Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 247 Look, there are fairies

Chapter 247 Look, there are fairies

The gorilla boy felt that he had been betrayed by his good friends, otherwise, why did these people come to eat, but he didn't come!
This behavior is simply outrageous!
But, seeing that Lao Tomato and a certain fantasy made up a birthday star and a God of Wealth, he turned from anger to a smirk...

"Hahahaha... Mou Huan, your head is amazing, hahaha, why did you think that you have made yourself a birthday star, hahaha..." The gorilla boy looked at the big bag bulging on Mou Huan's head hahaha laughed.

Then turn around...

"Hahahahaha... Brother Qie, why did you paint your face red... Hahaha."

Then look at Li Shuyao...

Oh, this is the real fairy!

Although her character is a chivalrous man, how can she feel that she is more immortal than these two great fairies... Since it is not a matter of serving the Dao, it is a matter of human beings.

Sure enough, these two people couldn't get up, it was just for fun.

and then turn around...

"Hahahahahaha...Liyuan Bacteria, you bandit puts on makeup like...that's what it's called...the black-faced thief, haha, why did you paint your face black, hahaha..."

"What are you laughing at, hurry up and put on makeup!"

"That's right, you think you can escape?"

"You were also a thief in the beginning."

"Huh?" Gorilla Boy's eyes widened: "I... am I not a victim in this paragraph? Why am I also a robber?"

"The victim has changed." Li Yuanjun pointed to Fang Xuening who was also putting on makeup on the other side and said.

"Huh?" The gorilla boy turned his head again, I want to see who took my victim's identity!

Then he looked at Fang Xuening, smiled and waved at him.

It turned out to be Xiaoxuexue, that's okay, I am willing to be this robber!
"Oh... from a male victim to a female victim, so your image is a perfect match, hahaha..."


After the gorilla boy came, he mocked the strength of the three male guests, and the final result was...

"Hahaha... look at this gangster, he has a flower on his head." Liyuan Bacteria pointed to a small red flower on the head of the gorilla boy and laughed.

"That's right, the mole on the corner of the mouth is gone, haha, there is an extra pinch of hair." Mou Huan pointed to the mole on the corner of the gorilla boy's mouth and smiled.

"I think this dress really suits him. Look at the women's attire, tsk tsk, this suit looks like an ancient matchmaker... Bah, this is an ancient matchmaker... Hahahaha..."

Big Tomato tugged at the colorful clothes on the gorilla boy, and the three of them laughed hahaha.

"No... I don't understand." The gorilla boy looked at the mirror with a lifeless face, and then waved his hand: "I can bear it if you make me a robber, why is it a matchmaker? This doesn't fit my personality Ah, I... don't I, such a tall man, if you don't give me the whole of Guan Gong, you can also give me the whole of Second Master Wu."

"You are the only one who is effective. You can see that the Liyuan bacteria become Li Kui and it is very effective." Big Tomato looked at the Liyuan bacteria carrying two paper flowers and a big black ax...

"Indeed." Everyone else nodded.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The four of them are white, red, black, and colorful, all of them look like gourd babies. After laughing at each other, they look back at Li Shuyao...

Dressed in white clothes, with a long sword pinned to his waist, and a bamboo hat on his head, the white gauze hangs down slightly. Occasionally, the breeze blows through the gauze, and the gauze is gently blown up, revealing the seemingly inhuman figure in the gauze. The delicate face of fireworks.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison!
Compared with others, this is the real fairy.

No wonder she is called a fairy... No, she seems to be nicknamed a female ghost now, oh, how can there be such a beautiful female ghost, if all female ghosts look like this, please give me a stack in the dead of night.

So the three of them looked at Liyuan Bacteria silently...

It's all your videos that make people become female ghosts now!
Liyuan bacteria were speechless, they were pretending to be female ghosts at the time, what does it have to do with me!I was also intimidated!I am a victim!
Then the four of them looked at Fang Xuening again...

Hiss, although it is a little bit worse than Li Shuyao with makeup on, but she looks quite special, especially the white hair and slightly flushed face.

Hiss, pan-world ecstasy!

It would be even better if there was some tauren plot, um, but a short MV can't support such a bull-beer plot, let's forget it.

Although let's just say, the plot of a weak woman being robbed by a strong man who jumped out suddenly in the garden seems so unreasonable.

But, when the time comes, it will be reasonable to watch the whole video together.

"Let's go, let's go shoot the location." After spending almost an hour on makeup, the most troublesome ancient costume makeup was finished, and Big Tomato invited everyone to go out to shoot the location together.

After the exterior scene is over, the rest is almost shot in the room, so there is no need to worry so much.

After all, this is still borrowing someone else's venue. Although they say they don't want money, they have to make a quick decision...


Li Shuyao wore a bamboo hat, held a long sword, and wore a white cloak behind her back. She looked very heroic.


Fan Zhengyi is the captain of the community's security. At the same time, although the captain sounds like nothing special, this owned by his family.

Strictly speaking, he wants to call the owner of the property the second uncle.

The reason why he chose to be the captain of the security guard... is to live up to his own name, he wants to uphold justice!

For example, every time the original partner came to arrest mistress, mistress came to arrest mistress, and mistress came to arrest mistress...he didn't care much...cough cough, he always stood firmly on the side of justice!
Another example is that you can use your own venue to take pictures... Right, this community spent a lot of money when it was renovated, and it has naturally become a location for many self-media.

Even many film and TV series will come here to shoot.

And who to let in and who not to let in... This decision is in the hands of the security captain.

Well, or the chief security officer!
Today when Big Tomato and a certain fantasy came, he directly agreed, just kidding, he is a fan of Big Tomato!Absolutely not because that white hair agreed!

He mainly agreed to Bai Mao and Li Shuyao.

Although he is a fan of Big Tomatoes, he is also a fan of Li Shuyao. As the third leader in the fan group, of course he wants to give the owner of the Yaoyao group more face.

Well, the top leader in the group is naturally that Baimao, and the second leader is the big boss who dominates the rankings all the year round. I heard that he is also friends with the boss of the live broadcast platform. It looks like a big boss.

I am naturally the third child.

Although there are still a few good (si) friends (jian) friends (huo) who are competing with him for the position of the third child, but how could they beat him!
As one of the top five in the perennial fan list, Fan Zhengyi must wholeheartedly support the rumor work...

Besides, the owner could have used it.

"Ahem, this will give me some energy for a while. Don't leave a bad impression when the owner comes." Fan Zhengyi straightened his tie. Although he said that he was the third in command, he could not reveal his identity!
"It's the captain." The other two players shouted in unison.

"Hey... Captain, look, there are fairies!" Suddenly, one of the team members pointed to the distance and said.

(End of this chapter)

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