Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 255 Is this a club?

Chapter 255 Is this a club?
Under Li Shuyao's strong intervention, everyone suddenly recognized the fact that she was just 18 years old...

It's quite strange to say that, generally speaking, in fact, people often ignore their real age and give the title "brother" or "sister" to people who are more capable than themselves.

Originally, Li Shuyao hadn't started playing yet, so everyone couldn't decide whether to call her sister or not... But, this move tonight really stunned them.

The buffet this evening was naturally well-received. When Li Shuyao came, many people were actually a little worried. Not to mention her strength, she is an up with a lot of traffic. They were all worried about what Li Shuyao would do. Unexpected glitches.

But after getting in touch with him, he is still very approachable, and he even made a special meal to invite everyone to eat... The key is, it is really delicious.

It's hard to imagine that such a load of food was cooked by Li Shuyao alone, and she didn't look tired at all, even though she ate a little too much.

But people can do it!

So, on the first day of his arrival, Li Shuyao left a deep impression on this group of people.

Not because of how beautiful she is, nor because she is a music district up master with 400 million fans, but mainly because of the amazing food she cooked, and the food tastes shockingly delicious, and in the end she Had the shocking ate till the end...

So, on the first day she came here, she had the faint title of Yao Sanzhen. The chefs in the club were on the verge of a big enemy, and they were afraid that one day the club owner would announce that they would all be fired, and Li Shuyao would be left to cook alone.

As for why it was able to spread so quickly, it was mainly because Li Shuyao had been cooking for two hours. During these two hours, the rumors about her cooking in the work group of the club were miraculous.

So in fact, it wasn't just these people from the League of Legends branch who were onlookers later.

In the spirit of coming, everyone ate some more or less.

And then... it got out.

In this information age, the transmission of information is called fast.

On the second day, the staff of CR felt that the taste of the food in the club cafeteria had improved to a higher level...

Of course, this is all for later.

After eating, everyone dispersed, and some of the people who came over for a meal also went home from get off work. One or two of them all volunteered to work overtime here today. They were not so active during the World Championships!
After everyone dispersed, the base became a little deserted. Currently there are only 6 players and the head coach who live here.

Most of the other members of the coaching staff lived in their own homes.

and so……

"Let's go, let's go to the base." Looking at the six children in front of him, Chao Nian felt that he had once again become the king of children.

"Coach, don't we train?" Li Shuyao looked at the fried noodles curiously. Although it was already past 9 o'clock, according to what Tantai Jingyi said, they used to train until late.

In other words, even if there is no training, shouldn't there be a meeting or something?

The former assistant coaches and assistant coaches were all included in the ranks of analysts by her... I still don't know that well now.

"It's so late won't be long, I won't train anymore." Fried Noodles said with a smile, "Isn't this the work and rest time you advocated?"

"We go to bed at 11 pm and wake up at 8 am, much earlier than before, and I can't even fall asleep." Xiaoye scratched her head: "When I was broadcasting live, the audience told me to change it to Xiaori."

"Hey hey hey hey..."

"Brother Dou, what are you laughing at?" Xiao Hui looked at Coffee Bean beside him curiously.

"Hmm... It's his trumpet that said it was changed to Xiaori." Totoro said calmly.

"Ahem, how is it possible! Am I that kind of person!"

"Yes." Tantai Jingyi also nodded.


Xiao Ye hugged the coffee beans: "I said why all the ones here are with the brand of coffee beans...Brother Dou, it really is you!"

"Hey Hey……"

"Let's go." Chao Nian smiled and shook his head: "Starting tomorrow, you will exercise with Yaoyao. If all of you have Yaoyao's physical fitness, we will have no problem winning the championship."

"Haha, coach, just blow it."

"Ahem, coach, let's keep a low profile."

"Brothers, we must follow the coach's footsteps, we will definitely win the spring championship!"

"Hey hey hey, we took it, let me tell you, I'm tired, I have to go to MSI after taking it, I have to go out, I need to apply for a visa, it's very troublesome."


A few people walked behind, chatting and laughing at the same time. At this time, they have just started to change their routines, and they have only just started to learn Tai Chi, so there is no obvious change yet.

This thing takes a while to practice.

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi didn't laugh with them, mainly because they didn't think they could win the championship...

In fact, this is also normal. Last year's loss was a bit heavy. It is not realistic for them to immediately have confidence in this reorganized team. Let's take it slowly.

"Our club is almost formed into a circle... You see, the place we are in now is the square in the middle. We have done some greening or something. The main reason is that everyone is tired. You can move around here and breathe. Get some fresh air and relax."

Fried Noodles pointed to this small square with good greenery and said with a smile:

"Every morning when you go to work, there will be dances here, so you can watch it together."

"Dance?" Li Shuyao blinked, "What kind of dance?"

"Grab money dance." Tantai Jingyi shrugged.

"Huh?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth wide: "What kind of dance is this? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"'s the employees of the other sales branches in front, which have nothing to do with us." Tantai Jingyi shrugged: "Even strictly speaking, they are the profitable department, and we always lose money."

"Ahem... It's not always a loss, but you are actually making money now." Fried noodles coughed twice.

"Oh...that means we are cheap." Tantai Jingyi nodded.

Fried Noodles: "..." Didn't Shen Zongyue say that Tantai Jingyi is a girl who likes to be yin...ahem, and formulates strategies in the arena, but she is usually very straightforward, why is she starting to get yin and yang now?

Then Fried Noodles looked at Li Shuyao.

The change is just in these few months, so the person who changed her is Li Shuyao!

Li Shuyao: "..." If I didn't see you as a coach, I would have thought you were Brother Gou.

"Over there is the branch of the king, over there is the branch of the Jedi, and over there is the branch of Dota 2..." Fried noodles pointed to the small villas and said: "Well, the main building in front is the CR Building Yes, usually there will be more staff there.”

"The peripheral shopping mall is open in front, which will sell your peripherals, and some products from merchants with advertising cooperation. Sometimes, for example, how many anniversary celebrations will buy tickets for fans to come in and play together? You guys can hack or something with your fans."

Fried Noodles introduced CR to Li Shuyao incessantly. Although he has only come here not long ago, he probably knows more than Tantai Jingyi.

Li Shuyao opened her mouth, boy, is this club so big... no, is this really a club?It's not the same as I thought there were so many billions.

(End of this chapter)

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