Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 234 Can You Write Songs?

Chapter 234 Can You Write Songs?

The dark red kitten had to stop after chasing for a while. It ate too much just now, so it couldn't run with the car.

At this moment, the dark red kitty felt a little regretful, no wonder the boss never let them eat too much, it turns out that if they eat too full, they will lose their partner, this feeling is really too painful!

Sure enough, what the boss said is right, only through suffering can one grow up, boss, I have grown!I see!
"Meow!" When it finally stopped, the kitten imitated Brother Gou's voice and roared up to the sky.

I will definitely find you!

I will spend my whole life looking for you!

I can see it from your eyes, you are not willing to leave, right!

Unless you personally reject me, or leave with your own will, otherwise, I will recognize you. No matter where you are taken to the ends of the earth, I will find you and rescue you, I promise!

Although the little cat couldn't run anymore, its eyes were firm. It looked at the direction that the monster left and slowly began to walk.

It remembers the smell of Brother Gou, the smell of that car, and the smell of those four nasty two-legged beasts. It believes that with this direction and these smells, it will definitely find the white mate's.



Actually, Li Shuyao didn't care much about the little cat that was not brought back. After all, it was Brother Gou's own business, and it didn't matter if Brother Gou didn't want to take it back.

If Brother Gou wanted to take it back, Li Shuyao would most likely be satisfied with Brother Gou. Compared to Brother Gou, she didn't take a little wild cat to heart.

It's good enough to feed this little wild cat several times.

She didn't want to bring one home when she saw one, and she didn't want to turn her home into a small zoo.

Mercedes-Benz all the way home, everyone unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, although let's just say, it was quite relaxing to play outside these two days, but after returning home, I still felt a little tired.


Everyone headed to the bathroom!

Well, it's too uncomfortable to have no bathroom outside. Basically, everyone can't help it so that they can go for a small convenience, but everyone doesn't have a big convenience.

So, as soon as I got home, several bathrooms were squatted full...

Brother Dog... Well, Brother Dog has no taboos in the wild, so he was thrown into a small basin filled with warm water.

Don't let it in the bathtub, let's soak in the basin now!
So after the convenience was over, everyone naturally started to take a bath.

No matter how powerful the tent is outside, it must be much colder than at home, so when lying in warm water, I always feel the coldness in my body being released little by little.

The whole person is much warmer.

"Sure enough, it's still comfortable at home." Li Shuyao had a rare time to occupy a jar of water by himself, and it was very comfortable to float here. As for Brother Gou, who was soaked next to him and was about to fall asleep, he naturally had to soak for a while.

Brother Gou really made it very dirty this time. After changing two basins of water, the water is still quite dark. It is better to have more bubbles.

When thinking of changing the first pot of water... her first reaction was - this kitten is dirty, and she can't have it anymore.

But after seeing the pitiful eyes of the little cat, Li Shuyao still decided to give this guy another chance... But before giving it another chance, let's soak in the water!
After taking a comfortable bath, Li Shuyao decided to warm it up a little, and then give Brother Gou a bath, and then she can go to sleep.

I looked at the time, and it was around 3:[-] pm. Usually, the live broadcast would start at this time, but I have asked for leave for the past two days and will not broadcast live. Hoho, King Gugu’s life is so exciting.

Then when King Cuckoo just lay down, the long-lost Big Tomato called.

"Oh?" Li Shuyao blinked, why did he call...

"Hello Yaoyao, good afternoon." Big Tomato's voice sounded: "How are you playing outside?"

"Haha, not bad." Li Shuyao was not surprised that Big Tomato would know that they had gone out to play. After all, except for Tantai Jingyi, who hardly socialized, everyone took some photos and posted them in Moments.

"It's like this. We want to shoot a video, including the previous phone call. We want to shoot a MV like a micro movie. We discussed many versions of the script in the past two days, and finally almost decided on one."

Big Tomato said slowly:

"However, we still have another idea. Of course, this idea is mainly to watch Yaoyao you... that is, to match this MV, we really recreate a song."

"Oh..." Li Shuyao nodded thoughtfully: "So you mean, you want to ask me if I can create a song, right?"

"Yes." Big Tomato said: "We will release this video around the beginning of January, which can be regarded as congratulations for the New Year, so we want to make a truly high-quality video."

"It's the kind of video that is funny, hardworking, shocking, and high-level, so that the audience can experience some positive energy that we want to convey when they are happy. We think that if you can really create Yaoyao If there is a song that is enough to shock people, then the quality of our video this time will be infinitely improved."

"However, it needs to be produced as soon as possible. After all, we have to come up with this video within 20 days."

"If you agree, we will show you our script. Of course, it depends on whether you have time."

Big Tomatoes originally planned to produce this video in about 10 days, so there is no need to worry so much, and the time left is very generous.

But if you want to keep improving and then add music, the time cost will be very high.

That's why they were so anxious, they called Li Shuyao as soon as he came back from playing.

Of course, they also contacted Li Shuyao after almost finalizing the script of the entire video from beginning to end. Otherwise, if you come here and ask for something without preparing anything, it's no different from playing with people.

When you go to other companies to discuss projects, you have to explain the planning plan well.

For Big Tomato and the others, this invitation is like they came to Li Shuyao with a planning proposal for cooperation. If Li Shuyao agrees, then hit it off and everyone will cooperate directly.

If you disagree...

Then their planning for the past two days should be considered as an introduction, and then they will find other ups to cooperate, and then re-shoot the previous part of the phone call.

But... At present, there are not too many ups that refuse joint submissions, except for a few because there are indeed some things and they come suddenly. So a lot of people didn't make it.

The time of up owners is more flexible, and they don't have such a full schedule like celebrities. This is the advantage of self-media, and the volume is small, so it is easy to move around.

And most of the ups are worrying about their own contributions, because up owners are still creators, creators must produce works, the frequency of output must be high, and the quality must be good, otherwise they will be eliminated by the wave of the Internet.

and so……

Everyone is actually afraid of other ups calling on the surface, but in fact they all look forward to those ups calling themselves!
 I can’t remember the dream I had last night, so I wish everyone a happy Thursday⑧~
(End of this chapter)

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