Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 256 Lectures on Fried Noodles

Chapter 256 Lectures on Fried Noodles

The group chatted and laughed, and walked around this big "club". Besides these, there was also the home venue, which was divided into two venues for computer games and mobile games.

In other words, they have a home court, and Li Shuyao doesn't have to go out for some games!
It's fun to think about.

In the end Li Shuyao finally understood that this is not so much a club as it is a club under the CR Group.

This is a bit different from Li Shuyao's original world.

How could there be such a big home club in that world, maybe in the future, but she had never heard of such a big club at the time, it was really... rich!

No wonder it is said on the Internet that CR is bad. With such money to form such a "cheap" lineup, it is indeed suspected of being bad!
Well, it's just a suspicion, recruiting me is not a bad show, this is the beginning of take-off!

After walking around for a long time, after almost digesting their food, several people returned to the base again. After walking around for a long time, Li Shuyao almost had a rough understanding of the base.

She has an inexplicable kind of...

The feeling of coming to college.

Although it is not as big as an ordinary university, the sense of sight after visiting the school and meeting the dormitory is too strong!

But, I didn't go back to the dormitory directly. In the living room on the first floor, everyone sat around on the sofa, and the fried noodle classmate sat casually, with both arms straddling the back of the sofa, and then lay down casually, looking inexplicably strange. A collection of Big Brother Lying and Ge You Lying.

"Come, come, sit down, let's have a brief meeting." Chow Mian said with a smile.

"Just here? Sit here?" Li Shuyao blinked: "Shouldn't I go to the conference room?"

"Hey, not all meetings have to go to the meeting room, you will often go to the meeting room in the future." Chao Mian said with a smile: "That place is the place to criticize you, maybe you will know the three words meeting room when you see it in the future." Feel bad all over."

"That's not enough." Li Shuyao waved his hand: "You shouldn't have a chance to criticize me."

Xiao Ye, Xiao Hui, Coffee Bean and Totoro were all stunned for a moment.

Well, she's a newcomer, yes, a newcomer.

Tantai Jingyi pursed her lips, smiled and shook her head.

"Okay, then I'll wait." Fried Noodles said with a smile.

After everyone sat down, Chow Noodles suddenly changed from lying down to sitting up, with his hands naturally put together, he said in a very relaxed tone:
"Okay, starting tomorrow morning, we will officially start the training camp. One month later, the spring season will officially start, and we will face the entire LPL opponent with a brand new attitude."

"I know, you may be a little unconfident... Well, except for Yaoyao, I can see that you are confident, and you don't need to be hesitant to speak."

Li Shuyao: "..." Am I acting obvious?
Tantai Jingyi raised her eyebrows, your eyeballs almost popped out, isn't it obvious to you?

"Our results this year are indeed not very good. There is nothing to deny, but I believe that as a person who has won the championship, you must not be reconciled, right, Coffee Bean."

The coffee beans froze for a moment, then pursed their lips lightly, and nodded slowly.

"Xiao Ye and Totoro, although your results this year are not good, and the quotation during the transfer period is not high, don't you want to play your own worth? What kind of championship, what kind of honor, we all want, but the most basic ..."

"This... right?"

Fried Noodles stretched out his right hand and rubbed three fingers with a smile:

"We've just been here for the second year, and we definitely want honors and things, but the most realistic problem is this... right?"

"And Xiao Hui, you are the same. In your first year, we also want honors, and we also want more opportunities for growth, but in the end, it is actually for this."

"Don't laugh, it seems vulgar to mention this thing, but I think this thing is the most real. If you play well and achieve good results, your social status will naturally rise."

"Whether it's negotiating terms with clubs or transfers, you'll have more of that."

"You can imagine that when we stand on the podium, golden rain falls from the sky, and then countless people are cheering, and all the lights next to you are falling on you, right, and then we hold the trophy together , medals, bonuses, and an upcoming salary increase, it feels like that, right."

Chow Noodles smiled slightly as he watched several people fall into the beautiful imagination:
"What about Dabing, think about it for a while, let's talk about the actual situation."

"You may think, oops, our lineup is not strong enough, how can we compete for the championship."

"Actually, you guys are wrong. Two veterans and three young players are my ideal lineup. What's more, apart from Yaoyao, you are not complete rookies."

"My Neighbor Totoro, the operation is impeccable, the reaction speed is extremely fast, the survivability is strong in the early stage, and the carry ability is strong in the later stage. It can often explode into a powerful combat force in desperate situations. What you lack is an experienced old support like Coffee Douou, you guys Not only is their combination the strongest, but they are definitely among the top three in the LPL."

"Xiaoye, you are the absolute heart of the game. Your command at critical moments can be called art. You are calm and unconstrained. You should show your characteristics and be bolder. What you lack is a strong upper middle. And Jingyi is such a strong mid laner, and Yaoyao is this strong top laner."

"You should all have watched Yaoyao's game, and also watched Yaoyao's live broadcast and ranking. Her style of play is very charming. She has her own system, and her own system will be Our main system for next season."

"Finally, I believe that you have all accepted Professor Yan Xiaohua's theory, and have already begun to practice it. I have seen the changes in each of you in the past few days."

"It's actually very painful for a person to change their schedule, especially those of us who stay up late all year round. Letting us go to bed early is like killing me."

"But you've all changed."

The fried noodles hooked the corners of his mouth:
"I believe that people who have not made up their minds about what to do will not change like this."

"You say it's impossible, right? But don't you really want it? I think, I believe you want it even more. As long as you go to this arena, there is no one who doesn't want to win the championship."

"It is precisely because you think that you are against your own biological clock, you get up from bed so early, and learn Tai Chi clumsily from your martial arts teacher. This is a scientific method. We believe that science can make us feel better. Adjust to the best."

Fried noodles glanced at everyone, and then solemnly said:

"Our starting point is very low. We didn't even make it to the playoffs this year. Everyone is not optimistic about us, so we have no burden. We have nothing to lose. We are now at the bottom, so continue Waiting for us down, will always be bottoming out."

Fried Noodles said and came over, and stretched out his hand:

"Come on, brothers and sisters, next year, surprise everyone."

"Crack!" Li Shuyao was the first to put his hands up, and everyone followed suit.

"Three, two, one...Come on!"

 Tomorrow is the new year~ What customs do you all have when you celebrate the new year~
(End of this chapter)

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