Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 251 Official Announcement

Chapter 251 Official Announcement
After finishing the filming and inviting everyone to a big meal, the noisy house gradually calmed down. When lying on the bed with a certain white hair in her arms, Li Shuyao had a slight feeling that she had entered the sage time.

It's not because of doing something that people like to hear and see, the main reason is that there are indeed too many people in the family today, Lu Yao also came back later, and now more than ten people have dinner together...

Still quite interesting.

But the ingredients are not enough, so I temporarily let Big Tomato and his fellow men go to buy meat and vegetables.

It was the first time that so many people were staying at home for dinner. It was really lively at the time. After the excitement, there was just a little bit of emptiness...

"Sure enough, if it was just me, I shouldn't have such a feeling, but after so many people have fun together, the feeling of contrast is still very strong." Li Shuyao sighed softly.

The filming is finally finished... It depends on their post-production. The workload of post-production this time is quite heavy.

A little unable to fall asleep, Li Shuyao threw aside Bai Mao, who was already soundly asleep, and then quietly went out with her mobile phone, and then walked all the way to the piano room.

The transition from lively to quiet was too fast, so fast that Li Shuyao was a little uncomfortable, so let yourself be intoxicated in the world of music.

Li Shuyao quietly closed the door of the piano room, and looked at the time, it was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, that is to say, the sound insulation of this piano room is very good, otherwise she would not play the piano so late.

"Huh..." Li Shuyao lightly stroked the keys of the piano, thought for a while, then stood up and picked up the guitar on the nearby piano stand.

After plucking the strings a few times, Li Shuyao nodded lightly, and a series of melodies were uploaded from the guitar.

The melody is gentle, but the rhythm is clear.

After playing a circle, she seemed to have found some direction, pressed the strings with her right hand, took a deep breath, and fiddled again:

"I once dreamed of walking the world with a sword and seeing the prosperity of the world..."


"DiLiLi... is on the way forward."


"Let's drink this glass of wine. A good man has a heart like the sea. He has experienced the ups and downs of life. His smile is warm and pure."

After singing from beginning to end, Li Shuyao didn't stop, she kept strumming the strings, and the sound of "DiLiLi" kept echoing in her mind.

Li Shuyao kept playing until a slight tingling sensation came from her fingertips, and then Li Shuyao gradually stopped.



The next few days were fishing time. After tossing around for several days before, Li Shuyao didn't go anywhere these days, quietly waiting for the end of the holiday, and quietly enjoying the tranquility of the holiday.

And this tranquility lasted until the last day of the transfer period.

On this day, the major teams that seemed to have fallen asleep before suddenly woke up, and began to officially announce the departure and entry of players.

On this day, the major e-sports self-media have been unable to stop since the first official announcement of the team. There was nothing to do all day long, just to carry the live broadcast clips of star players, or to broadcast the situation in the outer competition area , it would be even better if someone did the whole job.

For example, a certain team made some funny videos, for example, a certain boss wore women's clothes again...

But today, everyone has no time to care about that. Each team has made official announcements, and some even have several official announcements together. These self-media are afraid that some team's official announcement will be missing.

In fact, most of the official announcements are well-known to everyone. Gossip has been flying all over the sky before, and some professional players will actually reveal it themselves, but they will not directly say who will go where, but they will also give various hints.

In addition to normal player transfers, many people are concerned about whether the nursery rhymes in the book will go to LPL.

She played once in the secondary league before, but it was just that one time, and she never played again after that. When asked her in the live broadcast room, she kept saying ambiguous words, so many people seemed to have a Brother Gou kept scratching.

But today is really strange, other teams have made official announcements, but CR didn't believe it until 4 pm, and then, Li Shuyao didn't know why, so he just notified that today's live broadcast was suspended and no one was there. .

I used to say it when I paused, either I went to shoot a video, or if I went out for a while, this time I didn’t say anything and just paused, which can’t help but make people think about it.

Others don't care, many people in Li Shuyao's fan base are paying attention to this matter:
"Did the rumor official announce it? Why hasn't CR moved yet?"

"If you don't live broadcast today, do you go directly to the CR base? God, I'm so anxious!"

"CR is the old breath-holding king, and he seemed to be the breath-holding champion last year."

"And... Ruan Yao is not considered a transfer, she is already a CR, so there is no need to announce it today, it will not be announced today."

"It is rumored that she is the starting lineup. If so, the roster must be announced."

"At least the German Cup list must be announced, unless Yaoyao goes but does not play in the German Cup."

"If you go, you should be able to play. After all, it is a new lineup anyway, and you have to adjust it in the game."

"I feel that I may really not be able to play, because the German Cup is a cup match after all, and it is a knockout match. If you don't play well for the first time and you are eliminated, the pressure of public opinion will still be a bit heavy. Why don't you take advantage of this time to get used to it and then play in the league."

"I think it's better to go up and play. After all, the German Cup is not very important. It doesn't matter if you win or lose."


As the "maternal family" of the nursery rhymes in the book, the people in her fan group have inexplicably mixed feelings about her daughter getting married, some happy and some apprehensive, some worried and some reluctant, many people Almost cried!
More people are actually blessed. announced it!
Do you know this will suffocate people to death!

"Here it comes, brothers, go and see it, the official blog of the CR team has disappeared."

"real or fake?"

"I went to the brothers, anyway, let's cheer up Yaoyao."

"I saw it, and it started suddenly. The new AD and jungler were officially announced. They were transferred. The jungler Xiaoye, AD Totoro, support and mid laner were not announced. I guess it should be Jingyi and Coffee Bean. "

"Huh? Hasn't the rumor been announced yet?"

"I want to see the top order..."

"Here it comes, brothers, it's really here, haha, it's really a transfer to CR."

"Ahem, correct me, this is not a transfer, it's considered joining CR."

"I'm a little confused. I watched a lot today. It's not enough to mention the first team directly from the second team. Why put a photo of receiving the team uniform? It's like a transfer."


At this moment, a message was posted on CR's official Weibo:
[Announcement on staff changes of CR E-sports Club]

After friendly communication and negotiation with the players, we are very pleased to announce to everyone that from now on, player yao (Li Shuyao) has officially joined the League of Legends branch of the CR e-sports club. Many upcoming events.

Yao players have maintained the top ten results of the Hanbok kings all the year round, showing their sharpness in the primary and secondary leagues, with outstanding personal abilities and outstanding style of play.

Welcome yao players to join the CR family, and look forward to motivating and making progress together with you in the future!
After that, there are two photos below, one is Li Shuyao's contestant photo, and the other is the group photo of her and Shen Zongyue.

 Change the map~
(End of this chapter)

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