Chapter 261

In fact, Li Shuyao didn't practice too much by himself this morning, but explained the breathing method and exertion method of the first few poses to the other four guys in detail.

Not to mention these 4 guys, they are really good. They have some foundation before, at least it is no problem to follow the gestures, and Li Shuyao's explanations are also very detailed, so they all learn quickly.

Li Shuyao estimated that in about three to five days, he should be able to finish the lecture, and in another three to five days, he should be able to become proficient, that is to say, everyone can basically learn it in more than a week.

Of course, it's just learning. It's very difficult to achieve something.

Fortunately, they don't want any achievements, they just want to strengthen their bodies. As long as their physical fitness improves, they can reach the top level by virtue of their talents and game skills.

Then, by persisting in contact with Tai Chi for a long time, their talents can be stimulated again, allowing them to have an explosion in the on-the-spot state, so as to suppress the opponent at the technical level.

This requires a long time of practice.

Li Shuyao reckons that when playing in the league, it is actually enough to maintain their best condition, but to play in the World Championship, they need to break through and perform beyond their normal.

Because in the World Championships, there will always be players who cheat as if they have overdrawn their entire career. They are ridiculously strong in the World Championships, but they seem to be discouraged after the game and never recover.

You can't tell who these sudden explosions are, but they happen every time, which is outrageous.

They almost finished training around 8 o'clock.

In fact, Li Shuyao is still a little bit unsatisfied, after all, they are not too tired, just follow the movements, and they are still in the learning stage.

In fact, there is no need to worry about the porridge, she has set a timer, and she will turn on the heat preservation mode when the time comes.


Some people came out of the CR building.

And there are still many people!

All of them are wearing suits and leather shoes.

Then Li Shuyao remembered the money grabbing dance that Tantai Jingyi mentioned yesterday.


After going back to serve a large bowl of porridge, Li Shuyao squatted at the door with the bowl in her arms and smiled, watching the group of people scratching left, right, up, down...

There is actually a loudspeaker in this square, playing the song of grabbing money... It's amazing, there is even a special song for this dance!
"Oh ho ho ho... Suck... Ha ha, this dance is really interesting." Li Shuyao laughed while drinking porridge: "What are you singing, work hard and work hard, there will be a new miracle tomorrow... Ha ha, grab money, grab money , the chorus is so simple and straightforward."

Tantai Jingyi also held a bowl of porridge and sipped it slowly while saying, "Maybe it's the big boss' bad taste? Anyway, if everyone dances together, it won't be so embarrassing."

"Tsk tsk, obviously some people dance very hard, and some people still feel ashamed, so they hang out with it." Li Shuyao felt the warm meat porridge slowly soothe her appetite, and felt the warm current From the center to the surrounding continuous surge away.

Sure enough, putting ginger powder is warm.

This money-grabbing dance didn't last too long. After dancing twice, these people returned to the CR building in twos and threes. After the dance, these people unexpectedly became much more energetic. Seeing that many people are stunned.

"It turns out that dancing in the morning... still has this effect." Li Shuyao nodded thoughtfully, but she definitely wouldn't do this kind of dance, it's just too embarrassing!
After eating, everyone started to rank online one after another. At this time, there is no training match... Basically, they can't make appointments. They wake up early, but they still get up in the afternoon, so there are not many people at this time. Yes, everyone can only play ranking by themselves.

Then, Tantai Jingyi saw Shen Zongyue's dog sneaking in, and then hid in the corner looking at Li Shuyao who was tidying up the computer.

Li Shuyao just came here today, so naturally she wanted to change into her own peripherals, which she bought with Tantai Jingyi in the past two days... A pink keyboard for macho men!
Li Shuyao was adjusting the equipment here, while Tantai Jingyi stood up and greeted Shen Zongyue with a smile.

"Brother Yue, let's go talk?" Tantai Jingyi pointed to the meeting room next to her and said with a smile.

"Okay." Shen Zongyue nodded with a smile, and he didn't feel too panicked. He already knew that she knew it before, and he also got instructions from the big boss, so it would be easy.

Li Shuyao looked at Tantai Jingyi and Shen Zongyue entering the conference room in a little strange way, and also looked a little strangely at Chow Noodles walking down from above with a smile on her face...

Good guy, they are all ready to start training here, and this guy just came down!

"Ahem, well, this morning, let's rank each other this morning to keep it up. Let's hold a small event together in the afternoon to celebrate that our team is finally assembled." While playing, hey hey smiled, I don't know what the wind is.


On the other side, after Tantai Jingyi walked into the conference room, she looked at Shen Zongyue with a smile on her face...

"Jingyi, what's the matter." Shen Zongyue slammed his mouth, why did the child's eyes suddenly become so oppressive, and he didn't know who he learned from!
"Brother Yue, look, when Yaoyao came here, she signed a player contract." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

"That's right." Shen Zongyue nodded, hiss... so clever, he didn't say anything about what happened this morning, and started directly from the contract!
That's great, Jingyi!
"Then she also gets the salary of an ordinary player, not the captain's salary, right?" Tantai Jingyi continued to laugh.

"Yes!" Shen Zongyue then nodded, isn't this nonsense, the captain is you!
"Then... isn't it inappropriate for Yaoyao to lead everyone in the morning training? This is extra work." Tantai Jingyi laughed, we are all here to earn money!It's not at school anymore, the teacher said what to go!

"Uh, isn't this pretty good... Where is Yaoyao's strength? I also watched it this morning, and the effect is very good." Shen Zongyue said.

Anyway, he was seen, so he just admitted it openly.

"'s really good, I won't go around in circles, let Yaoyao continue to be the captain of this morning's morning exercise." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "But there is a condition."

"What conditions?" Shen Zongyue didn't go around in circles.

"I have to pay more!"


What Tantai Jingyi said was very straightforward, and Shen Zongyue agreed very quickly. The two parties are still in the honeymoon period, so there is no need to start a conflict over such a trivial matter.

Tantai Jingyi also knows that Li Shuyao is a good teacher today, and he is happy to be a physical education teacher, so he is probably very willing to be the team leader of this morning exercise.

But the interests that should be fought for still have to be fought for. The club can't use Li Shuyao's love and longing for the championship to make her busy.


"Huh? Salary increase? Why?"

Li Shuyao watched Tantai Jingyi walk out of the meeting room with a bewildered expression, was called into the meeting room with a bewildered expression, and finally was told with a bewildered expression that she was about to raise her salary.


Is the club so rich?New employees get a salary increase on the first day they enter the door?
Conscientious entrepreneur?
(End of this chapter)

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