Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 264 Fried Noodles: I'm Confused

Chapter 264 Fried Noodles: I'm Confused

"Damn it... Sister Yaoyao is so good... Fucked..."

"Chong Chong, haha, this is so fun."

"My God, the top laner on the other side is going to cry, haha."

"This is the way to pass the level directly, and this is close to the Highland Tower."

"Ah, this tactic is fine."

"It's just that it's relatively rough in rank... I didn't expect sister Yaoyao to be able to communicate with you in Korean."

"Haha, directly bilingual in Chinese and Korean, there are Chinese people on this side of the game."

"I feel that if we have mastered this lineup by ourselves, we will definitely shine in the arena at that time."

"I think so too."

"Sure enough, the ADC is useless."

"'s really useless."

Totoro: "..."


Except for Tantai Jingyi who was practicing by herself and Totoro who was peeking from the side, the other three people gathered behind to watch Li Shuyao's rank.

This is completely different from watching it in the live broadcast. They saw Li Shuyao's perfect hand speed...

Hand speed is not the faster the better in the game, you can press fast enough, but it is useless, so what is required is not only speed, but also precision, which is the legendary efficiency.

At this time, it depends on your nerve reaction speed.

Many times, if you practice too much, you will develop muscle memory, that is, your hands will automatically respond before your nerves react.

Sometimes this muscle memory is a good thing, and sometimes it is not a good thing. In a specific situation, not all skills are beneficial to the game.

In fact, at this time, you need your nerves to respond.

In Li Shuyao's operation, you can almost always see the most perfect operation. After each wave, several people will analyze it, and everyone agrees that if you only look at the operation, there is really nothing to be picky about.

That is, sometimes there are still some deficiencies in the operational level.

This is also normal. After all, she has not received systematic training before, so there is still a slight gap between her consciousness and professional players. This can be achieved by strengthening training, so there is no need to worry.

These people are watching here, and fried noodles are watching on the other side, as well as analysts, assistant coaches, and assistant coaches are actually watching.

They didn't come over to watch it together, but projected it directly on the big screen.

The coach's computer can directly look at the players' computers, and they can also directly see where there is a problem during the training match. The coaching staff almost stares at each other, and whoever has a problem has to talk about it.

This is Li Shuyao's first rank at the CR base. Everyone wants to see what Li Shuyao is like. After all, they watched the live broadcast before.

Then these people sighed a little...

Sure enough, there are no worthless people under the fame.

This near-perfect operation made the analysts and coaches a little intoxicated. Obviously, she needs to be more focused here. During the live broadcast, she has to watch the barrage and play games at the same time, which is somewhat distracting.

In addition to the live broadcast, most of the time it is for the effect of the program, so there will be some slack.

But here Li Shuyao wants to pretend to be an X, right... Then she must show her best state.

I just feel sorry for the one who played against her in this game. She was solo killed twice in 10 minutes, and she almost has the heart to retreat.

Fried Noodles looked at Li Shuyao's operations and pondered slightly. Speaking of which, he already had some psychological expectations for Li Shuyao, but he didn't expect them to always exceed his expectations.

If she can show such strength in the game... then she is really impeccable in terms of operation.

However, the tactics are still a bit rough. Although it has its own system, this system still needs to be perfected and refined, but this depends on the strength of their coaching staff.

"Everyone, take a good look and study Yaoyao's style of play carefully." Fried Noodles touched his chin. In fact, this is just a qualifying match, and the specific research still needs to be done in the training match.

It's just that the tone has to be set. Researching and perfecting Li Shuyao's system will be an important topic for them next.

But well...

There is no rush today.

After Li Shuyao finished the qualifying match, Chow Noodles looked at the time and it was past 11 o'clock, and when lunch was ready, he ran over and brought the big guys to eat together.

Everyone sits around a table and eats happily together, which promotes emotional communication.

Moreover, the main direction of today's fried rice training is not combat skills, but team building. After all, no matter what kind of team, you must first get to know each other and understand each other. If there are contradictions, then the team will basically not be able to achieve anything.

As the saying goes, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. A good team atmosphere is the foundation of everything, and laying a good foundation is the most important thing.

Actually...he was going to lay the foundation for everyone's fusion this afternoon.

I just didn't expect that these guys seem to have a good relationship now... Adding seven of them to a table, it feels like he is the outsider, and Li Shuyao seems to have gradually become the center of everyone.

Hey, good guy, this is the legendary pairing of men and women, isn't it tiring to work... This doesn't happen to other teams. How can the female players of other teams get along with others so quickly when they come? Many times there will be a sense of distance for some reasons.

Sometimes boys even have some inexplicable feelings towards girls, which is actually normal, they are all adolescent children, but once this feeling fluctuates, it will have a great impact on the game.

This is also one of the reasons why many managers are reluctant to choose two genders in the team-to avoid risks.

In fact, there are not as many girls who are strong enough as boys. In terms of playing games, girls are not so interested. If the base is small, the proportion of natural masters will be less, so it is easier to form a purely male team. The risk is also small.

That's why Tantai Jingyi is so popular. It's because the previous Tantai Jingyi didn't look like a girl at all... Whether it's personality or short hair, she is very boyish.

Her short hair is really short. During this period of time, she grew up with Li Shuyao's parents, and it is only about the same level as her ears.

Looking at it now, this Li Shuyao...

Although she has long hair, looks beautiful, and has a charming figure, but... how do you look at it, it seems that this personality is not like a woman?

Look at which woman is awesome with other boys when eating... That guy rolled up his sleeves and started bragging, saying how good he was in the last round, and how he handled so many details.

Ah this...

The chow mein is a bit confusing. Martial arts are strong, game masters... plus bragging with others while eating, is this really a skill that a girl possesses?

"Brother Yao, you are so awesome, haha, teach me next time."

"Okay, I'll teach you when I come back from playing with the coach today, it's easy!"

Fried noodles: "..."

I have said that I am not going out to play but to train, train!

But...why did you call me Brother Yao?
You just agreed?

so natural?

 I went to the United States in a dream last night... Then the people around me all spoke Chinese, and I thought, why are they all speaking Chinese when I came to a foreign country, and then I went to catch a traitor by the way, tsk tsk...

(End of this chapter)

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