Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 245 I Can't Trust the Network Map

Chapter 245 I Can't Trust the Network Map
The next day, Big Tomato and a certain Huan got up early and left the house at 9:[-] am!Listening to Li Shuyao's song along the way was very dynamic and rushed to the place where the location was filmed.

"This time, we're going to a bamboo forest. I've read about it on the Internet. That guy is so beautiful." Big Tomato said while driving.

"It would be even better if it snowed a little bit," Mou Huan said

"Yes... but there is less snow here." Big Tomato nodded: "Think about it, in a sea of ​​bamboos, classmate Yaoyao descends like a goddess, and then kills the gangsters like chopping vegetables and cutting melons." Bacteria cut down, rescued the robbed gorilla boy..."

"Yes, what a hero to save the ugly."

"Yes, indeed, haha..."

"Ha ha……"

"But why do we have a gorilla boy in every issue."

"I don't know, I have to come."


"By the way, haven't you reached the place yet? Didn't you say it's not far from Yaoyao's house? Why do I feel like we're going to drive to Yaoyao's house?" Mou Huan was a little confused looking at the scenery outside the window, they were already in the park After turning around several times, where is the bamboo forest?
Big Tomato: "..."

He found it on the Internet yesterday. It is especially beautiful when it snows. As one of the three friends of Suihan, bamboo is still green and tall in winter. The green bamboo mixed with white snow has a special flavor, and the strong contrast looks particularly beautiful.

Otherwise, why bamboo is especially loved by the ancients. The three pine, bamboo and plum are all independent of Aoxue. This is a rare quality in the eyes of the ancients. They can be happy in such a cold winter. It is simply a model of a gentleman!

What about my model home?

I am so big a bamboo forest?

Big Tomato turned the steering wheel and looked around in a daze. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he might have been deceived by an online photo...

Damn it, the geese were pecked by the geese all day long, and the good hunter was played by the prey... It was really a bit of a hurry yesterday, and I actually believed the online pictures!
Alas, I still made a mistake in my busy schedule. If I choose carefully, I will definitely be able to see that this is a scam.

"Hey, hey, brother eggplant, take a look, is that the bamboo forest you were looking for?" While Big Tomato was feeling emotional, Mou Huan suddenly pointed to a piece of emerald green in the distance.

"I...I this a bamboo forest?" Big Tomato stopped the car, and the two walked down.

Walking in front of the "bamboo forest" that a certain fantasy saw, both of them were a little dumbfounded...

Big Tomato recognized it. This is indeed the place where the bamboo forest was in the photo he saw before, but, in the photo, it was really a lush bamboo forest. A beautiful woman standing in front of the bamboo forest looked very beautiful.

But when he arrived at the place, he could see that there was indeed such a bamboo forest, but there was only a handful of them. This small bamboo forest probably took up an area of ​​about 30 square meters, but it was slightly processed by the cameraman. Then for a moment, the current one is particularly beautiful.

But, it's really not enough... Such a small area can't be used, and your little bamboo is not enough to raise a giant panda.

"It doesn't work here, it seems that we have to change places." Big Tomato turned around and shook his head: "That's right, how can we have such a big bamboo forest here? I was wrong before."

"Fortunately, I came to see it in advance, otherwise I'm afraid it would be a waste of time to come directly." Mou Huan said.

"Hiss... It didn't go well at the beginning." Big Tomato scratched his head: "If it doesn't work, I'll change it on the spot. It's not in the bamboo forest anymore. Let's change to another place."

"Rent a venue?" Mou Huan said.

"It's really not possible, that's the only way to go." Big Tomato nodded.

There are still special shooting venues here, for example, the place where Li Shuyao and Nan Yiyi danced before is a specially rented venue.

"Hey, wait a minute, I suddenly have an idea." After returning to the car, Big Tomato patted the steering wheel: "Come on, let's go and have a look."

"Where are you going? It's almost 11 o'clock, so I have to make a quick decision." Mou Huan said.

"If it works, we'll be there soon. I remember that place should be fine."


"Viewers, this is the end of today's live broadcast... La la la... We will have a meal later, and we are going to prepare to shoot the video." Li Shuyao looked at his watch, it was almost 12:[-], and then Have a meal, put on makeup, pick out clothes and so on, basically they are coming.

"Well, I won't say much about the specifics. You can just watch the video when it comes out."

"Okay, okay, that's about it, I'm off, bye."

After Li Shuyao said hello to the audience, she turned off the live broadcast. The popularity of the live broadcast in the morning was lower, especially in the morning of weekdays, and the number of bullet screens was much smaller.

At noon, the popularity gradually began to rise. Sure enough, for most people, it is still difficult to catch fish at work, and they basically come to see it during the noon break.

I tidied up the talking surface of the live broadcast a little bit, put back the microphone and everything, stretched for a long time, and then ran down the stairs.


"Hi, Yaoyao." Big Tomato smiled and waved at Li Shuyao.

"Hi, Yao Yao." Mou Huan also waved his hand along with him.

"Ah, Yaoyao..." Fang Xuening followed suit.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Didn’t you say you didn’t come until two o’clock in the afternoon? Why are you here now, and what is Fang Xuening doing? I always feel that this guy has done something extraordinary and then asked me to ask her about it look.

Humph, I won't ask!

"You guys are here so early, let's have dinner together, I'll cook for you, that guy Jingyi is probably still playing games, hey, isn't the team closing soon, she's been practicing hand skills." Li Shuyao laughed Said: "Wait a minute, I'll cook."

"It's troublesome, it's troublesome." Big Tomato said, "Let's help you do it together."

"Yes, yes, we just bought some vegetables and brought them here." Mou Huan also said.

"Haha, no need, I can do it myself." Li Shuyao laughed.

Fang Xuening opened her mouth beside her: "What about me? What about me?"

"Just sit down." Li Shuyao said.

"Uh..." Fang Xuening scratched her head: "Aren't you curious why they came here earlier?"

"I'm not curious." Li Shuyao pursed her lips and smiled, "Isn't this normal? I just came early when I had time."

"I...I..." Fang Xuening puffed her mouth: "They came to see the venue. The venue you confirmed before was not good, so I revisited it temporarily. It happens that the environment in our community is very good, so I decided It was shot here."

"When you were broadcasting live there, Big Tomato and I went to discuss with the real estate of the community to shoot here. How about it? I'm very good."

Fang Xuening pinched her waist and said almost everything.

Li Shuyao pursed her lips, she knew that this guy couldn't hide it, but...why did you change the venue temporarily?

"It's true...we had planned to go to a nearby park to record the scene of the bamboo forest, but after we went there this morning, we found that the bamboo forest in that place was too small, and we were deceived by the photos on the Internet!" Big Tomato said: " Then it suddenly occurred to me that the scenery in this community was shown in your video before, and I thought it was pretty good, so I came to see it in advance.”

(End of this chapter)

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