Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 258 Physical Education Teacher Li Shuyao

Chapter 258 Physical Education Teacher Li Shuyao

The wave of inexplicable sadness did not affect Li Shuyao's mood. At 6 o'clock the next morning, she jumped off the bed directly...

Well, considering that those guys might not get up until 8 o'clock, she didn't specifically call them. After washing up, she ran directly to the kitchen on the first floor and started cooking delicious porridge before her aunt got up.

She is used to drinking a bowl of porridge full of energy after she exercises. The main reason is that it is very comfortable and also keeps the cold away. It is most suitable to have a bowl of porridge after exercising.

It took almost half an hour, and when it was past 7 o'clock, she put the porridge on the pot and simmered it slowly, while the others were called down one after another by Tantai Jingyi.

Tantai Jingyi is currently the captain of CR. Although the club set 8 o'clock, she thinks it is still a little late. Around 7 o'clock is a good time. At this time, there is still the end of the morning, and it will not be too early.

"Well, it smells so good..." Smelling the coffee beans, he walked over, looked at Li Shuyao in the kitchen, and was stunned for a moment: "Yaoyao, you got up so early."

"It's okay." Li Shuyao waved his hand: "How about it? It's delicious. This is my exclusive secret breakfast porridge. I don't give it to ordinary people!"

" smells so good!" Xiao Ye hurried over and nodded, the bowls are ready!
My Neighbor Totoro and Xiao Hui were sleepy at first, but suddenly remembered the meal Li Shuyao cooked last night, and suddenly became refreshed.

"Want to eat?" Li Shuyao looked at the four boys in front of him and said with a smile.

"miss you!"

The four nodded together.

"Let's go, go exercise with me, and eat together after the exercise." Li Shuyao took off the apron on her body and clapped her hands: "Let's go, the porridge needs to be cooked for a while... well, you won't even compare to me Bar."

"Hey... how is it possible." The coffee bean smashed his mouth: "I'm exercising really well now."

"Yaoyao, you are wearing clothes for practicing martial arts." Xiao Ye blinked, they all dressed more casually, in fact, except for going on stage, they usually wear their own clothes.

"Yes, it's more convenient to move around this way." Li Shuyao nodded: "Let's go, let's start the first exercise today, hehe, let's get proficient in the movements first."

A group of people walked out of the base. At this time, the square outside the base was completely silent. There were no people at this point. Even the Dota 2 team who also accepted this theory would not get up until 8 o'clock... Wait until they wash up After tidying up, it is almost 8:9 to [-]:[-] until I start exercising.

Moreover, most people exercise in their own bases and will not come out at all.


Under the weird gazes of some early risers, such as security guards, chefs, cleaning aunts, etc., Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi led the other four guys from the CR team to run around the small square of the club, while Running and shouting.

"One two one, one two one, one two three four!"


"Shout, have you never had military training? When I yell one, two, three, four, yell with me." After Li Shuyao yelled, she didn't hear an answer. She looked back, and the other people looked at her innocently. she.

"Tch, you don't have to act like Fang Xuening, that guy must not be up yet... You don't have to follow me when I called one two one, one is on the left foot, the other is on the right foot , don’t take the wrong turn, and don’t make the wrong run.”

Li Shuyao ran while shouting in front:
"Then after I yelled [-], [-], [-], [-], you guys yelled with my tone, did you hear me?"

"I heard..." Several people shouted softly.

"It's so quiet, I can't hear you! You haven't eaten... Oh, it's because you haven't eaten, but that's not the reason. I haven't eaten, but you see, I'm very energetic!"

"..." Yes, who can compare to you, you are so awesome.

"Come on, call me, one, two, three, four!"

"..." The first three are quite normal, why is the last one shouting at the top of your voice, you will wake up the others, even if you can't wake up those lazy people, it's not good to scare the flowers and plants .

"Call me!"

"one two three four……"

The people behind shouted reluctantly, but Tantai Jingyi shouted the loudest with a smile.

"Look at me, you four gentlemen are not as loud as our two old ladies... Uh... the voice is louder!" Li Shuyao blinked, and it seemed that something was a little bit wrong, but there was no problem!
"Come on, shout again! One two! Three four!"

"one two three four!"

"Okay, very spirited!"


The long-lost military training slogan rang again in this small square. At first, people passing by occasionally pursed their lips and secretly laughed at it, but after several people gradually stood up, the momentum was completely different.

Not only did everyone stop laughing, but they even looked forward to it somewhat.

After running for four or five laps, Li Shuyao stopped when she heard the panting sounds of the guys behind were somewhat rough and disordered. Tantai Jingyi was fine, and she herself didn't feel much. The physical fitness is too poor, if they make their training intensity too high all of a sudden, these guys may not be able to bear it a little bit.

That is to say, they still ran very slowly, otherwise they would not be able to keep up for four or five laps.

"Okay, that's all for today's running. Your physical fitness is still a bit weak. This is not good. If we go to the field, if your physical fitness can't keep up, you may make mistakes. Everyone already knows this."

Li Shuyao pinched her waist and smiled like a physical education teacher!

Well, when she went to college before, she saw that Teacher Han Liang taught the students like this!
"Next, let me cover up the overall process of this set of boxing. You follow along first, ah... Let's get proficient in this set of boxing first. Then I will teach you the simplified version, right, that is before our competition. For reinforcement."

"Well, let's not talk about that for now, come on, let me do it first, you guys watch it first, and then we will break down the movements."

Although Li Shuyao herself didn't need to decompose the movements, she saw that Teacher Han Liang decomposed them one by one, so she followed suit.

Teacher Han Liang is indeed my teacher, he teaches a lot, and he can use it anywhere!

Sure enough, it is Teacher Treasure Treasure. It seems that I have to go for a while in the future, maybe I can dig out some treasures.

After finishing speaking, Li Shuyao stood in front of several people, and slowly began to practice Tai Chi with each move.

"Breathe... breathe..."

Li Shuyao opened his posture little by little according to the specific breathing method.

The moment Li Shuyao, who had a playful smile on her face, seemed to be a different person the moment she started punching, her aura changed abruptly.

If she was a beautiful and lovely sister next door before, then now she seems to have become an inviolable martial arts master, with that lingering aura spreading out with the morning breeze.

Suddenly it looks like a green pine in the mountains, suddenly it looks like a rabbit in the forest.

It is as slow as a turtle, as fast as a leopard; as soft as a deer, as strong as a tiger.

There is no lag in switching between fast and slow, soft and vigorous.

The four guys next to me were a little stunned. They suddenly felt that compared with others, what they did before seemed to be no different from radio gymnastics... does it feel better than the teacher who came to teach them.

 I dreamed last night that I seemed to be a grand thief, possessed a space ring, went to an exhibition and stole a lot of exhibits... and stole two little white rabbits...

  Then in the later stage of the dream, I went to dig wild vegetables for the two little white rabbits to eat...

(End of this chapter)

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