Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 275 1 Will Interview Me What I Say

Chapter 275 Interview Me Later What Should I Say?
The next night, after finishing a training match, everyone got together to watch the Spring Split. Anyway, it was also a break time, so it was pretty good to watch the match.

Before the competition officially started, there were naturally various promotional videos and various advertisements.

Here is the promotional video for the Spring Split...

Well, it’s the promo video that used the song “I Have Big Dreams” as the theme song. Each of the 17 teams produced one player, and they were basically captains or star players. CR went to Jingyi. , which happened to be Captain Jane, the current star player of CR.

The entire promotional video is not long, and it also adopts the technique of wanting to promote before suppressing. The early stage is a bit depressing, some are alone, and some are a group of people who have experienced blows and failures and left the stage sadly. But when it comes to the chorus part, every Everyone raised their heads and bravely climbed the peak with the music!

"Hahaha, you also said that I am in the second grade, and this promotional video is obviously in the second grade."

After the release, Tantai Jingyi helplessly covered her face, while the others suppressed their laughter, Li Shuyao couldn't hold back anymore...

This thing... It’s okay if the person you’re participating in is a stranger. Although it looks a bit secondary, you can also write passionately!
But once this thing becomes someone you know, or even your best friend, it feels completely different...

Although it is said that Li Shuyao often has two moments in the video, it is not for the effect of the program, it is all intentional!

But this official video is not intended to hit the second... It's for the blood.

"Ahem, actually, it's okay...hehehe..." Coffee Bean shrank to the side and smiled: "When we play key games or such important events in the future, I think we will all be dragged to shoot This thing."

" turned out to be like this..." Li Shuyao gasped, I'll go, I'm happy to please others, forgetting that I seem to have such a day too!


Several people chatted and laughed. The first match was the TBH team selected by Ge Li as the most powerful team and SU, who won the runner-up in the World Championship last year. These two teams can be said to be in the limelight. As the opening match, they attracted countless people. look.

"Hmm...their top laner is also very interesting." Xiao Ye looked at the picks from both sides and touched her chin.

"Mom Fan and Sword Demon... um... who do you think will win." Xiao Hui looked at the people beside him.

"Well, it's really hard to say." Li Shuyao shrugged: "I don't think the hero Fanzima will be effective in the top lane. Anyway, every time I choose it, although I can't say that I won't be blown up, it's really useless. ..."

"Hmm... I can't help you at all." Xiao Ye took it seriously.

"Hmm... I might as well choose." Coffee Bean nodded.

"Hmm..." Totoro also nodded.

"Okay, okay, everyone, after watching the first game, prepare for the training match. After this wave, everyone will be free to move around." Fried rice came over and clapped his hands and said.



In the first two days of the competition, except for TBH, which was rated as the Galaxy Battleship by everyone, and the strongest team in the new season of the LPL, it overturned, the other games did not exceed everyone's expectations.

And on the third day, it was finally time for CR to play.

Early this morning, Li Shuyao received a blessing message from Fang Xuening and Lu Yao... Well, look at the time it was sent at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night!
These two guys are starting to stay up all night again!

Hmph, wait for me to rest and go home!
Today's game is at 7 pm, and it's at home, so they don't need to be so busy, and they also get up early, and they can even play a wave of qualifying in the morning.

In the morning, there are few people in the queue, and a few of them can often be queued together.

In the afternoon, I got a little busy. Today is the game, so I didn’t make an appointment for a training match. The main thing is that Fried Noodles is making tactical arrangements, explaining the characteristics of the opponent’s players, and so on.

Anyway, it’s a single round-robin game now, and after you’ve played once, you won’t play again, so everyone will mainly study this opponent today, and you won’t study it for the rest of the regular season, if you meet again in the playoffs , will definitely look into it again.

But then, it will definitely be a completely different understanding.

After all, it is the beginning of the season. Everyone is playing the first game. The data of the coaching staff are from last year’s games, qualifying matches and training games. These data are not so accurate. Only the data on the field is the most accurate. of.

So when it came to the playoffs, not only did the competition system become BO5, everyone's understanding of the version and the opponent's understanding improved to a higher level. At that time, it was a more intense duel.

It's too early to say that.

Mainly now...

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi sat in the front, and everyone from CR sat in the back...

"Hiss... I hang out with Brother Yao and Sister Jing every day, and I kind of forget that they are still beauties... This makeup is really pretty." Coffee Bean scratched his head: "This is mine. Misunderstanding?"

"It's not an illusion, it's really pretty." Xiao Hui pursed her lips quietly.

Xiao Ye and Totoro glanced at each other, then slammed their mouths together and said nothing, so the four guys just sat in a row next to each other, admiring the make-up artist for the two team members...

I don't know why, but today's makeup seems to be very long.

"Ahem, well, it's been a while since we put on a little makeup..." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth: "I think they used to put on makeup very quickly."

"Oh, we girls must take a little longer to put on makeup." The makeup artist who put on Li Shuyao's makeup... The makeup artist looked at the mirror, smiled and blinked vigorously, then tapped her little finger to continue putting on makeup.

Li Shuyao: "..."

"Just... if, let's talk about whether there is such a possibility. In fact, you are a boy." Li Shuyao opened his mouth.

"Oh, Yaoyao, you're so funny, giggling..." The makeup artist patted Li Shuyao's shoulder lightly, then covered her mouth and started laughing.

Li Shuyao: "..."

I protested, why is the person next to Jingyi putting on makeup normal, and I look like a snake maniac, who arranged this!

Uh... But this level of makeup seems to be really good. Although it's just a simple light makeup, it suddenly highlights her own charm.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity." The makeup artist smacked her mouth.

"What a pity?" Li Shuyao looked at herself in the mirror: "It's pretty good."

"It's a pity that I didn't perm my head, otherwise it would look better with hair." The makeup artist sighed.



After putting on makeup, we checked that the time was almost up, and everyone brought their own equipment and went straight to the scene.

Anyway, they are home here, so no matter whether the overall 5 o'clock game will delay time or not, they will start at 7 o'clock, so there will be no time problems.

"Phew... it's finally time to play." Li Shuyao carried her small bag on her back and walked forward with the team. From a distance, she could already hear the roar of mountains and tsunami on the other side of the field.

"Are you nervous?" Tantai Jingyi bumped Li Shuyao with her shoulder and said with a smile.

"A little bit." Li Shuyao nodded.

"You are actually nervous?" Tantai Jingyi said a little surprised: "I thought you were not afraid of anything."

"I...I was thinking, what should I say when I interview me later, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it."

"..." I shouldn't have asked you!

(End of this chapter)

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