Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 244 There shouldn't be any problems tomorrow...

Chapter 244 There shouldn't be any problems tomorrow...

In addition to this sentence, Big Tomato also sent over the script that was modified together with Huan. Li Shuyao took a look at the script and found that it has indeed been greatly modified...or the clues have been modified.

If it was said that the scattered fragments were fused together before, then this time it is more like seven flowers on a vine... Ahem, it is more like several fragments extended from a main line.

This feeling is completely different.

The sense of story is also stronger, unlike the previous sense of fragmentation that was stronger.

It's still a good feeling to push forward a little bit.

Perhaps if it is paired with music, it should feel even better. When Li Shuyao even looked at the script, she was in the final shape of the brain-filling video.

After thinking for a while, Li Shuyao replied:

"Come to my house. Since I'm the main character, I think it's more suitable for the script to come to my house."

Big Tomato: "Okay, let's go there around 2 o'clock, oh yes, there will be a makeup artist, are you live?"

Nursery rhyme in the book: "It's okay, I will play it tomorrow morning."

Big Tomato: "Then let's go to your house to put on makeup tomorrow, then go to the location, and then come back. The location we chose for the location is not far from your home. We should have time by then. In fact, it is mainly during the daytime, otherwise we can shoot first." Go outside after indoors."

In fact, the main thing is to take care of Li Shuyao and finish the filming in one day, otherwise it can be done every other day.

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Okay, no problem."

Big Tomato: "Okay, then it's settled."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "OK."

"The efficiency is so fast." Li Shuyao chuckled, she couldn't be influenced by me.


"Okay, I'm done contacting Yaoyao." Big Tomato looked at the phone and let out a long sigh of relief, then looked at a lot of messy things in his home, and then said to a certain Huan: "Come on, pack it, Ready to go tomorrow."

"Brother Qie, we've been busy all day today. I woke up at 8 o'clock this morning." A certain Huan stretched out his right hand and made a horoscope and said, "I've only eaten two buns for lunch so far. Hurry up?"

"Didn't you also watch e-sports, did you read the news about the recent transfer period?" Big Tomato said.

"Look, are you saying that the nursery rhymes in the book might go to CR to place an order?" Mou Huan said.

"Yeah, the German Cup is about to be played, maybe she doesn't have much time to stay at home." Big Tomato said: "She told me before that it's best to finish the filming in these two days, and it should be going to a training camp .”

"She...she hasn't joined the team all this time. The German Cup is only a few days away, and she should be too late." Mou Huan said strangely.

"That's why I'm in a hurry." Big Tomato said.

"'s all over here, we can't change people anymore." Mou Huan nodded.

"It definitely can't be changed." Big Tomato said: "And they made a special song for our video, and they stayed up late to finish it. They usually go to bed early, so they should be really anxious. We also You can't let people down."

"Alas... this day." A certain Huan babbled: "Changing the script, contacting the actors, contacting the makeup, renting props... It's been such a long drive, usually three to five days of work, this time we will do it in one day." Finished."

"But they created a piece of music for our video, right? Girls can do it, so can we men."

A certain phantom patted his chest and said.

"Haha, our hard work will not be in vain." Big Tomato said with a smile: "This time we have to go on location and add a lot of special effects. As the opening year of station B, I believe our video must be the best. of."

"Well... the best." Mou Huan nodded.

"Then let's risk our lives to accompany the beauty, right, and get the video out before she goes to the training camp!" Big Tomato patted Mou Huan on the shoulder.

"Alright." Mou Huan nodded, "Let's go."


Li Shuyao didn't know that Big Tomato and Mou Huan directly advanced the shooting time because they produced the music in advance. In fact, she is basically relaxed now.

Because of the video proposed by Big Tomato and Mou Huan, she can save one song MV. This morning, she completed the original painting, storyboards, etc. of all two songs, and then threw them all to Lu Yao for production.

So she has nothing to do tomorrow morning, live broadcast in the morning, and they come to shoot in the afternoon just in time, and it should be almost over in the evening, so she can catch fish for 5 days!
Just thinking about it makes me feel refreshed!

She doesn't even need to make food videos, she just posted one yesterday, so don't worry about posting the next one, she's going to wait until the base to take pictures of the base.

After contacting Big Tomato, she directly sent a notice in the B station news, Weibo and fan group:

"Live at 8 o'clock in the morning tomorrow. It doesn't matter when the live broadcast will end. I will shoot a video with some ups in the afternoon. Don't look for female ghosts anymore. I notified in advance. Look for little fairies."

After Li Shuyao finished posting the notice, the fan base immediately exploded
"What, live broadcast at 8 o'clock tomorrow? Have you clocked in and started?"

"My God, tomorrow is Monday, am I going to fish from the morning?"

"Perfect, I go to work with Yaoyao."

"I'm going, I can't get up, I'm on night shift today."

"I'm going to turn on the female ghost's live broadcast room before going to bed today, and then I can hear it when she broadcasts live tomorrow morning, perfect."

"I'm lost, the female ghost has started to give me flexibility to work!"

"Who are you shooting a video with? Are you going to make a collaboration video again?"

"Wow, looking forward to the new video of the female ghost... I like the co-production video of the female ghost the most."

"Why do these ups like to ask my wife to shoot videos so much? I have never shot them before."

"Is it possible? You have never seen your so-called wife in reality."

"Yaoyao radio station will open tomorrow. It's exciting. I'll start listening to the live broadcast of Yaoyao early in the morning on weekdays, haha."



"Hey, the notification from Ruo Yao is quite fast." Big Tomato, who had just put a large bag of clothes in the car, checked his phone, and there were already more than 100 comments on Li Shuyao's post on station B.

"Really?" Mou Huan also wiped off his sweat and came over: "It's true, it's been more than 20 minutes, and she sent a notification right after we finished chatting."

"I'm really in a hurry." Big Tomato sighed and said, "So, let's hurry up and get everything ready, let's make sure we're all right before going to bed, go to bed early tonight, and early tomorrow Get up, let's take a trip to the location in the morning and step on the spot in advance, so that there will be no problems when shooting in the afternoon."

"Success." Mou Huan nodded and moved his shoulders: "Let's go, there are not many things left, let's continue."

"Let's go." Big Tomato nodded, and the two closed the car door and walked back again.

Although it seems that it is just a small shooting of a short MV, there are quite a lot of props to prepare.

In fact, if they say so, they can skip the location and directly put in special effects in post-production, but that would look a little fake...

So in the end I chose the location.

"I hope everything goes well tomorrow." Big Tomato smacked his mouth, there shouldn't be any problem... right...

 seems like a cold night

  I sat and looked out the window
  The breeze pushed the still tall wood

  Branches and leaves are floating with scattered romance

  maybe lack of security
  Dark clouds gradually render the sky

  The hour hand seems to be spinning in the opposite direction

  The flickering light in the window is still the same

  You said I was afraid of the darkness coming

  The gray sea or the shore is not flat
  I said you smiled gently like sunshine
  We turn happiness into a dream

  The temperature is gradually weakening
  The relief of withered leaves falling gradually
  Dirt laughing and joking with new neighbors
  She dodged slightly with the wind

  Well, I wrote this when I was looking at the swaying trees outside the window at noon, it's called... dreamy, I wrote it while listening to Xu Song's "Science Fiction".

(End of this chapter)

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