Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 233 The whole thing is like life and death

Chapter 233

The dark red kittens ran a little far away from the nest yesterday. In fact, the boss never let them run too far, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, there is nothing in this area that can threaten them. It has already sneaked away Came out many times, every time nothing happened.

Besides, it has grown into an adult, and it is ready to come out and find a mate for itself.

In their dens, they usually go out to find a mate, and generally speaking, a mate will stay with them for a lifetime. The boss does not allow them to find a mate in their own dens, so basically everyone will come out to look for them.

But, the mates that come out to look for are basically different from their fur color, but after having a few children, there will always be someone with the same hair color as them.

The strange thing is that the babies who don't have the same hair color as them feel silly, just like the companions who don't have the same hair color as them, are also silly.

In the end, they will only keep babies with the same hair color as them, and the rest will be raised to be raised.

So in their dens are all kinds of animals with the same hair color as them, and some partners with different hair colors, and then there are babies with different hair colors.

It's just that sometimes those silly mates will leave the nest and never come back. In that case, they need to find a new mate.

It's not the first time that the little cat has come out to find a partner, but it has never found a suitable one before. It thinks those wild cats are too stupid, and it doesn't know what it means to be a companion in the world. It won't go with you until the estrus period!
Usually, they are either fierce enough to die, or stay dead to death.

There are also one or two weak ones who are going to die. They feel that they will die if they can't survive a few cold seasons in the wild.

But this time it came out with a clean, meowing kitten.

That little cat not only has the perfect appearance and body, but also has excellent fighting ability, which is even stronger than himself. Isn't this the goddess it is pursuing!

Of course, the most important thing is that this little cat is actually very smart, and it feels as good as his own. What are you waiting for?Chasing TM!
So, it came out with this little cat.

It never expected that this kitty was mixed with four terrifying two-legged beasts, but they all seemed to be female, so it was relieved.

Later, although the little cat beat it several times, it was quite happy to get something delicious in exchange. After all, it would be fine even if it was beaten a few times if it could eat something.

For it, the instinct of Tianzi No. [-] is to eat, and Tianzi No. [-] is to reproduce, and everything else must come after it.

As for being locked up in that little den last night, although it was a bit uncomfortable, it was the kitten who let it in after all, and it still did.

Not to mention, that nest is really comfortable, soft and warm, if only my own home could be like this.

Later, the four scary female Twolegs imprisoned the kitten again, and it was rejected when it tried to rescue it. This kitten seems to be very smart in everything, but the relationship with the Twolegs is a bit unclear .

This is not good and must be changed!
Well, educate it when you are full!
But... Now that it's full, it actually says it's going to go with these 4 scary two-legged beasts?

God, doesn't it know that it will be eaten like this!The food we were given before was actually to make us fat, and then we ate it in one bite!
This is something I've only realized recently, these two-legged beasts are the most cunning, we can't beat them!

"Meow meow..." The dark red kitty started yelling at Brother Gou, don't go, let's go together.

"Meow meow meow." I'm not leaving, I want to go home to take a shower, sleep, and eat!Hey, no, don't take a bath, just sleep and eat!
Who wants to be chic with you, I still have my own world!

"Meow meow!" We also have a place to sleep and eat over there.

"Meow meow..." I will come to see you next time, your place is not good, you can't eat well, you can't sleep well, so I won't go with you!

"Okay, these two are chatting again." Lu Yao looked at the two kittens stretching their necks and screaming from the car window and couldn't help laughing: "Look at them, they are staring and stretching their necks. "

"Hey, have you seen the animation of the emoji? I'll look for it..." Fang Xuening also lay on the car window looking at the two cats and looked for her phone with a smile: "That's all, that's all. Little brother, there is something wrong with you, haha, look, does this look like stretching your neck, pinning your ears, and staring at your eyes, haha."

"Haha, don't tell me, it's really similar, haha." Lu Yao took a look, and then laughed along with Haha.

Tantai Jingyi smacked her mouth: "So let me just say, girls need to be rich, look at how well we raise Brother Gou, so now this little kitty didn't want to hook up even if he wanted to hook up."

"..." Lu Yao opened his mouth: " understand again?"

" it hard to understand?" Tantai Jingyi blinked her eyes: "Isn't there a young man out there who fell in love with our daughter, and this young man is too poor, why didn't our daughter fall in love with him?"

"Hiss... are all animals so real now?" Lu Yao opened his mouth: "This is too scary."

"Of course, only humans have the emotion of love, and animals can't feel it." Li Shuyao stood outside and shrugged: "The so-called noble sentiments of animals and plants are also endowed by humans."

"Oh... I understand." Fang Xuening suddenly nodded.

"...What do you understand?" Li Shuyao was speechless.

"So people who hate the poor and love the rich are the same as kittens who don't have noble sentiments." Fang Xuening said.

" say yes." Li Shuyao shook her head speechlessly, then turned her head and shouted to Brother Gou: "Okay, it's almost done, we have to go."

"Meow." Brother Gou turned his head and yelled at Li Shuyao, and then turned his head and yelled at the dark red kitten.

I'm leaving, you don't need to say anymore, I won't go with you, goodbye, see you next time.

After yelling, Brother Gou jumped in through the car window, and Li Shuyao also got into the car.

"Meow... Aw..."

The moment the car started, the little dark red cat was meowing miserably...

Apparently, the dark red kitten knew that this thing couldn't be resisted, so it chased after it and howled.

"Oh, our dog brother is very attractive. Look, just a day ago, he was so obsessed with kittens. Tsk tsk, it's okay." Fang Xuening lay on the window, watching the dog following outside. The little cat who ran wildly with the car felt a burst of emotion.

Brother Gou was also lying on the window, his small face was flattened against the glass, and now he looked a little serious.

"Hey, look, there is a kitten chasing outside, and the kitten inside is looking at the kitten outside the window with a painful face, haha, a feeling of parting from life and death has appeared." Lu Yao also laughed haha.

Dog brother:"……"

What are you talking about? How could I say goodbye to that little briquette? Besides, who looked pained?

Also, isn't that guy a little careless outside? What do you call a car? Can you run over a car?

Alas, they are all little fools.

 Alas... I hope there will be no more epidemics in Dalian...

(End of this chapter)

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