a word, he hung up the phone and couldn't talk any more, otherwise this guy would be pissed off!
After hanging up the phone, Lu Yao was a little dazed looking at the picture sent by Li Shuyao. Looking at it, he seemed to be caught in the picture too. He felt that the picture seemed to be moving, but it was not moving when he looked closely.

This seemingly simple picture gave her a little visual illusion.

"It's interesting." Lu Yao smiled. There are pictures of this optical illusion on the Internet, so it's not a novelty, but it's the first time I've seen it in a song.

After seeing the picture, Lu Yao immediately planned to listen to the electronic music prepared by Li Shuyao. According to Li Shuyao, she thought this electronic music was very profitable.

Looking at Li Shuyao's attitude before, she wanted to use this song to make a lot of money for charity.

Putting on the earphones and listening to the music that seemed to be constantly beating, Lu Yao was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes gently, the rhythm gradually became stronger, the emotions gradually advanced...

Lu Yao unconsciously stood on tiptoe and shook his head.

When the song gradually came to an end, Lu Yao took a deep breath, and then repeated the single without hesitation.

My God, the rhythm of this song is too good, what is it that makes people shake along with it unconsciously...

Hiss... this... is it really something that was created in a day?

Don't they all say that there are no good things in quick products?
Why are all the good things out of this product?

It's really a bit outrageous, is this really what happened?
No wonder she wants to use this music for charity, no wonder she wants to use this music to celebrate the New Year, the quality is really too strong, it can be played anywhere.

Hiss... Suddenly, I feel a little distressed, why is this little girl willing to give all the proceeds from this song to charity.

"Sister are this? Sister Lu? Sister Lu? Sister Lu...You...are...well..."

Lu Yao was swaying in the world of music, when suddenly a long-pitched shout came from his ear.

Lu Yao was shocked, then put down the earphones, and looked at the girl in front of him helplessly... I can't say she is a girl, she just looks like a girl, but she is actually an old aunt who is almost 30 years old.

"Miss Yunli, what's the matter?" Lu Yao said helplessly.

"I have a new idea for this video of Yaoyao...I think, here..." Yun Li held her small tablet and began to talk about her design with joy. She is a special effects artist, and seeing such a good picture Just want to add something to increase the overall performance.

Then as she spoke, she heard the voice from Lu Yao's earphones...

"Huh, what's the sound?" Yun Li blinked, then grabbed the earphones and listened...and unconsciously shook his head along with it.

" this Yaoyao's new work? so cool." After listening to it for a while, Yun Li looked at Lu Yao with surprise and said, "I...I want to make this song! Don't anyone stop me!"

 Thanks to the rascal master for the reward~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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