Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 249 Isn't She Really a Martial Arts Expert?

Chapter 249 Isn't She Really a Martial Arts Expert?

Fan Zhengyi and the others were not far away, and there was even a camera next to him, so he could see clearly that Li Shuyao had no wire hanging on her body at all, that is to say, she really "flyed" over just now...

Although it is said that he tapped the stones in the water twice, although it is said that he grabbed the edge of the pavilion to borrow strength, even though he jumped down by stepping on the edge of the pavilion...

It doesn't seem so outrageous... What a ghost!

What's the situation?
Can you really fly?
Outrageous, simply off the mark!

Yaoyao turned out to be a martial arts master?I'll go, this sounds a bit mysterious, are you writing a novel with me here, or are you leaving me here to make a video...

Oh, it's indeed a video shoot.

But... But I didn't watch the video, I watched the scene. There is no equipment for hanging wire at all, so you just ran up?
what is this?
Video into reality?

It can be said that the security personnel at the scene were basically stunned. Who is protecting whom? This really makes them Li Shuyao's opponents?Just kidding!

What kind of bouncing ability is this, why did he jump directly from the stone in the water?This is too weird.

Uh, but well, everyone is someone who has seen the world. Although Li Shuyao seems to be developing towards a little superman, it is more or less acceptable. Maybe he just has this skill that others cannot achieve.

Or, even if Li Shuyao really has some legendary lightness skills, that's probably what it is. It's okay to run away, but it's definitely not good to fight in close combat!

Before everyone could think about anything, Li Shuyao split the stone thrown by Liyuan Bacteria in half with a sword.

Security guards: "..."

If they read correctly, the stones thrown by the Liyuan bacteria just now should be pebbles around the pool. Although there are a lot of these things, they are not small.

but!The point is not here!
Instead, it was split in two with a sword!
This is not a prop, but a real stone!
The video you shot is also really interesting, your props are picked up at random, right? You guys use some real props!It's a prop, not a real thing!
You guys are all so sincere in making videos, it’s a good thing you weren’t asked to make war scenes, otherwise I’m afraid there aren’t enough people.

As for what is broken first, it is impossible to stick together. The distance between them is not too far, so it can be clearly seen that the cross section of the stone is very smooth, and it does not look broken at all.

That is to say, the way the robber threw stones was a little fake. You didn't look like you were throwing stones to hit people, it was like you were throwing stones to smash people.

Of course, this is because the Liyuan bacteria dare not throw it hard, it is a real stone... Li Shuyao said it was fine, and even deliberately added a play to let him hit her with a stone, how could the Liyuan bacteria really hit her, if this is a He really smashed the prop stone, but this is a real stone!
Seeing Li Shuyao split the stone with a sword, Li Yuanjun and Gorilla Boy were stunned for a moment. They hadn't seen Li Shuyao's superficial touch before, only saw her fall from the sky, so it was not as shocking as before.

But now they are really shocked, because they all know that this is indeed a real stone. Before, they thought that Li Shuyao was going to avoid it, but they didn't expect her to split it with a sword.

Then Li Shuyao took advantage of the time when the two were in a daze, and lightly jumped up, her legs formed a ponytail in the air, and lightly touched the arms of Liyuan Bacteria and Gorilla Boy, and then spun in the air, resting her right hand on the ground again Leaping high, a two-and-a-half-week flip gently landed on the ground.

But at this time, the two of them seemed to be a little bit behind the scenes, and then quickly fell to both sides...

Big Tomato: "..."

A certain fantasy: "..."

Although let’s just say, they are quite shocking, but there is no scene of them here, so they just watched from the sidelines. Naturally, the video was shot with the help of a cameraman. Today is quite special, so it’s still A dedicated cameraman was hired to take the pictures.

"Is this... the strength of Yaoyao? Does she really know martial arts?" Mou Huan slammed his mouth: "Why do I feel that the wish she made doesn't look too outrageous."

"Ah... yes, I also feel that it's not that outrageous." Big Tomato nodded: "If she really goes to play professionally, the championship next year...maybe it seems that time travel is a little outrageous."

"Aren't the other two outrageous?" Mou Huan blinked.

"World peace is the wish that everyone has. This is not outrageous. We all hope for world peace. Only in this way can we have a better life. It is not outrageous to enjoy the shade under the grass. When technology develops, there are opportunities, that is, time travel is outrageous." , no matter how you think about it, it is outrageous and impossible to realize.”

Big Tomato shrugged and said:

"So, among her several wishes, world peace and enjoying the cool air are actually wishes that we all have. Although these two wishes are somewhat elusive, they are also common. Becoming a heroine and a world champion One, in fact, she can do it with all her efforts, and the only thing left is that time travel can't be realized no matter what."

"Yeah... Yaoyao is really good." A certain Huan also sighed: "I heard that she has learned countless times from Teacher Han Liang. The apprentices are so good. The master must be even better. And it's only a short time. It’s only been a few days, whether we should also go to learn, it looks really powerful.”

"It makes sense, we can make a video of learning martial arts." Big Tomato said.

"Yes, we can open another self-made variety show to promote martial arts culture." Mou Huan also nodded.

"Well... you can think about it, and you can also invite Yaoyao to participate." Big Tomato said.

"At that time, she should have gone to work professionally. Will she still have time to record videos?"

"I don't know, let's wait and see, we have to investigate first." Big Tomato said: "Let's go, it's time for us to play."

"it is good!"

Fan Zhengyi stared blankly at the people in front of him who had already shot back and forth three times, Li Shuyao had also "flyed" back and forth from the water three times, and Liyuan Bacteria had also thrown stones three times...

Well, Liyuan Bacteria's throwing of stones is getting more and more slippery. From the beginning when he didn't dare to throw stones, he only dared to throw them, and then he threw them roguely. Everyone has seen what he has gone through.

Everyone no longer cares about Li Shuyao's "flying" and "flying". Now everyone is more concerned about how many stones Li Shuyao will split, and where did she buy the sword in her hand? After splitting three stones, it looks like there is still no curling blade at all.

Is this science?

This is not scientific at all!
That's a stone!Really stone!
Fan Zhengyi feels that his world view is being baptized, and he feels that he may be reborn from today.

It's just... outrageous.

These people don’t use wire or props when making a martial arts video, and even change the martial arts action scene. That Li Shuyao has filmed it three times, and the moves are never the same!

Handsome is handsome, but please respect what you are doing, okay, you are making videos, can you make it fake for me, it is difficult to send out my third-person perspective videos if you do this!
This Li Shuyao can't really be a martial arts master!
I don't believe this, Dongfang Bubai is not so beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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