Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 272 Li Shuyao's Dream

Chapter 272 Li Shuyao's Dream (Happy Chinese New Year~)

Next, whether it is the debut of Liyuan Bacteria or the "roaring" and "laughing" of Gorilla Boy, it is very interesting, especially after editing and special effects, the effect of the program bursts instantly, although it seems that there is no Entering the feature film, but Fang Xuening watched it with great interest, and before he knew it, the plate in front of him was quite empty.

Then, it's the shooting process.

During the shooting process, it is natural to use less, otherwise the whole film will be nothing in a while, but it is still okay to pick some NG or funny scenes, and they will be treated as tidbits.

Up to this point in this video, it feels like the extras have been advanced, and the feature film is placed at the end. This method of shooting is quite interesting. Even at the end, Fang Xuening almost forgot what the ultimate purpose of this video is.


Big Tomato still reminded the audience.

"Okay, after so many days of preparation, we finally finished shooting this MV, so let's take a look at the final film together." Big Tomato stood in front of the camera, and then the screen suddenly went black, A line of words appeared in the center of the screen:
The smallest me with big dreams
Some warm melodies gradually sounded, and the lyrics did not appear at the beginning, but just the melody.

As soon as the MV started, the screen suddenly changed, and the resolution suddenly changed to 1920*1080. On the screen, a girl was sitting in her room with a pen writing and drawing on a piece of paper. It seemed that a lot of balls had been thrown away. Clumps of paper.

She first drew a God of Wealth, and then a birthday star. Looking at these two paintings, the girl leaned on her chin and pursed her mouth slightly, but her thoughts were a little wandering.

If only there were gods...

Suddenly, as if a gust of wind was blowing from the window, the two pieces of paper fell to the ground, and the two pieces of paper suddenly changed. With the sound of the white mist, the God of Wealth and the birthday star really appeared in front of her.

"Little girl, what wish do you have?" The God of Wealth Big Tomato said with a smile.

"Yes, little girl, whatever wish you have, we can make it come true for you." Shouxing Mouhuan also said with a smile.

"Really?" Li Shuyao asked excitedly, it turns out that there really are gods!
Big Tomato and Mou Huan smiled and nodded: "Of course..."

"Then...then I want to become a hero!" Li Shuyao hesitated at first, and then expressed her wish under the encouragement in the eyes of the two.

"Hahaha..." Big Tomato smiled and waved the whisk in his hand. At this time, the lyrics slowly cut in. Accompanied by simple and warm music, the three of them seemed to travel through time and space and came to a beautiful manor.

The clothes on Li Shuyao's body at this moment gradually changed from top to bottom into a white knight's outfit, and a sword appeared in his hand...

Just when he was in a daze, there were suddenly screams and the robbers' smirk.

Li Shuyao's eyes lit up, and she walked across the water with a sword in her hand...

At the moment when she turned down from the attic, the song entered the chorus, and the whole tune became excited instantly. She fought fiercely with the two gangsters. This wonderful martial arts performance almost covered the entire first chorus part.

Li Shuyao, who saved a person, was overwhelmed with confidence. She continued to walk forward, but saw a desolate village. Two old people (Li Yuanjun and Gorilla Boy) and a miserable girl (Fang Xuening) were about to starve.

"God of Wealth, God of Longevity, are you there?" Li Shuyao cried out in grief as she watched the person who was about to starve to death.

"Little girl, what wish do you have?" The God of Wealth Big Tomato and the birthday star Mou Huan reappeared.

"I think... I want to feed them all..." Li Shuyao said.

"Hahaha..." Mou Huan waved the whisk in his hand, bags of food, carts of food appeared out of thin air, crops burst out of the ground, and the huge crops grew crazily, and soon they were taller than Li Shuyao who was standing ...

At this time, the whole village cheered and came out to accept Li Shuyao's gift.

Li Shuyao smiled and enjoyed the delicious food with them, but not long after the smoke rose, suddenly a group of cavalry roared in, rushed into the village, and robbed the villagers of their food. Li Shuyao fought desperately, but could not resist the crowd The impact of the cavalry fell into a pool of blood.

"Little girl... do you have any other wishes?" When he was dying, the God of Wealth and Shou Xing reappeared, still smiling at Li Shuyao.

"I...I want this world, and there will be no more wars." Li Shuyao yelled these words with a fierce melody. Then, time and space changed again, and she suddenly found that she was lying on the floor of her own house.

It turned out that that beautiful era was the era she originally lived in...

"Little girl, what wish do you have?" The God of Wealth Da Tomato and Shou Xing Mou Huan seemed to be still smiling at her, but this figure gradually became unreal.

Li Shuyao stood up and ran in front of the two, a burst of light distorted, the two disappeared, and what remained on the ground were still the two paintings of the God of Wealth and the birthday star.

Li Shuyao picked up the two paintings, cleaned up the paper balls that had been thrown all over the floor and put them in the wastebasket.

She sat on her chair again, opened a piece of paper again, and wrote four words on it - my wish.

Then under these four words, Li Shuyao wrote four more words:
world champion.

At this point, the picture came to an abrupt end, but the MV did not end completely. In the final melody of the song, several paintings appeared:

busy city

Two young girls practicing martial arts hard in the backyard
The girl who travels through time and space

crops taller than a man's head

and also……

A group of people standing on the podium holding high the trophy, golden rain floating in the sky, countless people cheering enthusiastically...

In the end, the picture is still a white scroll with a sentence written on it: "We are small, but our dreams will never be small."

At this point, the entire MV is over, and the video is also completely over.

Fang Xuening stared blankly at the final scene and let out a long breath. In the first 30 minutes, she could be said to have been smiling all the time, but in the last part of the MV, she didn't smile, but There was always a little shock.

Shocked by Li Shuyao's exquisite martial arts, shocked by the scene of cavalry running wildly, shocked by the scene of Li Shuyao fighting with cavalry...

I was also shocked by Li Shuyao's last 5 paintings.

Only now did she understand what Li Shuyao and the gorilla boy simulated fighting before the green screen was for, and she also understood how much energy was spent in post-production.

Before seeing this video, she had never imagined that the MV would look like this. Although some scenes in it looked a little fake, they were synthesized in post-production. It was not as natural as those large-scale productions of movies and TV dramas.

But no one went back to blame these. They were not a big production. This was created by the few of them who stayed up for countless nights. The time was not long, that is, about 5 minutes, but it took more than ten days. time to complete.

For more than ten days, they have not rested at all, which has also led to the fact that Big Tomato and Mouhuan have not updated for more than ten days.

But now it seems that all of this is worth it.

 Happy new year, thank you all for your support and love~ Meme~
  I will probably go to my grandma's house tomorrow, and I may ask for a day off~
(End of this chapter)

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