Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 260 The old silver coins of CR

Chapter 260 The old silver coins of CR
At this moment, when Li Shuyao was starting to decompose the movements little by little, Shen Zongyue was quietly looking out of his office, and then he saw Tantai Jingyi seemed to be looking at them from a distance.

Hmm... who is this looking at?Who is she looking at when she's not exercising?Is it just looking at this building?What's so good about this, isn't it just a building? I've been looking at it for several years and haven't seen enough?
Alas, if not to mention, Jingyi's personality has changed a lot this time, or since she failed to make it to the playoffs, she has become a lot more silent, which only shows up occasionally.

Shi Qiulian said that this is a normal phenomenon... People will always experience some changes in their personality after experiencing some accidents at home, but especially Tantai Jingyi, who is in her early twenties, is in the process of opening her eyes. Some small changes are normal.

Shen Zongyue smashed his mouth, took out his mobile phone, and kept zooming in on that side...zooming...zooming...

Well, this Tantai Jingyi is really looking at herself!

Hiss...why did she look at her?Is there anything around her that deserves her attention?It seemed like there was no one else but me.

She was discovered now, Jingyi is really too smart, did she realize it already?Is this the anti-gank awareness of the world's top mid laners? It's really scary enough!

Shen Zongyue curled his lips slightly. He always thought that Jingyi was the top mid laner in the world, so even when he decided to reorganize the team, he did not intend to sell Coffee Bean and Jingyi, but chose to regroup around them. Build a team.

As for the result of this team, he doesn't know yet, everything depends on what will happen after the league starts.

Just as he was thinking, Shen Zongyue saw a message from the WeChat group.

Seeing this wechat group, Shen Zongyue took a cautious look at Tantai Jingyi below, and found that she no longer looked at him, and was relieved to turn around and practice Tai Chi with Li Shuyao.

The name of this group is "a group". There is no special name, and you can't tell what this group does at a glance.

But, in this group, there are Shen Zongyue, Chow Noodles, Psychoanalyst Shi Qiulian, Chief Director of CR's e-sports department Lan Zhai, and CR's big boss Yu Fengying.

Well, this series of operations was basically discussed by these people. Of course, there is no such thing as a plan or anything. Everyone just got together and you said it one by one. It looks very informal!
But, this is not a plan, it is everyone's thought, how can it be written materials, how bad... Right, if it is seen as bad, there is no evidence without written materials. !
The team leader Yan Renjin is not here. He is a man with no heart, a down-to-earth person, and a man called Yan Ma by everyone. Naturally, he will not participate in these conspiracies... Cough cough, these small calculations.

Lan Zhai: "Li Shuyao really looks like that, not bad."

As a non-famous old silver coin in CR, it is really not easy for Lanzhai to give such an evaluation. Generally speaking, he rarely praises others.

But, it's also because he really doesn't know much about martial arts, so he can get a rough idea.

Anyway, if you don't understand it, just say it's good...

Chow Mein: "It's really amazing, I think she is definitely someone who can lead our CR to go further."

Although the words of fried noodles were spoken in line with Lan Zhai, they were also cautious. Li Shuyao was the person he urged to recruit, and even signed a contract with a certain nature of confrontation for this, so he naturally wanted to give Li Shuyao said something nice.

Li Shuyao's performance is good, his position is very stable, and the most important thing is that he can get a salary.

Therefore, in order to prevent CR executives from having the illusion that the money paid is not worth it, I boast that Li Shuyao is also a very inconspicuous one among the many jobs in chow mein...

Lan Zhai: "Well, it's okay."

Lanzhai’s words can also include several meanings, one is that your chow mein is good, one is that Li Shuyao’s countless are good, and the other is that it’s just okay, professional players still depend on their results, not other things, we’re looking for her I came here to play professionally, not to be a martial arts coach.

Shi Qiulian: "The quality that Li Shuyao can show is somewhat beyond my expectations. Many of the methods we discussed have achieved results without using them. It seems that we don't need to do any more guidance, just let nature take its course. "

Shi Qiulian is generally very easy-going when speaking here, she is like this, whether in reality or online, she gives the impression of being very easy-going.

This is scary. She gives everyone the impression that she is very easy-going and gentle, so her suggestions are generally very easy-going and gentle, the kind that people can't see at all.

But it often works.

Shen Zongyue looked at these people talking and smacked his mouth, then thought for a while, and sent a message: "Jingyi seems to have a little feeling, I just saw her looking towards me."

Lan Zhai: "I see, Jingyi is pretty good."

The meaning of this sentence is, I also know that Jingyi also looked at me just now, but Jingyi has always been a person who knows the general, the general, and the general, so there must be no problem, And Jingyi was very good before, if something is wrong now, it is your chow mein problem!
Anyway, the problem came after your fried noodles came!
Chow Mein: "Jingyi and Li Shuyao are also very good girlfriends, and her tactical thinking is very sharp."

Fried noodles mean that you don't talk about that useless, he is smart, and he is an outsider, the onlookers can clearly feel that something is wrong, even if he said something, it is for the sake of his girlfriend!
Shi Qiulian: "Yaoyao and Jingyi are both good, our team will definitely be very harmonious."

Shi Qiulian also understood what she meant, although Jingyi may guess something, but it's a trivial matter, you don't have to worry about anything, it will be fine.

Shen Zongyue also nodded: "They are indeed very good, but I always feel that she will talk to me about something... This feeling is very strong, and she talks to me a lot these days."

Shen Zongyue means...

Well, he doesn't have any deep meaning, just the superficial meaning.

Lan Zhai: "Let's talk about it."

The meaning of this sentence is, look at what Jingyi said, anyway, Shi Qiulian said that nothing will happen, so naturally it should be that nothing will happen, and he still trusts Shi Qiulian's judgment.

Fried noodles: "Well, let's see, we are going to take them a little bit active today."

It means that you should deal with it quickly and don't delay my training. If it delays my training, then don't blame me!
Shi Qiulian didn't say anything, anyway, she said everything, let the rest take its course, there is no need to say anything more, now it's time for work, she is still putting on makeup at home.

Yu Fengying, who had been silent all this time, suddenly made a snickering emoji.

Then Lan Zhai followed with a snickering emoji, and Chow Noodles followed with a witty emoji.

Shen Zongyue...

Well, Shen Zongyue also snickered, and the atmosphere in the group was harmonious...

 Last night, I dreamed that the unit was vaccinated... After the vaccination, a woman suddenly invited me to a bar for a drink, and then sent a bunch of photos. I was surprised, I didn't know this person, so I was going to have a look (I’ve never been to a bar in reality.) Then I took a taxi, and when I arrived at the place, the driver’s QR code couldn’t be scanned, and I couldn’t pay the bill...and then passed After a while, I gradually woke up... After that, I realized that it was God's will, God wouldn't let me go, look, it really is a scam!

(End of this chapter)

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