Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 217: Knowing People, Knowing Faces, But Not Hearts

Chapter 217: Knowing People, Knowing Faces, But Not Hearts
The next morning, Li Shuyao lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling speechlessly, suddenly regretting that Lu Yao was left behind yesterday. , I didn't expect that she really came in with a burden.

But these are not the most important, the most important thing now is that these two people are lying on her body, she can't get up!

One of these two people had their head on her stomach, and the other was holding her leg. She was held up!
I don't know how these two people slept. They were lined up in a row at the beginning, but why did they become like this when they woke up? Did you have a fight with someone in your dream?

Of course, if she thinks about it, she can still get up, but, if she comes together, they will wake up both of them, although let’s just say, it’s a bit speechless for these two people to run away without sleeping when they have a house , but she is also very happy...

Cough cough, it is purely the happiness of the ancients who fell asleep on their feet. This is the happiness of a gentleman, and there is no other care at all!
Besides, it's just past five o'clock, maybe it's nothing to Fang Xuening, after all, it's been such a long time, sometimes when Li Shuyao gets up, she also gets up together, but sometimes she turns around when the live broadcast is too late Then I fell asleep.

But as for Lu Yao, this guy definitely doesn't have the habit of getting up at 5 in the morning. If I wake her up now, she will definitely not be able to rest well.

It's hard to be woken up.

Alas, I am really too kind.

Li Shuyao pouted, she forgot to say that she would get up early last night, alas, I was a little too happy last night... Cough cough, I was a little busy last night, so I forgot these little things.

Just when Li Shuyao was looking at the ceiling feeling melancholy, the bedroom door opened a small gap, and then...


Brother Gou's high-pitched barking sounded, and then there was a clicking sound.

Obviously, it was caught by Xiaoyugan again!

After hearing the kitten's cry, Fang Xuening grunted for a while, as if she had woken up a little, then rolled to the side and continued to sleep soundly.

But, Lu Yao didn't wake up, he still lay his pillow on her stomach.

Li Shuyao was a little funny, Tantai Jingyi was bullying the little cat again, but it seemed that after Tantai Jingyi's training, the little cat became much smarter.

Sure enough, it will only grow after being hit a few times.

As the saying goes, "It is difficult to become an adult without being poor, and you are innocent without being hit..."

Well, it seems that it is not suitable, Brother Gou will not become a man after a few more blows.

However, just as Li Shuyao was thinking wildly, Lu Yao's cell phone rang, as if... an alarm clock was set in advance?
"Hmm..." Lu Yao woke up with sleepy eyes, then turned over and pressed the phone next to the bed... Her head lay on the pillow as if she had fallen asleep again.

I don't know when, Li Shuyao changed from being on the side to being in the middle, and then these two surrounded her from one left to the other.

Fortunately, now that both of them have left, she can get up too!

But why did Lu Yao set the alarm clock?
After Li Shuyao came down, she was still a little puzzled, and then she saw Lu Yao sitting up all of a sudden, looking at her with a droopy face.

"..." Li Shuyao curled her lips. Although she knew that you just got up, why are you looking at me with a downcast face? Isn't that the alarm clock you set yourself? It has nothing to do with me.

"Let's go, I'll go exercise with you." Lu Yao pouted and yawned, then turned over as well.

"You want to exercise with us?" Li Shuyao was a little surprised: "Why?"

"Look, let's see what you guys are doing." Lu Yao yawned and said, "Otherwise, why do you think I set an alarm clock so early?"

"Okay..." Li Shuyao shrugged, and then ran to wash up. When she came out of the bathroom, she found that Lu Yao was lying on the bed and fell asleep again...

Li Shuyao smiled and shook her head. People who are not used to getting up early must be a little uncomfortable suddenly waking up so early, but it seems interesting to lie there pouting.

Shaking her head, Li Shuyao changed into her practice clothes, and then met with Tantai Jingyi who was already prepared...

"They still haven't gotten up." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

"Last night I slept a bit late." Li Shuyao saw Tantai Jingyi's strange eyes just as she opened her mouth: " about you come tonight too?"

Tantai Jingyi raised her eyebrows: "It's not that big of a place."

"Well, there will always be crowding..." Li Shuyao smashed her mouth: "My bed can actually be put down... Cough cough, let's go, exercise, oops, I have to do three more As for the MV of the song, it’s so busy, so busy.”

Tantai Jingyi looked at Li Shuyao's back and raised her eyebrows, it's not impossible.

Li Shuyao, Tantai Jingyi, and Brother Gou exercised in the backyard as usual, and even the two little squirrels ran around together.

Although the two big squirrels jumped up and down on the tree trying to keep the two little squirrels from engaging in such dangerous activities, but pinch, it's too big to stay!

These two little guys didn't care about their parents' intentions at all. Anyway, they both came down every day, and then the parents jumped up and down there every day, as if they were very scared, but there was nothing wrong every time, and then the next day The sky continued to jump up and down.

seems to have no memory at all...

But, although I am afraid every day, I have no intention of leaving at all.

It's delicious, delicious and warm here, only a fool will leave!
It’s just that it’s a bit dangerous every day. The two little fools in the family always go to make trouble with others. They need them to scare those nasty predators here every day to keep them safe!

So, every morning, two people, one meow, and four squirrels jump up and down here.

When it was about to end, the two squirrels watched Lu Yao come out yawning in surprise. As for the two squirrels on the tree...

Well, jumping up and down is even more powerful.

"Ah... you guys got up really early." Lu Yao yawned again, but it was still a little cold outside, which made her wake up a lot.

"Yes, you guys really insist on waking up early and exercising every day." Lu Yao breathed out, feeling refreshed for a while.

"You woke up quite early before, why did you wake up now..." Li Shuyao asked while slowly waving her fists.

"It's too cold outside, and it's too warm inside the bed, so I was locked tightly by the bed. The bed couldn't leave me, and wouldn't let me go." Lu Yao said, smacking his mouth.

"..." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes, how did you manage to talk nonsense in such a serious manner, if you are lazy, just say lazy, what's the use of talking about those ozone layers!

Sure enough, sure enough, what does it mean to know people, face, but not heart? On weekdays, what your sister Lu said is... Ha, isn't it right, I didn't expect you to... Ha, didn't you!

Well, there are some things that cannot be stated clearly, understand, understand the spirit!
"Sister Lu, are you still living here today?" Tantai Jingyi asked while punching, if she still...

"It's quite comfortable to live in." Lu Yao also ran over and started to follow the decent ones: "Hey... ha... haha, how about it, do I have the talent to practice martial arts?"

"..." Well, you are also a funny...

 Didn't sleep well last night, sleepy~
(End of this chapter)

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