Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 274 Team Battle Rating

Chapter 274 Team Battle Rating
Time always flies by. Seeing that the spring season is about to start, the schedule is almost out. Before the new year, CR will play a total of 7 games, 1 games in January and 5 games in February. Weak teams, in general, are in good form. Even the second runner-up in last year's World Championship is not under so much pressure.

After all, it is no longer the lineup of last year. As the assistant of the team's brain and left the team, the overall strength will naturally decline.

CR's schedule is also out. They didn't have any matches in the first two days, and they will have their match in the second match on the third day. They will face the reorganized team ty.

Before the start of the game, domestic and foreign self-media, commentators, etc. all evaluated and rated the 17 teams in the new season.

The league is about to start, everyone should speculate together, it's better to have more trending searches, so that more people can pay attention to the spring game.

The passerby economy has always been what the government wants to fight for. Although the player team is already very large, there are still bigger passersby to fight for.

Otherwise, why did Li Shuyao become a hot topic and was fired for so long? This is not only because CR fans are venting their dissatisfaction with CR management, but also because some people continue to stir up the popularity.

In addition, CR was originally an old-fashioned team with many fans, so one speculation is accurate.

Li Shuyao also released a song two days ago, and it was immediately hyped up by everyone. The official has already discussed cooperation with Li Shuyao, and brought this song as the theme song of the spring competition promotional video.

A few days before the start of the Spring Split, Tantai Jingyi was pulled over to take a promotional video, and everyone in CR was also pulled over to take makeup photos, creating momentum for the Spring Split wave after wave.

Among the many predictions, Ge Li's prediction is something that everyone is looking forward to. After all, he is quite important among the many commentators. Similarly, he rarely plays tricks, so many people want to According to his evaluation, let's understand the current strength of the major teams.

The grading of Geli is divided into six grades from S+ to B-, and CR, which was almost smashed and reorganized, is assigned to B+, which is the second-to-last grade.

"The CR team has been completely broken up and reorganized since last year. Only Jingyi and Coffee Douou are left as the central assistants, and the others have been completely replaced from players to coaches. Shang Danyao We all know that Yao is a singer up master, although she has shown a good fighting power in the rank, but how much she can play in the competition is still a very debatable issue..."

Li Shuyao was lying on the chair, watching Ge Li sitting on the chair and talking in the video, but he didn't feel angry or anything, this should be considered good for them.

CR did not make the playoffs in the summer split last year, was quickly eliminated from the German Cup, and the lineup was almost completely broken up and reorganized, so it is normal that they are not favored.

It's early in the afternoon, and it's not yet the training match. Some of the others are resting, and some are strolling outside, which means Li Shuyao is still watching the video here.

"However, I heard that they are still doing well in the training match, so I still have some reservations. After all, the training match is only a reference. Can you really use what is in the ranking and the training match? We still have to wait for the details, so I gave it a B+ rating, hoping that they can find themselves again in the new season, and find the former glory again..."

What Ge Li said was also very pertinent. He said that their performance in the training match was not bad, but just looking at the lineup and the performance of the recent competition, it is indeed not satisfactory, and it is normal for the score to be lower.

However, most people may not know that the reason why CR performed well in the training game is not very fierce, naturally because he still has some reservations.

Li Shuyao's system is already relatively proficient, but he can't just play with one system. It's what the coaching staff should do to prepare multiple systems.

Therefore, when playing other systems, there are still winners and losers.

But Li Shuyao didn't have any confusion about the hero pool. Although she said that she was better at those few offensive heroes, she was also very good at playing meat, and she was good at training heroes.

After watching the video, Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, and then yelled at the coach behind:

"Student Chow Mein, Ge Li gave us a B+."

"Ah?" Chao Nian took off the earphones, and then looked at Li Shuyao: "What rating?"

"It's the team rating. We were rated B+ by others." Li Shuyao shouted.

"Such a high score?" Fried noodles blinked in surprise.

"..." Li Shuyao was speechless: "The score on the penultimate floor."

"There are others who are lower than us." Fried Noodles smacked his mouth: "Which place do we rank down?"

"Almost, about the eighth from the bottom." Li Shuyao frowned and thought for a while, it seems that it should be like this, anyway, it was the eighth from the bottom.

"That's so tall..." Chao Nian shook his head: "So I told you to restrain yourself during the training match. Look at you, but don't listen. What if people think we are strong?"

"..." You old silver coin!
You'll know if you're strong or not as soon as the Spring Split starts. What's the point of hiding it?

"Come, come, call them, it's almost over, the training match will be here soon, um, keep it for me, don't beat the opponent too badly." Fried Noodles smacked his lips and said: "But there will still be more in these two days." Work on your system and start playing the day after tomorrow."


Over there, CR started the game, and over here, Ge Li also started a live broadcast:

After playing chess for a while, it was inevitable that many viewers would discuss tomorrow's spring game and the ranking video he posted not long ago.

"That ranking, um, it's mainly for reference. It's not certain. It doesn't mean that if I rank TBH to S+, if they rank No.1, they will definitely win the spring championship. What's the explanation, I'm going to be a great fairy, I..."

Ge Li smiled and said:
"It depends on the performance on the spot. Every year in the World Championships, the teams that everyone is optimistic about always turn over. You, everyone is optimistic about you, so they all study you. Your hero pool, routines, etc. have been thoroughly studied. , when the time comes to fight against you, unless there is a very large gap in strength, otherwise it will be very difficult to win, so it does not mean that ranking at the top is necessarily good, I just summed it up."

"You talk about CR, but I think you really think that if CR plays well, it can go a long way in this Spring Split. In fact, CR, I think the biggest variable is Yaoyao."

"If Yaoyao can perform well, then the upper limit of this team is very high. I think the top four in the playoffs can be won."

"But if Yaoyao doesn't perform well, then the upper limit of this team is very low, maybe just reached the level of the playoffs."

"I heard, just heard, that Li Shuyao is actually very fierce, you don't have to say anything about her, she is fierce, and now everyone is waiting for her to play, is it a mule or a horse? Well, you will know what your level is after one game."

 Thanks to the nurse who endorsed for the reward~ Meme~
  The first time I asked for a leave of absence, I was a little nervous... Haha, I have been writing for so many years, and it is the first time I use a leave note...

(End of this chapter)

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