Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 271 Video Posting

Chapter 271 Video Release (Happy Chinese New Year~)

"How is it, how is my singing? Haha, it's my first New Year's Eve party, haha, I'm still a little nervous." Seeing Li Shuyao's downcast, Fang Xuening couldn't wait to make a video for her. As for saying Tantai Jingyi...

That guy is still playing games!

"Sure, you're dressed like an ice queen." Li Shuyao hadn't moved her seat after receiving Fang Xuening's video, she just curled up on the gaming chair, swaying left and right, feeling the world spinning , while chatting with Fang Xue.

In the picture, Fang Xuening is no longer wearing the outfit she performed before, but the makeup on her face has not been removed yet, she looks a little prettier than usual, and she is also in the car at the moment.

Well, Li Shuyao thought it was very seductive just looking at it...

Suddenly, I want to go home and wash incense with Xiao Xuexue, um, I can go back and wash incense with Xiao Xuexue during the Chinese New Year, but Chinese New Year is still a long time away.

Do you want to go back after the training camp?
It's not impossible. When the league starts, it won't be a day's rest. You can go back a few times then. Brother Gou must miss himself, and I haven't taken Brother Gou to take a bath for several days.

Uh...why is my mind all about taking a shower?
"Haha, it's a pity that you didn't come, otherwise we could all sing together. Once the two of us appear on stage, it must be the most popular show... Let me tell you..."

Fang Xuening chattered to Li Shuyao about what he had seen and heard this time. This was the first time he participated in the New Year's Eve party at station B, and the first time he was on such a big stage. He was wearing a white evening dress and crystal shoes. It was a bit cold to sing outside, and there was still some artificial snow in the sky, but it was really cool!

"Yaoyao, you should come next year, really feels completely different to be on such a big stage." Fang Xuening pouted and said, "When are you coming back. "

"Hmm... in a few days, when our training camp is over, we should have time to go back, haha, miss me?"

"It's okay, haha."

"Are you tired?"

"I'm tired, hey, you don't know, we have to rehearse many times in advance, woo woo woo..."


The two chatted on and on for a long time, and then Li Shuyao also held up her mobile phone to harass Tantai Jingyi, and the three chatted together for a long time before hanging up the video.

It was too late, Fang Xuening was going home, and the two of them were going to bed.

However, this is just what Li Shuyao thought. After both of them went to play professionally, Fang Xuening and Lu Yao have successfully returned to the ranks of night owls...

"Hmm...haha, sister Lu, where are we going to play today!" After Fang Xuening hung up the phone, he threw the phone on the seat next to him, then looked at Lu Yao in front of him and laughed, "These few days It’s all right again, haha, you can fish now.”

Lu Yao looked at Fang Xuening who seemed to be herding sheep behind him and smacked his mouth lightly. Sure enough, this guy was just pretending to be pitiful before!

"Aren't you tired today..." Lu Yao pouted.

"Hey, haven't you come back from rest now?" Fang Xuening smacked her mouth and said, "I'm a little hungry. I didn't eat all day so that I wouldn't have a belly when I was on stage."

"Come on, let's eat hot pot then."

"Oh oh oh... let's eat, haha."


On the first day of the new year, everyone should sleep and eat, and some videos that should be released were also released on the new year's day.

The video carefully designed and recorded by Big Tomato and a certain fantasy, and the new year's drama recorded by many up masters together... Uh, big video!also published directly.

This video clip was edited back and forth several times, it took more than ten days, and finally it was presented in 40 minutes.

Li Shuyao downloaded it around 12:10, and this video was reviewed and released around 12:30, so the timing was very accurate.

"Well, Sister Lu, the video jointly contributed by Yaoyao and Big Tomato is online." Fang Xuening, who was happily cooking meat, received a message.

Looking at the boiling soup pot and a large table of dishes in front of him, Fang Xuening decisively clicked to start playing...

Well, Lu Yao actually didn't have much curiosity, she had already read it before, and only sent it out after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it.

It was originally intended for Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening to watch, but Li Shuyao was training and Fang Xuening didn't watch it, so Lu Yao watched it by himself.

But it's okay to follow along, anyway, there is nothing to do when eating.

At the beginning of the video, it is natural that Big Tomato and a certain magic are working together. Although it is still a bit like the previous random challenge, but as I said before, everyone just hates making qualityless videos under the banner of random challenges , not against this per se.

Moreover, their video is also a mission, not a random challenge.

In the video, two people hold a turntable and start writing nonsense. In addition to some up masters, there are also some celebrities, stars and the like, such as a certain uncle...

"Haha, it's really interesting that these two sing together."

Fang Xuening smiled and rinsed her hairy belly a few times, then ate happily:

"However, Yaoyao's too...haha, I thought it was outrageous when I heard it, but I didn't expect that the communication between them was even more outrageous. Okay, it's really embarrassing for Big Tomato and a certain illusion..."

Fang Xuening actually didn't know much about the whole process of the video, she was just pulled up to play a role, she didn't really read the whole script, just acted as she was asked to do.

So she was just like watching a new video, curious about the future direction.

After obtaining Li Shuyao's wish, Big Tomato and Mouhuan began to design Li Shuyao's dream. First, they listed several dreams on the blackboard, and then began to discuss how to realize these dreams.

Relatively speaking, this paragraph is a little boring, it is completely a brainstorming of these two people, but both of them are very interesting, they put forward absurd schemes one after another, and all kinds of parallel universes came out.

Then, the product of Liyuan Bacteria also joined the discussion.

Together, the three of them almost completed the whole story.

This paragraph takes up about 15 minutes, and the jokes are still very dense. Big Tomato, Mouhuan, and Liyuanjun are also regulars of self-made variety shows. They can always give you the whole job, plus the material There are really many, and the clips are these funny clips.

After that, the two of them started to prepare items and Big Tomato drove to find the bamboo forest...

"Hahaha... Big Tomato was actually deceived by the pictures on the Internet, haha..."

Fang Xuening couldn't help laughing when she saw Big Tomato and a certain Huan staring at the small "bamboo forest" in the park with bewildered faces. She did find the campus area when she knew that Big Tomato hadn't found the location, but she didn't expect it to be. This is the case.

Coupled with the miserable erhu background music...

Tsk tsk, how about letting Yaoyao write a piece of background music for you and put it in, haha.

However, the two of them were not discouraged, but put on a trick, saying that they suddenly thought of a place, and the next second, the camera directly zoomed to Li Shuyao's house.

Li Shuyao came down from the stairs gracefully, and the two of them greeted her silly...

"I'm going, I'm going to show off, what kind of venue is it!" Fang Xuening pinched her waist and suddenly realized: "Oh... I led them there..."

Lu Yao: "..."

Are you here to be cute?
 The dream I had last night... Well, it was almost a daily routine. I had dinner together, hung clothes, attended classes, and there seemed to be some stories in it, but I can't remember...

(End of this chapter)

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