Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 216 So, why are you here

Chapter 216 So, why are you here
During the meal, Brother Gou sat by the small table, looking at the extra aunt a little puzzled, although it was not the first time for this aunt to come, but this time she seemed to be staying for a few more days, and she even carried a bag bag it.

Well, there will be another two-legged beast in the family.

The clan is getting stronger and stronger.

Sure enough, Mama's charm will still be great. From now on, Mama will seduce the Twolegs side, and my dog ​​brother will come to other creatures, so that we can network the world's talents!
All the heroes of the world are in my heart!

Well, Mama told me this sentence before, governing the world depends on countless talents, what is most important in the 21st century, talents!

Although Brother Gou doesn't quite understand what the 21st century is, what Ma Ma said is right, Ma Ma said it should be like this and it should be like this!

"Well... why do I feel that this cat looks at me a little bit wrong." Lu Yao always felt that a small eye was looking at her from the side as he ate, and then when he turned his head, he saw Brother Gou staring at her. Looking at her with wide eyes.

Then the two little squirrels next to her were cracking nuts, but when they saw Brother Gou turn his head, they turned their heads too... So she was stared at by these three little things.

Although let's just say, these are three little things, not human beings, and they should be in a daze rather than looking at themselves, but it seems a little weird to always look in this direction.

"Oh, Brother Gou probably regards you as its subject." Tantai Jingyi said after glancing at Brother Gou.

"Brother Dog? What kind of stupid name is that?" Lu Yao was speechless: "It turns out that you really called it by its name before, and I thought it was a joke."

"Isn't this name very good? Let me tell you, this name has a lot of background..." Li Shuyao became energetic when she heard about Brother Gou's name. There is something to this!

"Stop, stop..." Lu Yao hurriedly called Li Shuyao to stop, this guy was obviously in a posture of talking endlessly, it was during the interview in the morning, this guy almost didn't stop: "What's the situation with the people? "

"Oh, Yaoyao gives it lessons every day, specifically telling stories about emperors, such as Emperor Qin, Hanwu, Tang Zong and Song Zu. I just finished talking about Huo Guang two days ago, and I'm talking about Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty." Fang Xuening said while eating.

"Huh? You give a lecture to a cat?" Lu Yao looked at Li Shuyao in shock, as if he saw can't swear, you can't swear...

"Yaoyao, that, otherwise, let's go somewhere in the afternoon, my sister knows a very gentle sister, shall we go and play with her?" Lu Yao suddenly looked at Li Shuyao with a smile.

"Pfft..." Fang Xuening burst out laughing.

Tantai Jingyi pouted at the side, stuck out her tongue, then turned her head and glared at Brother Gou.

"Meow..." Brother Gou yelled for a while, then turned around and continued eating. These people didn't know what they were doing, they were smiling for a while, and fussed for a while.

What's the matter with teaching a cat, cats can't take lessons, who stipulates that cats can't learn knowledge, hum, this is Hongguoguo's discrimination!

Li Shuyao also looked at Lu Yao speechlessly: "Sister Lu, if I guessed correctly, is that friend of yours a psychiatrist?"

"How could it be, not at all." Lu Yao said with a smile: "I think the psychiatrist can't cure it, you have to go to the hospital."

"Hey, I'm so short-tempered!" Li Shuyao rolled up her sleeves, then puffed her mouth and sat down after seeing Lu Yao's extremely oppressive eyes.

The man can bend and stretch!

After dinner, Li Shuyao arranged a room for Lu Yao, and the second floor was fully occupied all of a sudden. However, Fang Xuening lived in Li Shuyao's room all year round except for the live broadcast, so her room could The default is empty.

Li Shuyao originally wanted to hang a sign on Lu Yao's door, but she had already thought up the sign, so she called, "Big-eyed cute girl, come whenever you want."

However, in the face of Lu Yao being her good friend, forget it!
During the live broadcast in the afternoon, Li Shuyao inexplicably felt a lot of pressure... Generally speaking, although she faced countless viewers during the live broadcast, even she knew that Lu Yao would watch the live broadcast sometimes.

