Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 225 Everyone pitches a tent together

Chapter 225 Let's Build a Tent Together
Going to spend the night in the wild?

Hearing this sentence, apart from Lu Yao's concerns, Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi's eyes lit up. It's not impossible to pitch a tent in the wild. Anyway, there is a car, and this car is quite big. It's not bad to rest in the car.

Anyway, if it's just for one night, it's not unacceptable to them, and it's even a very novel experience.

No wonder this guy insisted on driving this bigger car, no wonder so many things were stuffed into it before.

This car is relatively cheap, relatively resistant to manufacture, and has a lot of things in it.

It turned out that this guy was thinking about staying out at night.


However, after staying at home for a long time, I want to come out for a run. Few people can bear to stay in one place for a long time. Generally, those who can bear loneliness have either found other entertainment methods, or Is there a stronger purpose, or is it pure laziness...

Tantai Jingyi can stay in bed all the time, her goal is to win the world championship, so during her professional career, she can always sit in front of the computer to hone her skills and study tactics.

Fang Xuening can stay in bed forever...

She is just plain lazy.

But, it is better to have the opportunity to come out and play.

The two also agreed with Li Shuyao's caravan plan. In the past few years, short videos about caravan travel can be said to emerge in an endless stream, making this originally small thing attract the attention of many people.

What do you like about RVs?

The main reason is that most of us live around work, and this sudden sense of freedom of walking and stopping is very attractive.

However, in fact, this thing is just a novelty. If you really let you live in the RV all the time, I am afraid most people still can't stand it.

At this time, Li Shuyao and the others had been nesting at home for such a long time, so naturally they still yearned for the caravan life.

A few people were chatting and laughing, listening to the music, they were almost there.

There are mountains in the distance, and a creek nearby. This place is not completely original. There are narrow stone roads above the creek, and there are some concrete floors on both sides, but it seems to be old.

The riverside is very quiet, there are almost no people, and the village in the distance is also very quiet...

Coming down from the national highway, the road along the way was not difficult. Even Li Shuyao drove all the way to the edge of the creek, and ran down from the car. Li Shuyao took a deep breath and let it out.

"Phew... the air here is really good."

Li Shuyao laughed a little, then quickly opened the car door to move things out, she packed a lot of things this time, let alone set up the tent first.

"To be honest, I am actually gifted with divine arts!"

Li Shuyao held up the big tent, then touched it and put it on the concrete floor:

"Ho Ho, it's the legendary art of pitching a tent!"

"Meow...meow..." Brother Gou also ran around with him very cooperatively. He was also very excited when he came out for a rare trip.

"You still know how to set up a tent?" Lu Yao also came down and looked around: "The scenery here is indeed very good, but there are no people there."

"Maybe they all went to the city." Tantai Jingyi also looked at the quiet village in the distance and said.

"Put up a tent, put up a tent, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh which that's going." Naturally, student Fang Xuening won't be looking at the sky with these two, but she wants to join the vigorous tent-building business!

"Young people have gone to the city, and the children are all in the city. There are no children playing by the stream." Lu Yao took a deep breath, stretched his waist and sighed.

"I guess there are only old people left." Tantai Jingyi also nodded.


"How did you pretend... hey, hey, hold it up, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yo... You grab it, use your strength!"

"I caught it, hurry up."

The two people over there were expressing their emotions, and the two people here were working hard to set up a tent here. Li Shuyao originally thought it was quite simple, and was ready to get started without even reading the manual!

But she miscalculated, this tent is not the same as the one she built before, plus there is Fang Xuening, a pig teammate...

"Hey, ha!" Li Shuyao jabbed the tent legs on the ground, and then shouted while holding the tent: "Those two great fairies over there, don't worry about hurting the spring and autumn, come quickly and set up a tent, and don't do it again!" Well, at night, the sky will be the room and the ground will be the bed."

"You're still using wild vegetables and fruits as dry food, and you're saving rubber bands." Lu Yao rolled his eyes: "Hey, do you also dance rubber bands at your age?"

"I've never played it before." Fang Xuening shook her head.

"I've already played games." Tantai Jingyi also shrugged.

"Uh... I skipped, what's the matter. Two five two five six, two five two five seven, two eight two nine 31!" Li Shuyao pinched her waist, what happened to me skipping in my previous life!
As for why she jumped rubber bands in her previous life...

Isn't that because there are a lot of girls around her house, everyone dances together when they play together, can you blame her!
"Yo, yes, let's dance the rubber band!" Lu Yao's eyes lit up. In the era when the mobile phone could only make calls and send text messages, she often danced the rubber band with her friends at the door of the house.

Think about it, it has been 10 years since I skipped it.

"No rubber band." Li Shuyao spread her hands.

"There is no rubber band." Tantai Jingyi spread her hands.

"What's a rubber band?" Fang Xuening tilted her head.

Lu Yao is speechless, everyone is spreading their hands, why is your movement different? Hey!
"So, let's hurry up and pitch the tent, our topic seems to be a little far away." Li Shuyao was speechless, and hurriedly pitched the tent together.

"Don't you have the magical skill of setting up a tent?" Lu Yao came over with a smile and helped them get the parts.

"Yes, yes." Tantai Jingyi also walked over with a smile.

"Meow meow meow..."

What a mess are you following!Li Shuyao glared at Brother Gou, then puffed her mouth, she miscalculated, she would have patted the master on the shoulder when she bought the tent earlier, this is all right...

Forget it, let's read the manual!

Li Shuyao put the parts on the ground first, and then found the manual she had just abandoned in the car... a small book, this tent is quite complicated.

It was quite expensive when she bought it!

Pure wilderness survival tent!
That's what the merchant told her!

It cost her 3000 yuan!
"Oh... so it's like this... oh... let me just say, oh oh oh... so it's Jiang Zidi."

While Li Shuyao was reading the instruction manual, after a while, it seemed as if she was singing a big show there.

After a while, Li Shuyao jumped out of the car with a snap: "Comrades, I have figured it out, come on, come on, let's build our little home together!"

It is true that this tent is a small home in the wild. Not only is it large enough, but there are also three sheds extending out around it. Rain has a nice effect.

The tent is relatively thick, and the insulation effect is very good. There is also a cabinet inside the tent. Of course, it is built with cloth and shelves, and you can put things.

And this tent can also hang curtains to create soft partitions, which can accommodate five people!

The latest thing is that water pipes have been added inside the tent. If you find a water source, you can directly introduce water into the tent from the outside. There is also a drain pipe that can also discharge waste water.

There are also some small stoves in the tent, but it is also warned that you must pay attention to safety when lighting a fire in the wild, and it is forbidden to light fires in the mountains.

It can be said that this tent...

No wonder it's so hard to match!
 Cough, to be honest, I can also jump rubber bands~
(End of this chapter)

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