Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 250 A little reminiscence of the past

Chapter 250 A little reminiscence of the past
The filming went relatively smoothly. After all, they had some entertainment and randomness in their filming. It’s good to be a little funny. Although it will be sublimated in the end, it doesn’t affect the previous funny.

In this way, after five times of filming, everyone is almost satisfied. During this period, Li Shuyao used various movements, and only one gaudy thing was highlighted.

But it's really nice.

Big Tomato also had some thoughts in his mind when watching it. Although he said that he might only edit the best one when editing, he wanted to preserve all these actions of Li Shuyao.

Maybe you can even edit a ghost animal. Anyway, there were no ghost animals before Yaoyao, and this martial arts video is very good. It can restore "Journey to the West" magically.

"Captain Fan, thank you very much..." After the filming, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening ran over to thank them. They lent them such a large space and sent so many people to help watch it. This is already very interesting It's over, I have to thank you when it's over.

Especially when I smashed 5 stones from others, although I communicated in advance, and it was only one stone, it seemed useless, but it was also the kindness of others.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Fan Zhengyi looked at Li Shuyao with a complicated expression. This woman was really terrifying, and it seemed that every time she appeared, he would refresh his cognition.

At the beginning, she was just an ordinary family in the community, but I heard that she was a talented girl who often skipped grades. Even in this kind of community, she was inevitably called someone else's child by other parents. It is about to take off in Li Shuyao's generation.

Then, just when everyone was about to watch her house take off, a huge change suddenly happened. At one point, Fan Zhengyi even thought that the little girl would sell the house. After all, the high property fees in this community were not something she could afford. It's better to sell the house and take the money.

The money for this house is enough for her to live for a long time, so she can basically spend the rest of her life without worrying about it.

But she didn't leave, and just fell silent. At that time, people in the community were talking about it. Everyone was lamenting that this little girl must have been hit too hard...

The genius of the past has fallen!

Fighting power, three...

cough cough.

At that time, everyone was actually a little bit sorry, but there was nothing to worry about. After all, they still had a house and two cars, and it would cost a lot of money to sell them all.

And the little girl is not a waste, she is a real genius, as long as she gets out of the blow, whether it is continuing to study, going out to work, or even doing business is fine.

After all, people have brains and money.

Then everyone didn't care what happened to Li Shuyao, after all, it was their business, and for them it was just a topic of conversation after dinner, and they forgot about it afterwards.

As a result, Li Shuyao came back soon after killing him again. It didn't take three years at all, and there was no need to say anything about bullying the young and poor. It only took a few months... soon.

Fan Zhengyi remembered that when he heard her news again, it was the time when two thieves went in. Speaking of which, it was also their negligence. After that time, they even strengthened their security forces and added several more cameras.

Hmm... In the past, many owners refused to let them add it. After the thieves happened that time, they added advanced security equipment such as cameras and alarms.

Maybe those little four and five are afraid of being found out... But when the original partner and the third came to catch the little four and five, this instrument was useless.

When people come in openly, generally speaking, they can stop them for a while, but if they bring the police, they really can't stop them, and some even bring lawyers, hair-dealing officers and so on.

After those two thieves, it was rumored that her house was haunted. At that time, there were even people in the community who were going to invite Da Xian'er to come and see, but they didn't let them in.

This is already harassing other owners. No one will take care of you if you invite yourself to someone else's house. Of course it won't work, and it won't work if you ask anyone!
Afterwards... It seemed that he heard her start singing. He listened to it and it sounded pretty good, and then he joined the fan group based on the idea that this is the little girl I watched growing up.

Oh, by the way, and wearing that outfit last time, he thought Li Shuyao was insane, but it left a deep impression on him after all.

I found out later that it was worn in a video.

Then it got out of hand.

But... Li Shuyao's choice really fell through the glasses of many owners in the community. Everyone thought that she would either go to school and then go on the scientific research route in the future, or sell the house and set sail again.

But everyone never expected that she could sing!

What a waste of money.

But, that's their own choice, so others can't say anything.

But Fan Zhengyi has always thought that this guy is an idiot. He didn't expect that he could beat him better. There is a reason for this!
Li Shuyao looked at Fan Zhengyi with a strange look in his eyes. Why does this guy feel like his grandfather's eyes are so kind and complicated?

Damn it, why does anyone look at him with kindness? These people really are!

Of course she didn't expect this guy's three views to be shattered today, let's put this memory...

"Captain Fan, I'm sorry to trouble you today, let's have a meal at our house together." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "Anyway, I have prepared a lot today, so don't dislike it, haha."

"Ang, haha, we still have to patrol, so we can't go to your place for dinner." Fan Zhengyi said with a laugh.

"It's okay, captain, we can go on patrol, you go." The young man behind said.

"Yes, captain, come back and tell us if Yaoyao is really so delicious." Another young man also said.

"Uh... is this... okay?" Fan Zhengyi scratched his head.

"The captain is fine, we are here." The walkie-talkie also rang.

"That's right, Captain, let's just sit here and watch."


"..." This walkie-talkie was controlled by a cat today, right?You, a big man, can't fix a cat, right?

Therefore, Fan Zhengyi, who was too generous, finally came to Li Shuyao's house, and then stayed temporarily in the name of protecting them from making videos.

Then I watched them shoot this slightly sandy MV from beginning to end, and watched Li Shuyao become a student, a knight, and a farmer...

It's just that most of it seems to have been done in front of a green screen.

Holy shit, what the hell is this filming.

The filming lasted until after eight o'clock in the evening. Fan Zhengyi was a little speechless. He knew that he had ordered the bar in advance, which directly turned the dinner into a supper.

But... He was very happy to see Li Shuyao and the others filming. Based on the third perspectives he recorded, he sat absolutely firmly in the third position, and no one could move!hum...

It's okay if you can't eat...

Fan Zhengyi originally thought that since it was so late, he should just order a takeaway or something and it would be over, but it turned out that he was still superficial.

Looking at Li Shuyao's cooking operation like a robot, one person can control the production of three dishes at the same time...

Or you can just say that you will be able to double up, so I might think it is more scientific.

 Two days ago, I went to a massage for the first time in my life... well, it was the spa!It feels good, but the shoulder blade hurts for two days after I came back...

(End of this chapter)

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