Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 246 I'm here to eat

Chapter 246 I'm here to eat
The situation was actually like this. After seeing that the bamboo forest over there was indeed unusable, Big Tomato suddenly thought of the community where Li Shuyao lived.

As we all know, the video Li Shuyao released before included the scenery near her home, and the first joint submission of changing clothes also took a little shot of the inside of the community.

Although it's just a glimpse, if you don't really check it out desperately, you won't know which neighborhood it is, but the scenery of the pavilions and pavilions is indeed very impressive.

In particular, one of the areas is no different from a garden. Judging from the video, it is really like a fairyland, like falling into the clouds...

Well, the effect was added later.

However, Big Tomato and a certain fantasy watched it, and the effect is really good. In many places, there is even an illusion of traveling through time and space, as if they really returned to ancient times.

Moreover, the house is well maintained. All kinds of buildings, plants, and even the pools are well maintained. Unlike some venues that are rented out, they don’t take care of them. almost.

So Big Tomato and Mou Huan actually fell in love with that place directly, and it will be enough to do some special effects rendering at that time, and it will be perfect from beginning to end.

The only thing is that the residential area does not allow filming.

After all, this should be regarded as a closed community, and you still need to say hello to the property owner. At that time, they were all brought in by Fang Xuening.

Then Fang Xuening took them to find the security captain who often greeted them in the community and talked about it...

"That security captain is really a good person. After I told him, he immediately agreed, and also promised to set up a quarantine for us, so that no one would come to disturb us when we were filming." Fang Xuening shook the milky white The long-haired man chuckled and said, "Well, let me just say that uncle captain is a good guy."

"So it's like this..." Li Shuyao suddenly realized and nodded.

"So that's how it is..." Big Tomato and Mou Huan suddenly realized and nodded.

"Hmm... Is the reason why you suddenly realized this is the same reason?" Fang Xuening looked at the three people in front of him strangely...

"Ahem, this, Xue'er, do you want to film together? We can add another character." Big Tomato said with a smile.

"Really, is it okay?" Fang Xuening's eyes lit up.

"That's fine, he's the screenwriter, so he can change it if he wants to." Big Tomato pointed at a certain fantasy next to him, which was very cool.

"Is it okay?" Fang Xuening looked at Mou Huan brightly.

"Ah... but... yes." Mou Huan nodded: "No problem, it will be done in half an hour."

So, the screenwriter hates the temporary addition of actors such as the director!
Well, it’s another story to add money.

Well, adding a beautiful woman is another matter.

"No, when did I become a screenwriter? Aren't we two co-screenwriters?" A certain fantasy glanced at Big Tomato, and immediately realized, okay, this is for me to work!
"I have to help Yaoyao with cooking." Big Tomato blinked his eyes and pouted.

"Don't wink at me, you have to come with me... Haha, let's go, I will use you to help." A certain fantasy dragged Big Tomato away directly, adding someone is not troublesome, after all, their MV story is also It's not very complicated.

In other words, in such a short few days, they couldn't come up with too complicated a story.

But the subject matter is novel, the songs are nice, and the story needs to be sublimated a bit more.

As for the front...they still did a lot of work, right? For example, they are recording with a camera now. In fact, they have been recording the itinerary for the past two days, although most of them will be deleted in the end. But some of the interesting points will definitely be preserved and become part of the video.

So, the scene suddenly became quiet, Li Shuyao was cooking, Fang Xuening... well, Fang Xuening was watching.

The main reason is that Fang Xuening could be a helper or something, but Li Shuyao cooks too fast, and she can't get involved in preparing several dishes together!
So she looked at her eyes with peace of mind.

Just at this time……

"Brother, I'm coming! Haha, why don't you close the outside door, huh? You're not afraid of bad guys coming in... What the hell, brother eggplant, a certain fantasy, why are you here? Isn't the meeting time at 2 pm?"

Li Yuanjun held up the selfie stick and pushed the door and walked in, then looked at Big Tomato and Mou Huan who were sitting on the sofa with a notebook and revising the script with a look of shock.

"Okay, we agreed to come at 2 o'clock, but you guys secretly moved ahead of time, saying... why did you come here early?"

"You still talk about us... why did you come so early." Big Tomato smiled and pushed the laptop to Mou Huan's eyes.

"I... I came to eat." Li Yuanjun said as a matter of course: "Yesterday, I contacted Yaoyao when the Yaoyao family gathered, and said that I came to eat today."

"Eat? You didn't tell us when you came to eat so early?" A certain Huan slapped the table, and then pushed the computer to Big Tomato's eyes: "Are you all so natural?"

"That's right, I'm an old acquaintance." Li Yuanjun laughed and said, "Yaoyao, Xue'er and I are close buddies."

"I didn't expect that, I knew it would have made you come earlier." Big Tomato pushed the computer in front of Mou Huan without any trace.

"That... If it's troublesome, you don't need to add it." Fang Xuening blinked beside her.

"No trouble, why bother, no trouble at all, isn't it Brother Huan?"

"Brother Qi can slip away when playing this game, it's not troublesome at all."

"What do you want to add?" Power Source Bacteria asked curiously.

"Brother Qie and Brother Huan just said that they want to add a character to me." Fang Xuening pursed her lips and blinked her eyes: "That... If that is troublesome, forget it."

"No trouble, what's the trouble, I'll do it!" Liyuan Bacteria volunteered to sit between Big Tomato and Mou Huan: "Let me tell you, the plot of this MV was actually made by me and them, plus Personally relaxed..."

"Okay, Lidao Beer!"

"Indeed, Li Dao Na..."

"Stop..." Liyuan Bacteria pouted and smiled, "You two, don't run away... stay with me!"

Adding a character is still very fast. After everyone finished their busy work, they almost started to eat. After eating, Big Tomato and a certain magic knew why Liyuan Bacteria had to come early.

It's delicious!

I thought it was an expression when I watched the video before, but now it seems that it is not at all!

Damn it, last time I asked clearly, he told me he was making an emoji!

Never believe what this guy says in the future!

After dinner, the makeup artists came, and almost everyone started to put on makeup. Big Tomato and Mou Huan had the same makeup from beginning to end, but others, especially Li Shuyao, had to put on several different makeups. So still have to make up in advance.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the last gorilla boy also came. It seems that he and Liyuanjun both brought their own cameras. This video also needs to add some other perspectives, so they will also record a little bit, and they will add it at that time Come in.

After these four buddies got together, it became lively in an instant.

Then the gorilla boy got angry:

"What! You all came to eat early! You didn't call me? Shit!"

 I was woken up by several calls this morning, so sleepy...

(End of this chapter)

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