Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 239 decides it's you

Chapter 239 decides it's you
After eating, I left the housework to other people, and Li Shuyao went to the piano making room...

There is no live broadcast today, so I ate dinner a little early, and there is nothing to do now, so let's finish all these things quickly, don't take leave when the time comes, these things have not been finished yet.

Li Shuyao was not in a hurry to make music, but first read the script of Big Tomato and a certain magic.

In the early stage, two people turned the turntable to make a phone call. This is almost a random challenge board, but it is not a random challenge.

It’s as if time-traveling is no longer written in the topic of Niangwen, but in fact, 100 out of 99 books are time-traveling, which has almost become a basic template.

I feel that quite a few of these self-made variety show videos will have this thing in the future. After all, although the flood of random challenges has caused many people to feel disgusted.

But in fact, the main reason for the disgust is that some ups are hard to catch, and the quality of the video is not good, which leads to the decline of the word-of-mouth of the random challenge.

If the quality of those random challenges can have the same quality as the original version made by Brother Yu and Li Yuanjun, the audience is actually willing to pay for it.

As for Big Tomato, the hot guy who ranks fourth in the number of fans on station B and second in the number of fans on his personal account, he naturally does not allow his videos to be shoddy and made in a hurry.

and so……

"My God... What have these two men been through these two days..." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth as she looked at the large expanse of words.

From the title, to the theme, to the transition in the middle, some prompts, props that need to be prepared, how much money will be spent, which up to invite, which venues are needed, what is the process of MV shooting and so on.

Everywhere I wrote four or five thousand words.

Damn, I'm afraid these two people wrote a small paper!

It is divided into categories from beginning to end, and each item is clearly marked. Although there are a lot of words, it does not look very tiring.

This script is almost a plan.

And Li Shuyao also knew that in the past two or three days, they definitely didn't take shape at once, they should have discussed many versions, so it seems that there are only these words, but in fact, it is estimated that so many have been deleted.

"Dream..." Li Shuyao flipped through the plot of the following MV, her eyes shone with some brilliance, and a song began to emerge in her heart...

"The smallest me...has big dreams."

"Just this song."

"It just feels right here...and it's perfect as my opening song on my way to the pros."

"Let this song express why I went professional... the lyrics in this song say all the things I want to answer."

Li Shuyao took a deep breath and typed this song on the computer - "Let Me Stay By Your Side"

After thinking about it again, Li Shuyao deleted these words and changed the title to "The Smallest I Have Big Dreams".

The title of this song was originally changed. It was changed to "Let Me Stay By Your Side" because it was a bit more about love. In order to highlight the theme of love, it was changed to such a name.

But Li Shuyao always felt that limiting this song to the framework of love is a bit small, and it doesn't quite fit the theme of this time.

In fact, the popularity of this song is not because of the theme of love.

The hottest part of this song is actually this sentence - the smallest me has big dreams.

So Li Shuyao took this sentence as the title this time, it is actually possible, and it is obviously more suitable for the script written by Big Tomatoes.

"Human beings shouldn't be stuck in love all the time, only dreams can illuminate our direction." Li Shuyao quickly typed out all the lyrics, and then sighed softly.

"Come on, start making accompaniments!"


Hearing that Li Shuyao had only been in for about an hour, the sound of music was vaguely heard in the house, and the other three people, a cat and two squirrels also gathered at the door.

Well, father squirrel and mother squirrel will definitely not come over at this time. Apart from food, there is nothing to lure them down.

Only the delicious nuts and the strong arms of the dog can help them overcome their fear of animals as large as Twolegs.

At this time, Li Shuyao was playing the piano in the house, and three people outside the house were holding a small bench and sitting close to the door to listen.

No way, the sound insulation is still good, if they are not close to the door, they can't hear clearly.

The three of them were listening on the top, and the little cat and two little squirrels were listening to the door close to the bottom...

Well, the two little squirrels should just imitate Brother Gou, but the voice inside is really nice.

"It became a song so quickly, this girl is really getting more and more powerful." Lu Yao sighed softly: "From the beginning, there was a slow tune, and it moved forward a little bit, and even there was some hesitation and hesitation in the song. , I felt a little emotional... Then suddenly the whole group erupted, as if all the previous resentment was erupted."

"The emotional catharsis of this chorus part is too powerful. Use more explosive percussion instruments and bass to support this emotional part..."

"It's really nice." Fang Xuening nodded, "It feels like a song similar to those before."

"What song was it before?" Tantai Jingyi scratched her head.

"The first few songs of Yaoyao, except for the first one, were actually responding to some rhythms on the Internet, and it was not the end until Daoxiang." Fang Xuening said: "Daoxiang can also be regarded as a reconciliation with the Internet. , the feeling that everyone dispersed."

"Oh..." Tantai Jingyi nodded, "I really like Daoxiang."

"The popularity of Daoxiang is actually lower than that of other songs, but this song is a very good song. I believe that this song will gradually become popular. Although this song has only a few hits at the beginning It’s not high, but it’s gradually climbing.”

Lu Yao said in a low voice:
"The data of this song is rising steadily now. It is estimated that next year or the year after will usher in a big hit."

"What does this song respond to?" Tantai Jingyi asked.

"Whatever she wants to do recently is to respond to it." Fang Xuening smacked her lips: "Didn't she say that she was going to have a new year's eve, and you said what was the biggest thing for her during that time. "

"Oh..." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "So...she is celebrating the New Year."

"..." Lu Yao was speechless, the three of you sisters took turns playing tricks for me here!Your IQ is conserved, yes!The one who is smart must be the one who is stupid!
"Okay, okay, I know." Tantai Jingyi smiled: "It's about being a professional... At that time, it was probably the most controversial thing for her."

"That's right, if she doesn't go professional this year, it should be a smooth year... er, the second half of the year will be smooth." Lu Yao thought about what happened to Li Shuyao's parents, and quickly changed his words to the second half of the year: "Originally station B Participate in the New Year's Eve party and New Year's greetings festival, and the top [-] votes will definitely be a hot up."

"But playing professionally is destined to be mixed. As long as you don't achieve results, there will never be a shortage of cynics."

"Now that she hasn't made an official announcement, there are a lot of pessimists. Many of her fans are trying to persuade her not to go, and some of them are not listening well."

"I think this time she should be responding to these words."

(End of this chapter)

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