Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 273 This Is Her Chapter Should

Chapter 273 This is Her Response
After Li Shuyao finished her morning exercises and breakfast the next day, she was not in a hurry to play the rankings. Anyway, there were no people around at this time, and the ranking time was probably quite long.

In addition, today except for the head coach Fried Noodles, the other members of the coaching staff have gone home on vacation, so there is no need to be so anxious about having a meeting or something.

Generally speaking, although training is still required today, it is still relatively relaxed.

So after eating, Li Shuyao came to her computer, opened the website B, and directly found the joint contribution of herself and Big Tomato. At this time, there were already more than 200 million views.

This was only for one night. After all, some people had already gone to bed at that time. It is estimated that after today, the playback volume can go up to a higher level. It should be no problem to guarantee a minimum of 600 million playback volume.

Seeing that Li Shuyao came to watch the video, several other people also joined in. The coffee beans like the porridge made by Li Shuyao the most, so the scene was stronger. After everyone finished eating, he came over with a bowl of porridge to eat and watch. .

From this point of is four 10 minutes.

"Hey... It's been so long? I don't feel anything..." Coffee Bean opened his mouth holding the porridge that had been consumed long ago.

"It's a good song..." Xiao Hui smacked his mouth, "It feels like it's kind of lit up."

"Brother Yao, is this your declaration to them?" Xiao Ye pursed her lips and asked.

"Well, that's it." Li Shuyao smiled.

"What... what declaration?" Coffee Bean blinked.

"Just to tell those black fans, come if you have the guts." Tantai Jingyi said with a laugh: "Yes, this song is good, but it just belittles myself a bit."

Tantai Jingyi has experienced a series of victories in the past few days and has gradually changed back to her previous self, the lady from Tantai's family who sent messages to Li Shuyao and made her feel unhappy and went back.

"It sounds good." Totoro also nodded. Although he said very little, some of the lyrics of this song touched him a lot, and his heart was not at peace.

"Don't dare to be too tough, I can't beat them, haha..." Li Shuyao smiled and shook her head. It's not like before. At that time, it was just starting, with a small number of fans and low influence. It was almost limited to station B. So if I responded, I responded, and it's okay to be a bit taller, so I brought Jay Chou's "Father's Name" here.

But it doesn’t work now, the number of fans is too much now, plus there are CR fans and black fans in it, this person is too complicated, if you still have such a high profile, I don’t know what those people will say Come.

Li Shuyao scrolled down and read the following comments:

Big Tomato: The God of Wealth and the birthday star are here to wish you all New Year greetings. I wish you all a wealth of wealth, happiness and health in the new year.

"Hello, Xiaohong."

"This video is great."


"Good evening, brother eggplant, happy new year's day!"


Gorilla boy: "Cow!"

"Caught a gorilla."

"I heard that you can single out Ruo Yao."

"Why are some people in every issue?"


Liyuan Bacteria: "Douban Score ∞"

"I think it's ∞+1."

"Let's just say, ∞ can't be +1."

"I think it's ∞+2."


A Huan: "This video can be said to have been made with hard work, too much hard work, and it's all in my heart, the mission must be accomplished!"

"Kick you while no one is sneaking."

"It's been three times in a row, praise me quickly."

"Next time, we will randomly select fans to fulfill their mission [狗头] [狗头] [狗头]"


"This video perfectly explains what is the action and execution of head up. From script conception, purchase of props to contacting actors and so on, such a step by step can be completed in just a dozen days. The video, and even a breakthrough debut of a new song, is really too strong, too hard."

"More than 40 minutes passed in a flicker, and I didn't feel the passage of time at all."

"Although there is such a long time, there are lots of laughs, nonsensical, and jokes. The editing and special effects are so strong that they explode. Some temporary programs are also very effective. The one that came to Cengfan really made me laugh to death. , and the gorilla boy was dragged by all kinds of things, the rhythm was not slow at all, and finally released a new song of Yaoyao, my God, it is really awesome!"

"I feel like this is the best video Up has made so far this year."

"Ahem, is it possible? This is the first video of today."

"The mission must be achieved × the fate of the gate √"

"I don't know if you guys feel it. I listened to this song, and it feels like Yaoyao's response to the turmoil on the Internet in the recent period. Many of them are similar to 'If the reality is unfair to you, don't worry about it too much'" Maybe it will fail, maybe it will be ordinary, maybe you don’t understand this mediocre black-and-white world, all the intersections in life are by no means the end’ Such lyrics seem to be a response to the current doubts.”

"It's been hard work, training so hard, and being chased and scolded by so many sunspots every day. This song should tell you that this is my dream. Maybe I can't succeed in the end, but I worked hard to chase it. If it didn’t succeed in the end, so what? There must be an exit.”

"I'm small, but can't I have dreams if I'm small?"

"Let me interpret those last paintings. They should correspond to her five wishes at the beginning. The first painting of the city represents the wish for peace. Our current life is a peaceful world; the second painting is to become a hero. dream, so I am practicing martial arts.

The third painting is time travel; the fourth painting is to hope that everyone is full, that is, to enjoy the shade under the grass; the fifth painting is the dream of a world champion.

But in fact, this is not a progressive relationship, so why does she put the dream of world championship at the end?Perhaps because this is the only one of the five dreams that may come true, it is also telling everyone that her dream is to be a world champion. "

"I was crying, and Yaoyao was writing a song to respond again, alas... this was done more than ten days ago, that is to say, she had expected that she would be criticized before, but she still went to play professionally, still Wrote this song in response, woo woo woo."

"Anyway, let's look at the results. If there is no result, the response is useless. The song is indeed very good."


The comments below still boasted the video in the front, and then gradually changed to praise Li Shuyao and praise the video.

Li Shuyao's hints in the video are quite obvious, so many people guessed what she wanted to express, and then recalled the doubts about her on the Internet for a while, many people began to support her instead.

This is also related to the fact that Li Shuyao has been keeping a low profile during this period. If she has not refuted much, she will not allow fans to refute, so to a certain extent, she has put herself in a weak position.

Then there was another weak woman... Right, so although the direction of the wind would not be reversed all of a sudden, it could be regarded as a slight change in the direction of the wind.

Li Shuyao is already very satisfied with a little change, there is no need to change it completely, this thing, before the results are out, it is just a war of words, if you really want to completely change the direction of the wind, you still have to watch the spring competition.

And the spring split is about to start.

 The comment part is taken from the video of Lao Tomato and Mou Huan. The original video is also very good. If you are interested, you can go and watch it.

(End of this chapter)

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