Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 218 The good guy, the people are really neat

Chapter 218 The good guy, the people are really neat

"Snoring...comfortable..." Lu Yao took a sip of the warm preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and immediately felt warmth from his stomach to his heart.

Li Shuyao specially added some minced ginger to the preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and also seasoned it. You can’t taste the taste of ginger when you drink the porridge, but after adding the minced ginger, it will be extra warm when you drink it, and the effect of repelling cold is MAX!

Even Tantai Jingyi and Fang Xuening, who don't like ginger, can't taste the taste of ginger, so they both drank happily...

In fact, ginger is indeed a good thing. It is very beneficial to the human body. It is also very good as a seasoning, but it is unacceptable to many people to eat it directly.

It is very good to make porridge like this, drink it hot, and sometimes you don’t even know that you have drunk ginger.

Li Shuyao's cooking naturally pays attention to nutritional adjustment, but that girl Fang Xuening is picky eater, she doesn't like carrots or anything.

So Li Shuyao often uses some methods to hide the smell of carrots, or reduce the density of carrots, which can reduce the special taste of carrots.

People who practice martial arts pay attention to food and supplements, but Li Shuyao and the others don't plan to become some kind of heroes, so they don't think about buying any medicinal materials in the past, as long as the nutrition is balanced.

"Hmm~ Sure enough, it's so comfortable to have a hot meal after exercising." Lu Yao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the sleepiness of getting up early was swept away, and he was full of energy!

"Where did you exercise... Stretch your arms and legs, at most you did radio gymnastics." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

"Going out and walking around is considered exercise." Lu Yao said indifferently, holding a small bun.

"That's right." Fang Xuening also nodded along with her.

Although she can't get up many times in the morning, she still eats most of her breakfast. Li Shuyao and the others wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning to exercise, and it takes almost an hour. They eat breakfast at around 7 o'clock, and Fang Xuening can also get up at this time .

It's a big deal to go to bed after eating, it's okay anyway.

But, today she woke up quite early, and walked around with her, so it can be regarded as exercising, as long as she moves, it is considered exercising!

Tantai Jingyi didn't care about these people, she also fed Brother Gou and the 4 little squirrels while eating by herself. Although the 4 little squirrels had their own storage, they would naturally eat new ones...

After eating, everyone should rest and tidy up. Lu Yao went back to her room to put on makeup, and she had to go out. Although she said she was staying here temporarily, she still had other things to do. Fang Xuening stayed here every day like Tantai Jingyi.

So at around 8 o'clock, after telling Li Shuyao to make the MV quickly, Lu Yao left with his small bag on his shoulders.

So, the thief of Li Shuyao's live broadcast this afternoon relaxed. Sure enough, only after experiencing the feeling of being stared at by others can he realize the nature of no one staring at him!

No comparison, no harm!


During dinner, Lu Yao dragged a suitcase, and then appeared at the door of Li Shuyao's house with a smile.

"You came on time... Could it be because of the smell?" Li Shuyao put a plate of food on the table, and she also prepared Lu Yao's food, but she didn't expect that he was stuck ordering. of.

"That's right, Xiaoxuexue has told me several times." Lu Yao ran to wash his hands, then sat on the seat, turned his head, and saw Brother Gou leading two little squirrels in a daze again He stared blankly at her.

"..." All right, these little animals are quite... humane, and I don't know where Li Shuyao got them.

After the meal, everyone was free to move around, and Lu Yao also dragged his luggage to decorate his cabin. Although he didn't necessarily need to live here, there must be a place to put his luggage.

After packing my luggage, I took a shower, changed into pajamas, and came to Li Shuyao's room comfortably, and then...

She saw people lying side by side with only two small heads showing.

It wasn't Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening.

It was Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi!
Lu Yao was stunned for a moment, and then saw that the bed seemed to have widened. There was still some distance between the two sides from the wall and the window, but now there is no distance at all.

But it looks very warm. After all, this feeling of fullness is very poking at the point in everyone's heart. Coupled with the surrounding pink wallpaper, it makes people look like they want to lie on it and roll.

Because I don't have to worry about falling off the bed, the urge to roll is strong.

For example, student Fang Xuening really wanted to roll, but was blocked by Tantai Jingyi, so she could only roll on the small area on the right.

"Why are you here?" Lu Yao looked at Tantai Jingyi and asked in surprise.

"Yaoyao asked me to come." Tantai Jingyi said as a matter of course.

"Hey..." Lu Yao opened his eyes, thinking of last night... couldn't help but chuckle: "Student Xiao Yaoyao is very greedy."

"What do you mean?" Tantai Jingyi blinked her eyes, and looked at Fang Xuening next to her with a puzzled expression...


"By the way, where is Yaoyao?" Lu Yao was a little puzzled.

"Oh, she should be playing the piano." Tantai Jingyi said: "She often likes to play the piano for a while at night, saying it is to relax her mind."

"Oh, that's right." Lu Yao nodded, then jumped up all of a sudden, fell on the bed with a touch, and then bounced lightly twice: "Hey, the quality is really good."

Then Lu Yao was on the left, Fang Xuening was on the right, and the two of them started rolling on one left and one on the right...

"..." Tantai Jingyi looked at the ceiling and was a little speechless. She always felt that Lu Yao's personality had collapsed since last night... How did she become more and more like Fang Xuening?

It's not that she is becoming more and more like Fang Xuening, but Fang Xuening imitated her?

Hey, it's not impossible. Lu Yao used to come here for work, and the way he showed himself to others was also the way he was at work. Who knows if this guy is a joke in private?

That is to say, Fang Xuening has the most contact with Lu Yao, so does it mean that Fang Xuening became a funny person because he learned from Lu Yao?
Quite possibly wow!
Then Tantai Jingyi suddenly remembered...why did she come here?Suddenly it felt a little bit strange!
While the two were rolling around and she was thinking alone, there were footsteps and meowing outside.

So, the two people who were rolling stopped suddenly, and then the three of them lined up and looked in the direction of the door.

"Hey... what a guy, the people are so neat."

As soon as Li Shuyao entered the door, she saw three little heads leaking out of the quilt, and then they all looked at her. If this was a horror novel, it would be a scare plot, but...

"Hey...cough cough, well, since you're all here, right, then I won't be polite, hahaha." Li Shuyao jumped up suddenly, and landed on the bed with a bump...

"Oh... I forgot." Li Shuyao rubbed her chest.

"Hahaha, come on, brothers." Lu Yao waved his hand, and rushed up together with Fang Xuening.

 The dream last night was probably similar to the scene of breaking into a haunted house in an abandoned school. You kept wandering in and out of it. There are also some cozy rooms that confuse you and prevent you from moving forward. There are also a lot of abandoned desks and chairs piled up in classrooms.

  In the end, my friends and I escaped the pursuit of ghosts, broke through cozy and confusing rooms, and even defeated the enemy head-on, climbed up the hill of abandoned tables and chairs, and ran out of the window...

  Well, then I woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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