Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 252 Come to the base

Chapter 252 Come to the base
After this news, the entire team's roster for the Spring Split will be:
Coach: Chow Mein

Top order: Yao, Gray
Jungle: night
Mid laner: Jingyi

Bottom lane: My Neighbor Totoro

Auxiliary: coffee beans
In the end, Shen Zongyue and Fried Noodles still found a substitute for Li Shuyao, and this substitute was also brought up from the second team, so he came up with Li Shuyao.

It wasn't the one who rotated with Li Shuyao last time, Xiao Hui was brought up as a substitute very early on, so he didn't play in the secondary league last time.

Relatively speaking, Xiaohui is Li Shuyao's insurance. After all, the other players have played LPL for at least a year. Although the results of the last season were not that good, they have no problem with their personal operations.

This is the most cost-effective lineup based on research by the coaching team led by Fried Noodles.

Compared to other teams who are frantically throwing money and buying players, CR's lineup can be said to be... the price/performance ratio is really high.

Although Fried Noodles is very optimistic about Li Shuyao, after all, Li Shuyao has only played one game. Even if he is a person who likes to take the lead, such a bold use of newcomers is enough to cause controversy in public opinion.

So Xiaoye is here to act as this insurance, and if Li Shuyao really has any problems, Xiaoye can take over.

Xiao Ye's strength is still good. If you say that he is used to compete for the championship, he may be a little immature and needs to grow and hone, but if he makes it to the playoffs, the problem is still not big.

What's more, this year's summer split didn't make the playoffs, so as long as next year's spring split makes the playoffs, it's considered an improvement.

However, it is clear that this lineup cannot satisfy the fans of CR. In fact, the development of e-sports has reached this point. Neither the club nor the players are fighting for themselves. Team marketing is a very important aspect.

The fan economy is a very important part of team marketing. If you don't have fans, other sponsors won't look for you.

In fact, if CR buys a strong top laner and then let Li Shuyao play as a substitute, that is the best solution, which can not only guarantee the results, but also absorb Li Shuyao's own traffic.

However, the contract Li Shuyao signed with Shen Zongyue is to start, if she can't start, she won't play.

What else would she do if she couldn't make the debut, she planned to play for a year, realize her dream and at the same time increase her popularity and promote her songs to the world.

If she can't start and can't go to the world championship, then she might as well fish at home.

How tiring it is to play professionally.

So this is a choice.

I have to say that both Shen Zongyue and Fried Noodles are very bold. After all, they don't know that Li Shuyao is cheating, so they can make this decision...

It must be scolded miserably.

The current Weibo is as follows:

"It's starting to suck, right? Jingyi and Tong Yao are starting to fight the Sisters League, right?"

"Shen Zongyue can resign quickly if he can't do it, or let our silly bean go."

"Brothers, see you at the foot of Tianwang Mountain next season."

"Is this Li Shuyao the nursery rhyme in the book at Station B? Isn't she a singer?"

"Coffee beans, run away, this is a P."

"The yao singer should go and sing well, what kind of job do you come here to do?"

"Ahem, let me explain to all CR fans that Yaoyao is the up host of station B, and the main content of the live broadcast is also League of Legends. His strength is always in the top ten of Hanbok kings, and he has beaten all laners in the rankings. His strength Very strong, but actually I think the substitutes are better, but trust them."

"What's the use of a strong ranking? Last year, the LCK group had a passer-by in the ranking, but the result was not the top eight? In the past, there were three big legs in the national server, and not all of them could be played on the field. It still depends on the field experience and psychological quality. .”

"I'm not opposed to the introduction of Yaoyao, at least let her play as a substitute for a while, and start directly?"

"Let's take a look at the German Cup."

"I think Yaoyao was broadcasting at home yesterday, right? Can the German Cup be played?"


For Li Shuyao's joining, it can be said that there is a lot of doubts, even overshadowing the doubts about Xiao Ye and Totoro. In fact, these two players are not star players, but they have played LPL for a year anyway, and they are better than Li Shuyao. .

And the major e-sports self-media are also full of doubts when reposting this news:
"Niu Beer, CR management is becoming more and more inappropriate."

"The marketing team has lived up to its name, and they have found an up master to play professionally."

"Okay, drawing cards and marketing, is CR going to let Li Shuyao sing a theme song next year?"

"Wait for CR to be killed on the road, haha, I don't know if Li Shuyao will be beaten and cried."

"A good up owner shouldn't come here to become a professional player... The key is that she is not a small up, she can be regarded as an up who has been very popular recently, it is really puzzling."

"At first I thought that CR had found a dedicated live broadcaster, but I didn't expect to actually start the show. It's amazing."

"CR didn't make the playoffs this year, and it's going to be a complete mess next year, so don't worry about it."

"CR really doesn't want to spend a penny more."

"This lineup... I can't understand it."


The negative opinion on the Internet was expected before. You have created such a lineup. It is normal to be negative online. Even Li Shuyao's pro-fans dare not come out and say anything at this time.

Li Shuyao doesn't have any record at the moment, if you brag about it forcefully, you will definitely encounter even greater opposition, so all major fan groups have sent out notices, saying not to have disputes with people on the Internet because of Li Shuyao.

Li Shuyao's live broadcast fans are basically watching e-sports, but well, everyone really has no confidence, if you haven't played in the arena, you haven't played, the ranking is nothing, and the secondary league is nothing.

So the vast majority of fans are pretending to be dead.

You can talk as much as you like, what it looks like, we will wait until the time to watch the game.

Under such circumstances, in fact, it's hard for everyone to say too much. After all, she is just a girl. If no one argues with you, she can't say anything particularly detrimental.

In the e-sports circle, the kind of particularly hurtful words are often because of being forced out by some extreme fans...

However, because this situation was foreseen in advance, CR people basically did not read the comments except for the official blog team. Li Shuyao also drove her beloved car with her and Tantai Jingyi's luggage Came to the base of CR.

It can be said that the two of them are the latest to come back, and the others have also come to the base one after another in the past two days.

Fried Noodles was not in a hurry to let the players come over, because he didn't plan to let the first team participate in the German Cup, so he gave them some rest time. Next, I am afraid that New Year's Day will also be spent at the base.

"This base is pretty big..." After parking the car, Li Shuyao followed Tantai Jingyi to the area where the League of Legends branch is located.

She has been here last time. The entire CR base is very large, it looks like a small park, and there is usually an open part for fans to visit or buy peripherals.

There are also several areas inside, and there are teams from various games.

From the current point of view, the most famous one is naturally the League of Legends branch.

The main reason is that the events of this game are currently the most influential.

Looking at this villa in front of her, Li Shuyao is still very satisfied... This villa is much bigger than her home...

"Let's go, go in and have a look." Tantai Jingyi dragged her luggage and looked at the base with a little emotion.

I'm home.

 Hmm... I will try to reduce the narrative of the game content as much as possible, and write more daily content. In addition, most of these are based on my fantasy based on reality. There are places that are inconsistent with reality. Just look at it as another world, no need Go online.

(End of this chapter)

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