Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 238 You are going to revolt

Chapter 238 You are going to revolt
As for the little kitty, of course I couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, the main thing is... In addition to frying fish, Li Shuyao also made a pot of fish soup and stewed a saury...

That guy, the whole room is full of fishy smell, this little cat can't bear it at all!
So, during the meal, the little guy, Brother Gou, came over coyly, and gnawed on the small fish meat fed by Tantai Jingyi with a very reluctant look.

"What's wrong with this stuff?" Lu Yao took a sip of fish soup and asked with a little doubt as he looked at the strange little cat.

"I don't know, there are always a few days in every month." Fang Xuening shrugged.

"Okay..." Lu Yao shook his head, always feeling that this little cat is a bit different from other little cats: "By the way, you said you got in touch with Big Tomato and wanted to compose another song?"

"Yeah." Li Shuyao nodded: "Didn't they call me before, and then they planned to jointly contribute together."

"That... the mission must be accomplished?" Lu Yao raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Oh... I know, I know, it's the one that helps people realize their wishes..." Fang Xuening blinked: "But it's been a long time since I updated the next issue, the new one is ready to fulfill your wishes? "

"Hmm... yes." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Then what is your wish?" Tantai Jingyi asked curiously.

"Yes, yes, let me reveal it in advance." Fang Xuening also came over.

"My wish... world peace." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

Lu Yao: "..."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

"Hey, why do you have such expressions? Isn't it normal that my wish is world peace?" Li Shuyao was speechless, why can't I wish for world peace.

World peace is really my wish!

I finally came to this world, right? I just want to be happy and happy to do what I want to do. If I want to post some works, I can post some works, and if I don’t want to post, I can fish, right?

But these are all built in a relatively peaceful environment. If turmoil really occurs, then the life she wants will be completely gone.

So she wants world peace... nothing wrong with it.

"No... how do you let them realize it for you? Do you want to transform into Monkey King or Superman?" Fang Xuening was speechless.

"It's not impossible." Li Shuyao shrugged: "They have all prepared a plan, and I just need to cooperate."

Fang Xuening opened her mouth...

Well, it’s really embarrassing for others. I can find a solution to realize this. It really deserves to be a head up. This creativity is simply amazing!
"You only have one wish?" Fang Xuening asked: "I saw several wishes in the last issue, and then I chose one, went directly to the local place to buy snacks, and took a long flight to deliver it to the gorilla boy. gone."

"Ang, of course I can't just have this one dream. Let me tell you, look, look, I said that I want to time travel, I want to be a world champion, I want to be a martial arts hero, I want this There is no hunger in the world anymore, how about it, do these dreams of mine take into account both the individual and the collective, and this pattern will be opened at once." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Okay, now I really want to see how many brain cells have died in Big Tomato and a certain fantasy, and how to realize your wishes." Fang Xuening smacked his mouth: "Are you sure you are not playing a show effect ?”

"Who said that, I really have these wishes, it's true, the audience knows it." Li Shuyao said innocently.

"Ahem, don't learn from Fang Xuening." Tantai Jingyi said.

"Hey, when did I do this?" Fang Xuening pinched her waist and stared.

"Okay, okay, so it should be a micro movie or MV, so you want to create a new song?" Lu Yao asked: "You guys are really ambitious."

"Hey, I almost have an idea. I will make a new song in these two days." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "In this case, I will release the electronic music in the past two days, and release this new song in January. The MV will be with Big Tomato and others We shot this together, and then released the blue and white porcelain for New Year's greetings and offerings in February, so that leaves March, April and May."

" come there are still 3 left...Did I say last time that they won't be released in December?" Li Shuyao scratched her head in doubt.

"Yeah..." Lu Yao shrugged: "Didn't you say you can't spoil them?"

"Oh, that's right." Li Shuyao nodded: "Then I'll post this with Big Tomato in January, the blue and white porcelain for New Year's greetings in February, and post the audio in March, so that leaves April and May. Haha, what I said before I have almost finished one and a half songs, and I only have half left, hehe, as expected, Big Tomato is a good brother!"

"So... in two days, you're going to make a video with them." Tantai Jingyi asked.

"Yeah." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Then pay attention, we are about to close the team." Tantai Jingyi looked at the phone and said: "Well, you still have a week to toss around."

Li Shuyao blinked: "I'll go, there's only so little time left."

"That's what you think." Lu Yao rolled his eyes: "Otherwise, why do you think I should come to live with you?"

"Why?" Li Shuyao asked.

"Yes, why?" Fang Xuening also raised her head and asked.

Lu Yao looked at Fang Xuening helplessly: "I'm not doing this for you... Both of you will leave by then, so you will be the only one left in the family."

"Oh..." Fang Xuening suddenly realized: "So you are afraid that I will starve to death, it's okay, don't worry, I have takeaway."

"That's fine, I'm about to pack up today... right."

"Haha, Sister Lu, I'm joking with you, uh, Sister Lu, you are the best."

"Hmph, little sample."

Li Shuyao: "..."

In other words, did you two not ask for my opinion as the head of the household? You two are talking happily here, have you considered that this is my house!

"Yaoyao, what do you think?" Lu Yao turned his head and smiled.

"Hmph, all right, I'll let you watch the house for me." Li Shuyao raised her head.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that this child may want to call us to teach her a good lesson tonight." Lu Yao raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, I'll definitely go anyway." Fang Xuening pouted, "I feel a little uncomfortable sleeping in my own room this afternoon."

"I think it's okay too." Tantai Jingyi nodded.


"..." Take a look at what you guys are talking about, you have to take a good lesson, you guys count as one, who has a higher score than me?ah?
And Fang Xuening, why are you still not used to being in your own room? This is going to make you flustered!
And Tantai Jingyi, why are you just joining in the fun!
The last one is Brother Gou, it seems that you are going to be beaten today. count as one end, why are you united with me today? Why, give me two breads with cheese... No, you have three breads and one small bread.

You are about to revolt!

Princes, generals, Xiangning are kind!

 I wake up at 6 o'clock every morning...then turn around and continue to sleep...sleep until almost 9 o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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