But after all, it's on the other side of the network cable. It's okay to know, and she can't jump in front of her to do something...

But pinch, today is different, today this guy is sitting outside the camera, although the camera can't capture it, but Li Shuyao can see it when he tilts his head!

Damn it, I was stared at by this woman for a whole day!Could this be the strong oppressive force of the manager on the artist? Hey, how could I fall down here!

"Yaoyao..." Lu Yao looked at Li Shuyao from the side and cast a glance to this side for a while, and after he was done, he rushed to the other side to fight, and he knew that this guy was definitely not thinking of anything good!
"What's the matter, Sister Lu, wait a minute, this little Bobby on the opposite side dares to be in front of me...cough cough, dare to dance in front of me, is it tolerable or unbearable! I will kill him alone today!" Li Shuyao stared, looking They don't even look at Lu Yao.

"Ah, who are you asking, my manager, Sister Lu, is a worker...well, a good person!" Li Shuyao looked at the barrage and smacked her mouth. No, I've been a little too naive recently. Words, this is not good, this is not good.

This is a bad habit that needs to be changed!
The whole afternoon's live broadcast almost ended under Lu Yao's scrutiny. Li Shuyao was a little nervous at first, but then gradually let go of it. Lu Yao is nothing to be afraid of.

But at night...

"So...why are you here..." Li Shuyao looked at Lu Yao and Fang Xuening who were lying on her bed speechlessly and twitched the corners of her mouth.

It's fine that Fang Xuening is here, but you, Lu Yao, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, never thought that you are also such a person!
Then what room do you need? Your room is just for storing luggage!
Li Shuyao was very relieved when she took a bath in her room before, thinking that Lu Yao was a decent person just like Tantai Jingyi.

But I didn't expect that this product was the same as that white hair!
Just a decent person on the surface!
Gan!What kind of person is looking for what kind of broker!

I was fooled!

Now these two people are lying in a row, and then a small head is exposed one after the other, and two pairs of big eyes are looking eagerly at Li Shuyao who came back after packing up.

"Ah oh..." Lu Yao yawned: "Sleep, aren't you sleepy? I ran a big circle today, and the live broadcast was so long in the afternoon. If you are not sleepy, I will be sleepy."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sleepy." Fang Xuening also said, "Oh, I'm so tired."

"..." Li Shuyao was speechless, and Lu Yao was fine with that. Where are you so tired, little white hair? Although I finally remembered that I had to update the video today, so I went to the recording studio to study my cover song. But in general it didn't even come out!
"Hey, come on, come on, don't waste time!"

"That's right, what are you doing standing by the side if you don't sleep at night?"

"..." I'll go, these two people are still singing together, this room is originally me!Me!

Forget it, since you have all been washed for nothing, then why should I be afraid, hum!
You look good!
 I had a dream last night. In the dream, the protagonist was born in a city with extremely advanced technology. It is said to be a city, but it is more like a team. The level of technology of this team far exceeds the average level of the world. The power to eliminate disasters and solve difficulties for the world.

  But as time went by, the city gradually changed. They gradually regarded themselves as saviors and became gods on high. They have no morality, no ethics, no emotions, and develop technology crazily. There is no husband and wife relationship in this city, only mating and production .

  The protagonist was originally the most powerful scientist in the city. Later, he felt the changes in the city and chose to quit, and then became an ordinary person incognito, married a wife and had children.

  After a while, a person from that city suddenly found him and wanted to cooperate with him. He took out the latest technology. He opened the box. Inside the box was a lobster with front and back double-headed tails. The meat of this lobster is extremely delicious, far superior to ordinary lobsters.

  But the protagonist refused, he didn't want to go back, and thought the research was wrong, so he refused.

  I saw them explain in my dream that this lobster is no longer a living thing, and its essence has changed, as if a person has turned into brown sugar...

  But that person didn't understand the protagonist's thoughts, and became curious after seeing the relationship between the protagonist and his wife, so he took his wife away while the protagonist was asleep.

  Well, then I woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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