Chapter 224

Li Shuyao looked at Lu Yao who was running up in a hurry and was speechless for a while, how did you think of that?You even think I'm hurt and I can accept it, you said you're pregnant?

Is something wrong with me or something wrong with you?
It's outrageous!
Off the spectrum!
"Looking at your eyes and expressions, it should not be what I thought." Lu Yao let out a long breath: "It's fine if it's not, it's fine if it's not."

"Hey, what's the matter? I'm under your nose every day. When I have time...ah, what?" Li Shuyao stared and pinched her waist!

Thinking of me in that kind of place, it's like jumping high in a latrine-too much!
"Then tell me, what is so important?" Lu Yao didn't seem to be in a hurry, and knew that this guy might be going to be a monster again, so he sat on the carpet helplessly.

"Uh...that..." Li Shuyao puffed her mouth, and then suddenly showed a very wronged look: "I..."

"Stop!" Lu Yao interrupted Li Shuyao in time, raised his eyebrows and said, "Tell me, what is it that I, a tool man, can help with?"

"Hey, sister Lu, how can you say that about yourself? You are not a tool person, you are too modest, too modest." Li Shuyao changed back to a smiling face in a second: "I am not asking sister Lu for something. Well."

"Okay, let me see what is related to your future career, life and other aspects." Lu Yao said with a smile.

"Oh, I have a driver's license." Li Shuyao blinked.

"Oh...and then what?"

"Look, is this driving related to my career, life and other aspects in the future? This is a big deal." Li Shuyao said solemnly.

"Oh...and then what?"

"Oh, this, I may have to go through some procedures, but I don't understand. I need your help, sister Lu." Li Shuyao blinked her big eyes, lowered her head and pouted slightly, looking very aggrieved "Hey, poor little girl, I just came of age, and I'm alone in this world, with no one to rely on, no..."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes...Come on." Lu Yao was speechless, if it wasn't for the past few nights...cough cough, sleeping together at night, talking loudly, my old lady really believed in your evil!

"Yaoyao, can." Tantai Jingyi smiled and gave Li Shuyao a thumbs up.

"Yaoyao, how do I feel about you and that...that...oh, that green tea..."

Before Fang Xuening could finish speaking, Li Shuyao directly threw her to the ground: "Who are you talking about green tea?"

"Help, help... You murdered your husband." Fang Xuening was thrown onto the carpet by Li Shuyao with a slap, and then she tossed hard...

"Let's go, let's go through the formalities..." Lu Yao sighed. Although Li Shuyao was suspected of pretending to be pitiful, she was right in some things. She was indeed just an adult and was still alone.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have come to live one by two.

Well, they came to live just to be with her, nothing else at all!
Thinking about it this way, it's really a little uneasy for her to go through the formalities by herself.

"Oye! Hehe." Li Shuyao jumped up, let go of a certain white hair, and then hugged Lu Yao: "Haha, sister Lu, I love you to death."


After going through the formalities for a day, everything was almost done. The two cars were already in Li Shuyao's name. Now they can change their license plates and register and they can go on the road.

So the next day, Li Shuyao drove her own R320 and took Fang Xuening, Tantai Jingyi, Lu Yao and Gouge on the picnic road together...

Well, anyway, this car is spacious, with 7 seats. Not only can it accommodate many people, but it can also store a lot of things. Moreover, this car is also very low-key, and it is completely inconspicuous when it is driven on the road!
As for why the winter picnic...

You care!Go if you want, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter!
I have been in the backyard of my house before, although it is pretty good, but it is always more open-minded to come out to play.

As for why Lu Yao came to play instead of going to work...

Well, it's not enough for people to rest and rest, why do they keep urging them to work!
"La la la la la... Ha ha ha... It feels so good to drive."

"Meow meow meow~"

Li Shuyao was singing in a small car. Although she said she couldn't eat hot pot, she was driving a car, and she wasn't running with a big horse. Eating hot pot is dangerous, so she can eat it somewhere else.

"We can understand your mood, but... can you understand our temperature and close your window." Lu Yao, wrapped in a big padded jacket, looked at the small open window next to Li Shuyao speechlessly. Why do these people Always like to open the window when driving?
This looks very chic?
Something is wrong!
It opens as soon as it opens in spring and summer, and also in autumn. What kind of windows do you open in winter!
Although the temperature outside did not drop below zero, it was quite cold in the wind!Look at what Fang Xuening was frozen for!

Fang Xuening huddled beside Tantai Jingyi, looking innocently at Lu Yao who turned his head.

Take a look, take a look, the little nose and cheeks are slightly flushed, poor kid.

It does look cute though.

"I know, I know." Li Shuyao quickly closed the windows, and then turned on the air conditioner a little.

In fact, the climate of this city is really good. Although it occasionally fluctuates below zero, such as the last snowfall, it is above zero most of the time.

Even though it is already December, the atmosphere during the day is still around 12 to 5 degrees, and it is not too cold at night.

In addition, Li Shuyao exercises every morning. Although it can't be said that the cold and heat are not invading, there is no pressure at all to drive and enjoy the wind.

Tantai Jingyi has only been exercising for more than a month and nearly two months, and she doesn't feel cold at this time.

Well, Lu Yao is actually not too cold, she is hugging Brother Gou, this guy is like a small stove.

So only student Fang Xuening was cold in the whole car...

In the MV, the Ice and Snow Goddess had already been frozen into a dog brother... Uh, no, the dog brother is not cold at all.

Not frost resistant at all.

"Where are we going today?" After the warm wind picked up, Fang Xuening said happily as if she had "thawed".

"Let's go to the suburbs and find a place to pitch a tent for a picnic!" Li Shuyao said with a chuckle.

For today's location, she looked at a large map last night. There are still some suburbs around the city, and these places are all good.

However, they were going to make a fire, so they must stay away from the mountains and forests. After searching for a long time, Li Shuyao had finally settled on a place, but it was a bit far away...

Li Shuyao gave everyone a look at the positioning, and then...

"I'll go, it's so far away." Lu Yao's eyes widened, and he was about to go to another city.

"It will take us more than an hour on this journey." Tantai Jingyi frowned: "I can't do anything when I get to the place, so I have to go back."

"Haha, my tent, sleeping bag, etc. are all ready, and I have fully charged all kinds of charging treasures. Haha, if we can't go back tonight, we will live there. The place I chose is right next to it. It's a village."

Li Shuyao laughed and said:

"This car is still inconvenient. When I come back from my career, let's buy a RV. We can go wherever we want and stop whenever we want."

 The process of formalities is not important, it is directly simplified.

(End of this chapter)

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