Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 223 Are You Pregnant?

Chapter 223 Are You Pregnant?

This upgraded version of the food video received a lot of praise in an instant, and the popularity quickly reached the top three in the food area, and it was directly on the homepage of Station B the next day.

Speaking of which, the recommendation model of station B is somewhat different from the traditional recommendation model.

In the traditional original website, whoever promotes it, that is to say, for a creator, he can only get some small recommendations in the early stage, and then continuously polish his works, accumulate fans and then gradually climb up. As for the big recommendation of the homepage , small creators are not available.

If you want to get it, you have to have very good grades, and then counterattack all the way up, and those who can get the seal and push are basically masters.

That is to say, the hotter you are, the more you are pushed.

And during the entire chase, many, many people left.

But station B is the opposite. Station B often does not recommend the top page of the top up, or it will give a considerable part of the resources to the unknown up.

It can often be seen that the up that appears on the homepage of station B is an up with a small number of fans. Of course, the video quality must be excellent.

But you can also often see that Station B will recommend a small up on the homepage several times in a row, and then praise an up.

For example, Li Shuyao is actually like this. When she was a small up with less than [-] fans, she was pushed to the homepage several times in a row.

She was able to wake up so quickly at the beginning, although it was due to the high quality of the song itself, and the reason why Zhen Dahong and Lu Yao were behind the promotion, but it was also inseparable from the continuous recommendation of station B.

Of course, there are also those who have been praised several times and are still not popular, and they will be abandoned after a period of time.

After all, you were given a chance.

So in fact, Li Shuyao's works, except for the music video quality is really too high, the other videos are basically not on the homepage, and almost none of the food videos are on the homepage.

But this time the video was quickly uploaded.

This video is indeed very good. After all, the homepage is not only a place recommended for up, but also a signboard of station B itself. In addition to recommending good-quality newcomer videos to old users, it also wants to show some excellent works to new users.

As for mobile...

Users who often watch the food section are basically recommended this video.

Within two days, this video became the most played video among Li Shuyao's gourmet videos, and helped her harvest a large number of fans in the gourmet area.

However, Li Shuyao is still a little busy these two days.

Why are you busy?
The main reason is that her driver's license is coming down!
She finally got her driver's license successfully!
The exam was not difficult for her at all, mainly because the waiting time was too long. It took until December to finally get her driver's license, and she could finally drive the car in the garage!
Li Shuyao finally got the small book after going through an education. Don't tell me, watching those car accident scenes during the education was really miserable.

But, she is naturally a good citizen who abides by the law and will definitely drive safely. Moreover, she shook hands with the coach very politely when she was studying subject three!

On the night of the handshake, she slept soundly!

Among other things, she is definitely the strongest in the family driving this ordinary motor vehicle!

"Wow, Kaka, I'm also a certified person now, let's go, I'll take everyone for a ride!" Li Shuyao ran home excitedly after getting the notebook.

At this time, Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi were sitting on the balcony on the second floor, one was holding a tablet computer, the other was watching dramas, and the other was watching game videos.

The two of them both turned on the outside, and neither of them affected the other!

"Your car hasn't been driven for a long time..." Tantai Jingyi leaned on the lazy sofa and slammed her mouth: "Is there any problem? Do you want to take care of it?"

"Yeah, have you finished the formalities? The insurance has not expired." Fang Xuening slapped her mouth: "Besides, how is your driving?"

"Hey, hey, I've put up with the previous ones, but are you questioning my ability in the latter one?" Li Shuyao held a small book in one hand and the car keys in the other, pinched her waist, and said with pouting: "Don't believe me!" I'll find out when I take you for a run!"

"Drag racing is not allowed in the city." Tantai Jingyi said.

"Indeed." Fang Xuening also nodded.

"...Who said I'm going to go racing! Besides, I have a Mercedes-Benz S450L and an R320 in my garage. I'm going to go racing." Li Shuyao puffed her mouth.

These two cars are not really luxury cars, but they are also very good. They are all black. She doesn't plan to buy so many cars. These two cars are enough. One has five seats and the other has seven seats. It is enough to sit out.

Well, I still need to go through formalities or something.

To do these things...

"Hey, sister Lu... I have something very, very important to discuss with you now... Well, that's right, it's related to my future career, life and other aspects."

"Yes... yes, very, very and extremely important, um... I'll wait for you at home, if you don't come, I won't leave! Um... ok, see you later! Please!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Shuyao, who had a serious face just now, immediately laughed:

"Hey, we have tool people, haha."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Fang Xuening opened her mouth: "Are you sure that sister Lu won't beat you up later?"

Tantai Jingyi shrugged her shoulders: "I guess she will take the path of sadness in a while, so Sister Lu won't be willing to beat her up, right?"

"Bingo!" Li Shuyao snapped her fingers, and smiled: "I believe Sister Lu will definitely help!"

"All right, shameless little girl." Tantai Jingyi smacked her mouth.

" why did you guess what she was going to do so quickly?" Fang Xuening paused the TV series and looked at Tantai Jingyi.

"You're stupid."


"Ahem..." Li Shuyao coughed twice, and then immediately put on a look about to cry, and then returned to her normal look: "How was that expression just now?"

"It looks pitiful, but I think if you put on that look, sister Lu will definitely beat you up." Tantai Jingyi pouted: "It's not the first day we know each other."

"Oh...Okay." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth: "Then I'll tell the truth, I don't understand, let her help me as a sister, I will treat her to dinner! I will cook for her whatever she wants to eat at night !"

It didn't take long for the three of them to hear the sound of a humming engine coming from outside, followed by a sudden brake!
Then came the sound of a series of slamming doors and high-heeled shoes sprinting across the ground.

"Uh... why do I feel a little..." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, hearing the voices outside, Lu Yao seemed really anxious.

For a moment, Li Shuyao felt a little guilty. It seemed that she was a little too small before, causing others to worry about her...

Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi didn't say anything, just watched Lu Yao rushing all the way to the second floor with curiosity... Well, running in high heels, you're really a warrior!
"Yaoyao, are you pregnant?" Lu Yao looked at Li Shuyao eagerly as soon as he rushed up.

Fang Xuening: "..."

Tantai Jingyi "..."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Guilty P, excessive P, how did you think of being pregnant? Hey!

 I was lazy in bed for half an hour today, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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