Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 263 Just let him place an order

Chapter 263 Just let him place an order
Over there, they were working in full swing, and here, Chow Noodles and Shi Qiulian were also watching with great interest the cleaning activity that the team members started spontaneously.

The club has arranged for cleaning aunts, so everyone really didn't clean up like this together, at most they cleaned up their desktops.

In fact, it can’t be said that the aunts are not clean. In fact, it is quite clean overall. It’s just that everything is afraid of fine buttons. If you button up all the corners, it will naturally be dirty. of the place.

Fried Noodles found it very interesting to watch Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi take the lead to clean up with the other 4 guys. He has gone through so many teams, but this is the first time he has seen this situation.

"It's really the first time I've seen a newcomer cleaning with an old man..." Fried Noodles smacked his mouth: "And it seems that everyone has no resistance, and they are very obedient."

"People always have a certain admiration for the strong. Li Shuyao, whether it was the martial arts training in the morning or the bucket carrying before, showed great strength, which will naturally arouse the admiration of others."

Shi Qiulian held a glass of milk and said with a smile:

"And not all of them are old people. Xiao Ye, Xiao Hui and Totoro are also newcomers, but they just came a few days earlier. The advantage in this point is actually not great. Li Shuyao came in with the halo of 400 million fans up. It is enough to wipe out this little advantage."

"In addition, I have investigated, including you, in the League of Legends branch of the CR team, from top to bottom, there is one person who likes Li Shuyao's songs, and this advantage is even greater."

"The original authoritative Tantai Jingyi in the CR team was Li Shuyao's best friend. Not only did she not oppose Li Shuyao, she even stood up for her... Then there is only one easy-going and cheerful coffee bean left, so naturally there will be no problems. .”

Fried noodles slammed their mouths when they heard Shi Qiulian's words: "You guys just like to make this simple thing so complicated, like talking about some kind of struggle, it's obviously a very simple thing..."

Fried noodles smacked his mouth, listening to Shi Qiulian's voice always gave him a very relaxed feeling, and his voice and tone gave people a very gentle feeling.

He was obviously saying such strange words, but listening to them, he felt as if...

That's exactly what it is.

Shi Qiulian smiled slightly, and then said in a low voice: "Chow Noodle Coach, you are really a little Bajie playing back and forth."

"Ahem... Sister Lian, you really combine tradition and e-sports very closely." Chao Nian laughed.

Xiao Bajie’s playing back and forth probably meant to beat back, Shi Qiulian meant that I answered the question for you, but you still said that I made things complicated, and I just explained it for you.

But, the two of them were actually joking and chatting, so they were actually just teasing each other, and there was no malicious intent.

"They were having fun." Shi Qiulian said with a smile: "The atmosphere of this team is very good, at least they passed the test with me."

"That is, when the real game starts, everyone will pass."


"Hahaha, look, how clean it is!"

Li Shuyao pinched her waist and looked at the clean training room and nodded in satisfaction. After more than an hour of meticulous cleaning, the training room was already sparkling in her eyes.

"I don't dare to set my feet anymore." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile, "Why do I feel cleaner than the first day I came here?"

"When you came here on the first day..." Coffee Bean thought for a moment, "It seems that that day was when they left the team... It was quite chaotic at the time."

"It feels like the air is much fresher." Xiao Hui smacked his mouth.

"The window has been open for a while." Xiao Ye put her arms around Xiao Hui and smiled, "If we could change into slippers, I wouldn't even dare to step on them."

"Yes." Totoro also nodded.

"All right, all right, it's not that exaggerated." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "We will be on duty in the future, just like going to school, haha, work and rest, we can also clean the training room during our usual training, We don’t clean other places, just our three-acre land.”

"Okay, I think it's good." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "Why don't we just do it like this, we have six days from Monday to Saturday, and then how about we clean up together on weekends."

"Ok, Ok."

"It's's pretty good."


Several other people nodded. The training room is actually not that big, and this time the cleaning pressure is much less after everyone works together to clean it, so the pressure to clean it is not too big, and it is good to relax your mind after heavy training. .

After sitting down again, everyone inexplicably felt that their moods were more beautiful. Sure enough, the environment can still affect the mood, and then Li Shuyao turned on her computer.

Apart from some regular software and several versions of League of Legends and accelerators, there is nothing else in the computer...

There are national servers, Korean servers, test servers, and game servers, which they often use.

The European server and the American server are basically unusable. They are too far away and the delay is too high. Although they can still play, it will affect their judgment on the game.

After all, there will be no such delay during the game. If you are used to the operation under the delay, then your reaction will have problems when there is no delay.

In the top matchups, little problems can eventually become big problems.

Li Shuyao logged into her Hanbok account and looked at the rankings. She didn't play much for a day, and she fell to No. 11. She was ranked No. 5 before, so she is very competitive.

"I, I... I'll go, Sister Yaoyao, this is really your number." Xiaoye next to her opened her mouth. He had indeed heard that Li Shuyao's rank was very good, but... more or less still A little bit suspicious.

Now I see that Li Shuyao has logged into this account in the base openly...

That can't be fake.

In fact, her being able to join CR means that it is definitely not a fake, but it is somewhat unbelievable.

"Come on, see sister give you a shot." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle, and then under the excited gazes of Xiao Ye, Xiao Hui, and Coffee Bean...

10 minutes in line...

As for Totoro, he didn't come over, just peeked from the side.

"Why don't we call another number first?" Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, but as soon as she finished speaking, she clicked into the queue.

Li Shuyao "..."

It’s coming again, isn’t it, it’s coming again, let me tell you, this thing can’t come out too often, it’s easy to be guessed by me if it comes out too much, you will know it!
"Ahem, that, it's okay, don't be surprised, I do this often, and I'm used to it, come on, my sister will play for you, so that you can experience what the real protection tactics are, especially Xiaoye and Coffee Bean. Both of you have to come and help me."

Li Shuyao smiled and said:
"Come on, come on, haha, let me play with you what is the classic top laner Lucian!"

"Then... what about Totoro?" Coffee Bean's eyes widened.

"It's okay, just let him place the order." Li Shuyao waved his hand: "Anyway, the ADC is useless in the early stage."

Totoro: "???"


 Thanks for the wind*rain* electricity, book friend 202103********6204 for the reward~ Memoda~
(End of this chapter)

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