Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 257: I'm Awkward and Sad P

Chapter 257: I'm Awkward and Sad P
After washing, Li Shuyao was lying on her bed with a smirk... The voices of several people shouting together seemed to be still in her ears, and the feeling of returning to a collective life made her a little bit excited.

When Tantai Jingyi came back from washing, she saw Li Shuyao lying on the bed with a strange expression on her face.

"No wonder people call you a female ghost, you are really scary in the middle of the night." Tantai Jingyi shook her head, this guy's expression looks really scary,
"Ahem, where is it? I'm so normal, after all, it's the first day." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth: "Do you want to make a video for Fang Xuening?"

Li Shuyao lay on the upper bunk looking at Tantai Jingyi below.

There are almost two side-by-side upper and lower tables in this room. The wooden structure still looks very warm, and the stairs next to it are also very stable.

It looks as if the two beds in the standard room of the hotel have been replaced with two wooden upper and lower tables. The fence above this combined bed is still quite high, and it really feels safe to lie on.

The surrounding wallpaper is a light green tone, which also looks very comfortable.

It's just that the table that should have been filled with all kinds of cosmetics is very clean... Both of them are very clean, but there are some basic things, not many.

It looks somewhat similar to a student dormitory.

However, there will naturally be no power cuts here, and no one will check the bed, so Tantai Jingyi also placed some small things that she bought, such as small sofas, game consoles and so on.

Li Shuyao ran to the bed early and lay down, while Tantai Jingyi sat on her small sofa, took out her mobile phone and directly made a video call to Fang Xuening who stayed at home.

"Hello..." Fang Xuening's lazy voice rang from the other side of the phone: "Jingyi, Yi, ah..."

"...You're just waiting to sing a big didn't sleep all afternoon, did you? You've been sleeping since we left this afternoon?" Tantai Jingyi raised her eyebrows.

"How is it possible, I still broadcast live this afternoon, you don't care about me at all...don't watch my live broadcast, huh!"

Fang Xuening rolled on the bed, then said with a hey smile:

"Yaoyao? Why are you alone... She must be asleep, this little pig, hehe."


"I'm going, what's the sound... How do I feel that something has fallen from your side." Fang Xuening was stunned for a moment, curiously wanting to look ahead...

Uh, can't see anything!
Damn, if only there was some kind of holographic projection, I could see something fall!What fell?It can't be a person, who is so stupid!

"It was you who fell down." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

"Huh? Did she fall off the bed?" Fang Xuening blinked: "That's okay, she has rough skin and thick flesh, maybe the skin won't even break through."

Li Shuyao who just came over: "..."

"Hey, hey, who has rough skin and thick flesh, I'm obviously the one with fine skin and tender flesh!" Li Shuyao came over with Tantai Jingyi in his arms: "How about you being at home alone?"

"Ahem, can I suspect that you say I'm not human?" Just as Li Shuyao finished speaking, another voice appeared next to her.

Li Shuyao: " why are you both sleeping in my room!"

"Hey, aren't you used to it?" Fang Xuening waved her hand: "How are you doing today? Are you tired?"

"We just came here and haven't started training yet." Tantai Jingyi shrugged: "Yaoyao cooked them a meal today, which probably shocked many people."

"I did it today." Lu Yao said with a little surprise: "I thought it would be a few days before you."

"Hey, finish it early and be quick." Li Shuyao waved her hand: "I'll send you the video when I get up tomorrow."

"...All right." Lu Yao smacked his mouth, thinking that this guy would be able to relax after he went to play a job. It seems that he thought too much. This guy went to play a job. I'm afraid he won't even have a video in the future. did it myself...

"By the way, there are a lot of public opinions on the Internet about your career..." Lu Yao sighed, "What do you think?"

"Well... Try to guide my fans, don't let them conflict with each other, don't talk too much about how I am good, just say I am not good." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Yoyo, are you going to slap them in the face with your grades?" Fang Xuening said with a smile.

"Tch, I was just fed a mouthful of chicken soup today." Li Shuyao curled her lips: "Let me tell you, our coach guy will give our boys juice so much that they don't want it."

"Actually, such a coach is quite good." Tantai Jingyi smiled and said: "Our former coach always put pressure on us, and then the pressure was too great. If it wasn't for this coach, he wouldn't dare to use you."

"That's right." Li Shuyao nodded: "It's alright, I, Li Shuyao, approve of you!"

"Tsk tsk, people use you to approve, haha."

"Fang Xuening, I think your skin is itchy!"

"Come on, come on, a little bit..."

"Damn it, wait for me to go back and see if I don't scratch you to death!"

"Slightly, slightly, slightly..."


The four laughed and laughed for a while, then hung up the phone, and Li Shuyao lay down on the bed again, sighing softly.

"What's wrong?" Tantai Jingyi was also lying on the bed, carefully listening to the faint voices that could still be heard outside. For the e-sports club, it seemed that this time was far from the time to rest.

As for the entire CR, the ones who started to accept Professor Yan Xiaohua's theory are actually only the two branches of League of Legends and Dota 2, and the other branches are still the same.

So at this time, there are still occasional sounds that are near and far away outside.

Tantai Jingyi had never slept so early in the base, and this was also the first time for her.

"There is an inexplicable feeling of going to school in another place by myself, and then videotaping with family members..." Li Shuyao put her hands on her pillow, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised. This feeling is really nostalgic.

How long have you not experienced it?
It's been a long, long time... It's been so long... It seems like it happened in the previous life.

"Go to sleep, tomorrow morning, I have to teach them boxing." Tantai Jingyi shook her head, she didn't feel too strongly, she often made videos with her family, and often went home during vacations.

That is to say, I will be here with Li Shuyao during this holiday.

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao responded lightly, and also closed her eyes lightly.


Li Shuyao let out a long breath, unknowingly, she has become farther and farther away from that world, and whenever she gently closes her eyes, that world rarely appears in her dreams.

Whenever enough deep traces are left in this world, that world becomes more blurred.

Today is an impressive day for her.

Starting today, another dream of hers began to sail, and such a deep trace is enough to stay in her memory forever.

Then, those memories that have begun to fade away become more blurred.

Suddenly, a little regret filled her heart.

Then she frowned again.

Why am I feeling a little sad?What's wrong?I have nothing to do all day, and I am sad and sad... Fuck, go to sleep!
 Happy New Year everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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