Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 265 I suddenly want to watch sketches

Chapter 265 I suddenly want to watch sketches

After the meal, Chow Noodle looked at the 6 people who were completely mingled together, somewhat pensive. It seems that there is no need for him to integrate any other team. These people merged together so easily.

Fried Noodles thought about the teams he had coached before... That guy was like entering an autistic room on the first day, a few people played by themselves, and there was no communication at all.

Well, that time it was a completely reorganized team, and none of them were old teammates. That guy was so embarrassing. In the training match, few people communicated with each other. It felt like a passerby game.

He originally thought that there would be some problems in the newly formed team. After all, the strangeness is hard to dispel. At least in the first few days, they have to be a little bit different, and then they gradually become familiar.

But if there is any small conflict during this period of birth, it may have been affected all the time, so that it finally broke out at a certain point.

These are all very normal things, although let’s talk about it, theoretically speaking, this is the job of a psychoanalyst, she needs to pay attention to the inner dynamics of the players and then give suggestions for adjustment.

However, Fried Noodles still feels that if the team has problems, he is the first one to feel uncomfortable, so he pays great attention to the psychological construction of the players.

just for now...

Do these people really need psychological construction?

Forget it, anyway, the plan has been approved, and the old silver coin also agreed. As the saying goes, the old silver coin is cheaper than the bastard, so let's go!
It's not bad to cultivate feelings again!

So, after eating, Chow Noodles drove a business car of the club, took Shi Qiulian, a videographer and 6 friends out together.

"Ahaha... I didn't expect that I would come out the next day." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "I thought I would be in the circle for a month."

"Me too... I thought we were going to be locked in a small black room for a month." Tantai Jingyi nodded along.

"Actually... I've been alone in the base for a long time." Coffee Bean scratched his head.

"That's true. Brother Dou was alone when I came here." Xiao Hui nodded.

"They were the only ones when I came." Xiao Ye also nodded.

"When I came... there were quite a lot of people..." Totoro smacked its mouth.

Okay, now the order of returning to the team has been reported.

"Student coach, where are we going to play today..." Li Shuyao laughed a little: "We are out of the circle."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Fried noodles: "..."

He suddenly wanted to write a book - "A Lively Coach whose Players Are Surprisingly Unpredictable Doesn't Take Care of Those Things".

"Ahem, this, we are going to train, train! Not to play!" Chao Nian hurriedly emphasized that this is a video, although it is said that there is a high probability that it will be cut in the later stage, but, maybe the few in the later stage will like to make it up The living ones were let in.

Then he was seen by that old silver coin again, thinking that it would be bad for him to take his team members out to play without doing business every day, that guy would definitely wear small shoes for him!

In a blink of an eye, he glanced at Shi Qiulian who was smiling and silent on the co-pilot...

Well, as a psychoanalyst, shouldn't you come out and change the subject, and can you stop smiling like that all the time, it looks... well, it does look good.

"Coach, what do you say every day that training is bad? Look at it. Children pay attention to that happy education. We can improve ourselves better when we are happy. We have to find fun." Li Shuyao laughed haha. Said: "It's the so-called entertaining, you have to let us find the joy of training."

"Indeed, I also think it might be more relaxing if we talk about playing." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "Coach, where are we going to play today!"

Fried noodles: "..." Jingyi, you have changed!
"I think we can sing a song together." Li Shuyao suddenly made a suggestion: "Anyway, there is nothing to do on the trip, why don't we sing together."

"I like Daoxiang!" Tantai Jingyi has always been a staunch supporter of Daoxiang: "Coach, let's play Daoxiang."

"Driving." Fried Noodles was speechless: "Wait a minute."

"I'll come, I'll come." Shi Qiulian connected her mobile phone to the car via Bluetooth: "My playlist is full of Yaoyao's songs..."

Then there were cheers and chorus singing along with the song...

In addition to the Japanese songs, everyone can't sing along, even the rap part in the name of the father and Daoxiang can be sung together.

Immediately, the car turned into a temporary KTV, with chorus singing all the way.

Fried Noodles looked at the rearview mirror helplessly, and then...sang along!
"I still remember you said that home is the only castle, and the Daoxiang River continues to run..."

The whole car sang together, there is no way, this song is too contagious, you have listened to it so many times before, and you have learned how to sing along with the lyrics, when the song sounds, you I can't control it at all!
Just blame Li Shuyao for making the song so good!
Can this be his fault?No one can control it!

So, on the way to the destination, everyone sang in chorus...

"Zero gravity..." After getting off the car, Li Shuyao looked at the three cool words written on the tall building in front of her and raised her eyebrows: "So this is a space capsule?"

"No... here is a trampoline." Tantai Jingyi shrugged, then turned her head and shouted; "Coach, so you are going to bring us to play on the trampoline."

"Yeah, let's go. I've checked it out. It's very interesting. There are few people at this time of day, so we can play casually." Fried Noodles took the lead with a smile. This singing seemed to be a good way to vent. It feels a lot easier.

No wonder so many people like to go to KTV to vent.

"Hey...the coach is so arrogant." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth: "I've never come to play on the trampoline before."

"Then come and try today." Tantai Jingyi put her arms around Li Shuyao's shoulders, the two of them hooked their shoulders together, and they looked no different from the four guys behind.

Li Shuyao thought for a while, the energy reserve of her system is still quite sufficient, do you want to shake hands with a certain coach?Looks like it can be dripped.

After everyone came in, they were pulled aside, and each person was handed out a piece of paper and a pen.

"This..." Li Shuyao looked at the precautions above and opened her mouth: "I'll go, is this a life and death certificate?"

"Almost." Tantai Jingyi shrugged, then quickly signed her name, and then made a fingerprint.

Li Shuyao looked at the red ink pad and curled her lips: "When I picked up this thing, I thought of that old Yang."

"Who is Lao Yang?" Xiao Ye asked curiously.

"Yang... King of Thunder and Lightning?" Coffee Bean scratched his head.

"Yang... Bailao?" Totoro asked.

"Ah..." Li Shuyao nodded.

Everyone: "..."

"Is this some new cold joke?" Xiao Hui was speechless.

"It's so cold..." Xiao Ye scratched her head.

"I still remember Grandma Zhao." Coffee Bean rolled his eyes.

"Oh... suddenly want to watch the sketch, how about we go back to watch the sketch tonight." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

"I think it's okay." Xiao Ye's eyes lit up, and she nodded accordingly.


Fried noodles: "..."

Your thinking has diverged really far.

(End of this chapter)

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