Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 235 I'm on the hot search again?

Chapter 235 I'm on the hot search again?

Big Tomato is currently one of the top streamers that everyone wants to follow... In station B, there are only a few accounts that have broken through the ten million fan club, and basically they are not human. Compared with his number of fans The taller ones are even less.

Originally, the one who had more than him was that horrible Bilibili cartoon!

Later, there was another terrifying member of Bilibili!
Later, there was another terrifying teacher who talked about criminal law!

Hmm... Now this product ranks fourth, and it is a well-established top stream on station B. Who wouldn't want to use this traffic?As long as it is an up, basically I want to rub!

and so……

"No problem, isn't it just a song, simple, you say, what kind of song do you want, and I will play it for you." The traffic of this big tomato is not in vain.

Besides, I'm not pure rubbish, I can add luster to your video.

In fact, it's not that Li Shuyao is boasting, at least at this stage, Li Shuyao is also a very popular co-contributor of many ups.

This product has been very popular recently, not counting the popularity in e-sports, but in music alone.

Let's put it this way, this guy is almost one of the hottest singers on the Internet in the second half of the year. The number of plays of several songs has been smashed on the charts of major music platforms, and almost every song is a classic, and there are no ordinary songs.

And with Lu Yao's hard work, it can be said that these songs by Li Shuyao are played in turns in the major live broadcast rooms, and there are endless covers on the Internet.

Coupled with the recent hit TV series know or not.

In the last one or two months, Li Shuyao is actually the most popular up on Bilibili. After all, that craftsman hasn’t produced such scary works in the past two months, so as a singer, he even mixes in the entertainment and e-sports circles. And the one with the highest natural exposure rate of her.

"Okay, the theme of our song I want to focus on the theme of dreams, but don't just sing about dreams, but the feeling that can inspire people." Big Tomato almost expressed his thoughts: "Wait a minute I will send you the script of the MV, take a look, we are going in this direction, and then we will make appropriate adjustments according to your song."

"Okay, you can send it to me, I promise to complete the task, haha." Li Shuyao laughed.

"I saw your interview, you can really do it in a day." Big Tomato said.

"Haha, that interview has been posted." Li Shuyao has been isolated from the world for the past two days, and she doesn't even know that her last interview has been online.

Those who know or not have spent crazy money on publicity in the past few days, and the number of broadcasts of the TV series has also been rising steadily.

The leading actors of the TV series were picked up on the hot searches almost every three days.

Li Shuyao's influence in station B is not small, and she has also had a great influence in the music circle recently. In addition, she and Fu Jinqing's first cooperation is a lot of traffic.

Of course, the biggest gimmick is that Li Shuyao became a song in one day.

This interview not only released the situation of Li Shuyao and the others being interviewed at that time, but also released the situation of Li Shuyao making music on the spot at that time.

This kind of report with pictures and truth naturally made many people believe that Li Shuyao could become a song in a day.

and so……

"You are currently on the hot search list. Although you are not particularly high, your private messages should explode again." Big Tomato joked.

"Hey, now there is a team of toolman students who read private messages for me. If you have some suggestions or blessings, they will be forwarded to me. I have already filtered out those who curse." Li Shuyao waved his hand.

"Then I'll trouble you." Big Tomato smiled and said, "That fee, I..."

"Hey, what's this? I'll send you the finished product in two days. Then you can look at it and match it. If you need me, just call me."

Li Shuyao directly interrupted Big Tomato and said:
"I'm one of the creators. I'll post the MV directly to my channel. Look, we jointly contributed one, and then I'll post another MV. Haha, I have two videos. , when you appear in my MV, I won't have to pay performance fees, haha."

Big Tomato opened his mouth, okay, or you are the little clever ghost, he thought he was taking advantage, so it seems like a win-win situation.

"Then let's make a decision first. I'm going to prepare some things for shooting. I'll see your work then." Big Tomato smiled.

"Okay, I'll take care of this." Li Shuyao laughed.

"OK, bye then."


Li Shuyao let out a long breath, and then smiled, she has plenty of songs and so on, so it's good to use them to catch the heat of Big Tomato.

However, she will also compose a good song for others at that time, so they will not lose money!
In addition...

"Am I on the trending search again?" Li Shuyao opened her other mobile phone with Weibo installed, and then opened the Weibo that she hadn't read for a long time...

"Tsk tsk, this trending search is also quite difficult. Every day there are people... Cough cough, it is said that someone is really called the king, tsk tsk, I guess when they named it back then, they didn't expect so many people to think about it many years later... right."

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, and sure enough her Weibo was full of big red dots...

She seldom signs up in person now, and basically deleted all the posts she posted in the past. This is also Lu Yao's suggestion. Since she has registered another account, delete all traces of the past.

Some things may not be revisited when and from what angle. A photo taken may be rediscovered many years later because of a problem with the brand of clothing worn.

Moreover, some things that were acceptable in the public opinion environment a few years ago will not work a few years later. This is very possible.

There is always a group of people who are bored looking through things that you don’t know how many years ago.

So even the Weibo that Li Shuyao originally set to display half a year has been deleted.

"3, 2, 1..." After Li Shuyao had prepared her mentally, she opened the trending search, and then found the entertainment list. After scrolling down, she saw her own trending search—the nursery rhymes in the book become a song every day.

"Okay, this title is sure to attract black people." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth. You can't be too good on Weibo. People who are more powerful will call you a master, and people who are particularly good will usually call you a big fool...

If an 18-year-old girl composes a song from nothing within a day, everyone will basically say that you are bragging.

Well, it is estimated that bragging is good.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, well, although the authorities are suspected of creating a gimmick, what they said is correct, and it is not a rumor or something...

After thinking about it for a while, Li Shuyao opened up the message with almost 3000 comments, and sure enough... it can be called the scene of the battle between the navy and the black fans:
"Wow, Yaoyao is so powerful, this is a genius."

"Pure passers-by, I think this can be said to be the ceiling for domestic singer-songwriters."

"Wow, sister is so beautiful in Hanfu."

"One thing to say, this wave is really too strong."

"Yaoyao's character is so cheerful."

"Brother, can you please change the promotion to something more reliable? I strongly doubt whether you can make music."

"That song is so rubbish and still playing."

"Playing NM, can you sing well, don't do all this stuff all day long."

"Now this group of people really has no limit to licking."


 Yaoyao: Thank you book friend 2021********2387 for your reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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