Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 215 Why do some people keep luggage in the car?

Chapter 215 Why do some people keep luggage in the car?

"You did well today, Treasure Girl." Lu Yao said to Li Shuyao in the back seat of the car while driving.

The interview was over, and they didn't prepare lunch yet, so naturally they went back to their respective houses, each looking for their own mothers.

Li Shuyao and the others chatted happily afterwards, and Lu Yao didn't bother them. Of course, the conversation was really good, and it's okay to be lively and cute. Even because of Li Shuyao's versatility, in the end, the reporter directly crowned her as a treasure girl. name...

But Lu Yao is very angry. When I was here, you were serious. When I left, you let yourself go. I delayed your relationship, right?Is it here to influence your old man's performance?
Then I go?
"Hey, it's okay." Li Shuyao smiled innocently, feeling a little bit embarrassed. Of course, her embarrassment was not because Lu Yao saw her chatting with others, but because of the treasure girl...

Ahem, I've been hiding so deeply that I'm about to be discovered!

Sure enough, he is still too good. He obviously tried his best to hide himself, but he was still seen by others. If he releases it in the future, more people will know about it.

Alas, melancholy.

He clearly agreed to keep a low profile, but his strength doesn't allow it.

"..." Lu Yao was speechless, as soon as she saw this little girl, she was proud of herself, okay, at this moment, she has become childish again, and then it seems that she will not be restrained no matter whether it is an interview or something.

Lu Yao originally wanted to let Li Shuyao establish a gentle and generous image to the outside world, but now it seems that she should let her...

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Lu Yao's original idea. After all, Li Shuyao is mainly in the up host and anchor, and will not set foot in the entertainment circle, so as long as he leaves an image of an "ordinary person" in the entertainment circle. .

Because everyone behaves like this, it will appear very ordinary, ordinary people will not attract attention, and they will not leave a deep impression on everyone.

This is not hype.

If everyone is the same, then it is not a human design, it is just an attitude in the face of interviews.

It seems that when everyone goes out for an interview, they basically sit upright.

"After today, you will have nothing to do." Lu Yao changed the subject, since this is the case, then accept it, anyway, the result is good.

"Yeah... I'm going to the training camp soon." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth. It's already the end of November, and Tantai Jingyi has attended the year-end awards ceremony and the All-Stars. These two are held together. Yes, when it was held, Li Shuyao was still working hard to make the video...

Around mid-December, she will go to a training camp. After training for one month, she will basically start playing the spring game around mid-January.

Think about it and even have a little longing.

"Then... let's make some MVs for a few songs in the next few days." Lu Yao said, "I don't need it in December, I have the electronic music in January, blue and white porcelain in February, and all the two months of March and April. Post a piece of music, just pick 12 pieces from the music you have now."

"Why only March and April, why not May." Li Shuyao pouted: "You think I can't win the spring championship, and I can't go to MSI!"


"Huh!" Li Shuyao puffed her mouth: "I'll just make three songs! I don't have time in May! I'm going to MSI!"

"Okay, okay, then you can make three songs." Lu Yao pursed his lips and smiled: "The speed of one song a month is still okay, and some of your daily life in the team will be interspersed in the middle, as well as your live broadcast. It can be guaranteed to continue to be updated.”

"Yeah." Li Shuyao nodded: "However, my usual live broadcast time should be compressed, and I should focus on training."

"Well, everyone knows this." Lu Yao nodded, and then sighed softly: "I don't know if it's right for you to play professionally."

"Is there anything wrong with that? Just go if you want." Li Shuyao waved his hand. I still need to think about the cheating life?Just do it!

"I'm home, I'm home." Li Shuyao got out of the car with a laugh: "I heard that Xiaoxuexue and Jingyi have prepared lunch, haha, I don't know what kind of food they will make, otherwise, sister Lu, you will come to my house too A few days, haha, let's play together."

"They? Cook?" Lu Yao smacked his mouth, and the two of them should not come up with any dark dishes when cooking: "It's fine to stay for a few days."

"Uh... it should be cooking..." Li Shuyao was also a little uncertain, as if she did say that she had prepared the food, but she didn't say that they cooked it themselves.

Moreover, it seems that the two of them really don't know how to cook.

Hmph, you underestimated me before, but I suddenly remembered that you obviously don't even know how to cook!

"Bye, sister Lu, I'm going back. Come here whenever you want to live." Li Shuyao pouted, and then ran back quickly. She wanted to see what meals these two had prepared!
Lu Yao raised his eyebrows, then gently blocked the door that was about to close, turned around and quietly dragged out a small backpack from the trunk...

Lu Yao looked back and forth, there should be no problem with the car parked at the door, this road is quite wide... If it's really impossible, if someone doesn't allow it, just come out and move it into the garage by yourself!
Then Lu Yao quietly walked in, and then heard Li Shuyao shouting from inside: "Oh, I thought you guys really cooked, so it's a takeaway order!"

"Nonsense, it's not takeaway." Fang Xuening's voice appeared right after.

"Comparatively speaking, I still think takeaway is more reliable." Tantai Jingyi also said.

"Meow!" This is the little cat.


"???" What is this voice?It seems there are two more?

Lu Yao came over with a puzzled expression on his face, and then saw a large table of dishes on the table, three little girls were sitting on chairs, Brother Gou was at the small table next to him, besides that small table, apart from Brother Gou Besides, there are two little squirrels.

Hell, why are there two little squirrels?

Is your family running a zoo?Why do little squirrels come into people's homes, aren't they afraid of people?It really shocked me.

"Hey, sister Lu, you didn't leave." Li Shuyao looked at Lu Yao and blinked: "What's the matter with you carrying a bag?"

"Oh... I'm here for two days, identify the door." Lu Yao put the bag beside him, then smacked his mouth: "So, which room do I live in?"

"Huh?" Li Shuyao was shocked. Is my house a hotel? Why did you come to my house one or two.

Lu Yao shrugged: "Didn't you say you had time to come and live with you?"

" fast?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth wide. I thought you would come in a few days, but I didn't expect you to come now. Do you have luggage in the car?

"Isn't it normal for a person like me who travels a lot to always have some luggage in the car?" Lu Yao said with a smile, "Look at how vigorous I am, I've come as soon as you invited me."

"..." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, don't you have to work?Don't you still have many anchors and up masters under your command? Why did you come here to fish together?

Hey, no, why are you fishing at her house?
When did this notion come into being...

This is not good, change it!

Be determined to change!

 What are your New Year's resolutions for the new year~
  Well, even if I say it, I may not be able to achieve it.

(End of this chapter)

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