Chapter 253

This year's summer split failed to make it to the playoffs. Tantai Jingyi experienced the longest vacation since she started as a starter. Although she returned to the old place this time, it still feels a bit like a lifetime away.

after all……

It seems that the time I stayed here in the spring game was not as long as that at Yaoyao's house. There was a kind of lament that things were different. When she left, she had regrets, but when she came back, she had hope.

In addition...

She really didn't expect to call Li Shuyao here too.

"Yeah, I'm back."

When the two were sighing at the door, the door of the base opened, and Fried Noodles smiled at the two who were watching at the door:

"Why don't you come in, miss you here?"

"Ah, haha, good fried noodle coach." Li Shuyao chuckled. The last time she met, she still remembered that this person was her coach.

"Hello coach." Tantai Jingyi also nodded with a smile.

"Come in." Fried Noodles smiled and nodded, then turned and went out.

"Go, I'll take you in." Tantai Jingyi turned around and pulled Li Shuyao into the door together: "Let's go to the house and put down our things first, and then I'll show you around."

"Now they should all be busy with their own business, and almost no one cares about us."

Li Shuyao naturally shared a room with Tantai Jingyi, this was discussed before coming here.

There are basically two beds in the base house, but she was the only girl in the team before, so she always had a room by herself, and everyone else basically shared a room with two people.

In fact, Shen Zongyue was planning to build a separate house for Li Shuyao at that time. After all, he also knew what Li Shuyao's house was like, and was worried that she would not be used to it.

Naturally, Li Shuyao didn't want to be special, she came here to play professionally, not for vacation, and if she was different from others, she might arouse disgust from others.


All four of her slept together.

"As soon as you enter the door, it is our living room. Our base has four floors in total. The first floor is the reception area and dining room, the second floor is the activity area, the third floor is the training area, and the fourth floor is the accommodation area. Roughly divided like this Yes." Tantai Jingyi said to Li Shuyao while dragging her luggage and opening the door.


"Welcome welcome! Warm welcome!"


As soon as Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi entered the door, "golden rain" fell from the sky. On the opposite side, a group of people looked at Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi with suppressed smiles.

Well, except for the coach fried noodles who just went out, the other League of Legends branch people are basically here, led by Shen Zongyue, and there are 4 other players, the team leader, assistant coach, assistant coach, data analyst, Psychological counselors are basically here.

There are some other personnel who are not here anymore. These people are basically active here at the base. It seems that there are almost a dozen people.

"That's what you said, no one cares about us now?" Li Shuyao raised his eyebrows.

" might have been an accident." Tantai Jingyi twitched the corners of her mouth. It wasn't the first time she came back from a vacation, and she never got this kind of treatment. What the hell are these guys doing.

"Haha, Yaoyao, Jingyi, you are finally here." Shen Zongyue walked over with a smile: "How is it, are you surprised?"

"..." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes, and knew it was you who made trouble!

"Don't look at me like that, the main reason is that everyone is very curious, we are all your fans, haha." Shen Zongyue smiled and said in a low voice: "This is not my idea."

"Couldn't it be Stupid Dou's idea..." Tantai Jingyi stared at the kid who was laughing silly in the crowd, this guy seemed to have no heart at first glance, but in the game This guy is in command!
People are playing tactics!
"Yes, that's him." Shen Zongyue sold the coffee beans without mercy.

"Hmph." Tantai Jingyi threw her luggage towards Li Shuyao, rolled up her sleeves and rushed over.

"Hey hey, it's not...not's really not me..." Looking at Tantai Jingyi's appearance, Coffee Bean knew that she was going to come and beat him up. They had been teammates for several years, so he turned around just run.

"Silly Dou, stop for me!"

"I don't stand still! I'm not stupid!"


Everyone laughed and watched the two run around for several laps, and then Classmate Coffee Dou was still caught by Tantai Jingyi.

"Hey... sister, don't pinch, don't grab your hair! Ah..."

"...I didn't try hard."

"Hey, doesn't it mean that your marksmanship is accurate."


Li Shuyao smacked her mouth at the side, well, as expected, this is Tantai Jingyi's home court, and after returning here, her original boyish character was revealed.

When I was at her house before, this guy was actually in an emo state.

Under the leadership of Shen Zongyue, Li Shuyao greeted these people one by one, recognized each other's faces, and they will be regarded as colleagues in the future.

In Li Shuyao's first impression, Coffee Dou, the veteran support, is the most relaxed, always smiling.

Xiaoye, the jungler, is a little shy, chubby and cute.

Totoro, the new AD, looks a little autistic, and smiled a little... well, it's better not to smile!

Her substitute, Xiao Hui, is trying to pretend to be a gentleman... like a child in an adult's clothes, but it's also quite cute.

These are her teammates, who left the deepest impression on her, the others...just get to know each other.

Team leader Yan Renjin... Well, another person with a very kind smile!It's outrageous!

The psychological counseling left her the deepest impression except for a few team members.

It's not anything else, although the fact that the smile is very friendly and the voice is very gentle is already very attractive, but the most important thing is that she... is very big!
This made Li Shuyao very impressed!
"Okay, stop making trouble, we've seen each other, everyone go to work." After everyone got to know each other for a while, Shen Zongyue clapped his hands and said to everyone.

"Well... I'll cook for everyone tonight, everyone come." Li Shuyao yelled before everyone dispersed.

"Really? There are so many people?" Shen Zongyue opened his mouth: "You can do it?"

"Hey, what's the matter, if you usually eat together, how do you eat?" Li Shuyao asked.

" about a buffet." Shen Zongyue said: "It's already past 5 o'clock, is there time?"

"It's not too late, it's okay. Look, dinner can be served at 7 o'clock at most. By the way, Lao Shen, find a camera to come over and take a video for me. We will contribute jointly in this issue." Li Shuyao rolled up his sleeves and looked towards this The other team members on the side blinked, and then went straight to the kitchen.

Coffee Bean: "I'll go, did Yaoyao wink at me?"

Xiao Ye: "Maybe he blinked at all of us."

Xiao Hui: "She really knows how to cook."

My Neighbor Totoro: "... very beautiful."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Shen Zongyue: "Joint submission? That's a good relationship... Haha, wait a minute, I'll call a camera right away."

With that said, Shen Zongyue hurried out.

The number of followers of CR's official account on station B is only around 100 million, which is far behind Li Shuyao. Let alone this wave of introduction of Li Shuyao, on station B, they are definitely attracting people to his club!
 Li Shuyao: Thank you book friend 202103********6204 for your reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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