Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 284 It's all the wolf clan from the north, who doesn't know who yet!

Chapter 284 It's all the wolf clan from the north, who doesn't know who yet!

After agreeing on the delivery address with Li Shuyao, Zhen Dahong ended his first chat with the other party with satisfaction... Although this chat was just one party asking questions and the other party fooling around, it was a good start!

And he wasn't fooling around, he was indeed the one who did this, isn't that friend himself!

So there is no problem with taking this peripheral!
Although, he also wants some, right? The items that Li Shuyao once showed in the video, ahem, if it is worn... ahem, it would be even better!

For example, the one that was co-authored with Defocus Ji and the others at the beginning... isn’t it, it’s very NICE!

But, after all, it's the first communication, so asking for that thing at the first time has the feeling of repaying the favor, and it will make the other party feel bad for me, so I don't want it.

As an old fritter, Zhen Dahong naturally understands the principle of gradual and orderly progress!
Sure enough, the next time I don't need anything, let Li Shuyao make a song for herself!Haha, things are really too cheesy, songs are king!
When I go out in the future, I tell people, look, this is my exclusive BGM!

How tall and tall, this forceful style is lifted up all of a sudden!

As for collecting new girls, Zhen Dahong just likes to see them live broadcast on his platform. Although he often said that he has reached the level of raising himself outside, in fact he has never raised outside.

Having one wife is already a headache, and having another...

Do you feel like you've lived too long...

However, thoughts can still flow, with thoughts comes motivation, with motivation, this, a certain hormone in the body has already begun to secrete!

Thinking about Zhen Dahong, he got a little excited, and jumped off the bed, just about to take out the shoes under the bed, when he suddenly remembered his daughter's phone number...

Well, forget it, my daughter has to go to school tomorrow.

Although it is said that the winter vacation is coming soon, but there is still a final exam, and children who are about to take the high school exam should not be messed with!


"Hehehe, wife, I'm here..." Zhen Dahong rubbed his hands, ran all the way to the female master bedroom, and then saw his wife who seemed to be waiting for him.

"Hmph, I knew it... Come on, damn~"


After Li Shuyao learned about the "truth", she excitedly told Lu Yao about it, and made Lu Yao, who was about to eat hot pot, look completely bewildered.

Although it says that tomorrow is Tuesday, she plans to take a small vacation for herself tomorrow. Today, in order to be busy with Li Shuyao's affairs, she works overtime until after 9 o'clock and does not come back. When she comes back, she hastily asked Fang Xuening to make a video call with Li Shuyao, and then she is ready to eat supper !

"Bangyi's friend is Zhen Hong's management, and then Bangyi helped persuade Zhen Hong's management, so the other party turned their hostility into friendship, and has since become a staunch supporter of Li Shuyao..." Lu Yao slammed his mouth, you put I'm writing a novel, I don't even dare to write a novel like this!
What do you think your No. [-] is doing? Give me face?
He is afraid that he is not the father of Zhen Hong's management... No, no, even his father can't be so obedient. Now who doesn't show one thing and hide another thing.

But according to Lu Yao's observation, Zhen Hong's help this time is really helping, and there is nothing behind it. After careful analysis by their team, although they find it a bit unbelievable, but combined with the recent Zhen Hong live broadcast platform under the banner of "conscientiousness" I started to do a lot of good things, and everyone felt that this guy might really have a convulsion.

Now that people have a convulsion, let's cooperate, it's a good thing anyway.

But I didn't expect that this guy actually went to ask the number one on the list... and even put in a set of peripherals... I'm afraid you were deceived by someone!
I'm afraid that your list is probably Zhen Hong's high-level executives, alas, what can I do to save you, my little silly Yao.

Uh, but let’s just give it away as soon as I send the list. Anyway, these house managers will post some things in the house management group regularly to win over the group of donors and fathers.

It's just that Zhen Hong's senior management has become Yaoyao's fan?Thinking about it is a bit magical...

"Yaoyao, let's not talk about whether it's true or not, but don't give me such a thing as running with the No. 40 list. I don't interfere with your love, but I have studied the No. [-] list, and it seems to be more than [-]." At this age, this is still inappropriate..."

Lu Yao didn't care about that, and first sent Li Shuyao a WeChat reply.

"What's the matter?" Fang Xuening came over with the prepared sauce, and then looked at the serious Lu Yao with a puzzled expression.

"Yaoyao wants a big money." Lu Yao replied casually.

"Huh? Yaoyao wants to be with you?" Fang Xuening opened her mouth.

Lu Yao: "..."

At the same time, Li Shuyao saw Lu Yao's reply: "..."

Take a look, look at the thoughts of these people, how dirty, how indecent, how dirty, can't the anchor and Bangyi have a pure friendship!

Bah, you people, one or two are...

Uh, by the way, this list number one won't be greedy for me, right?
Fuck, it's very possible, otherwise why would he give himself so many gifts, otherwise why would he offer me favors and ask others to help me.

Heh heh, let me just say, tsk tsk...they are all the wolves from the north, who doesn't know who else!
This list is really greedy for my body!

Tsk tsk, labor and capital are the most beautiful, hahahaha...

Hiss... Do you want to build a small account or something, and chat with people on the Internet... Wow, I am too bad, hahahahaha...

"What are you doing in bed without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

As soon as Li Shuyao looked up, she saw Tantai Jingyi looking at her expressionlessly...

"Uh... suddenly saw a joke." Li Shuyao blinked.

"Go to sleep!" Tantai Jingyi said angrily, and then lay back directly.


After Li Shuyao heard Tantai Jingyi's even breathing, she took out her phone again, and saw a series of messages from Lu Yao:
"Let me tell you, it's okay to fall in love, but you have to really think about it."

"Are you really interested in the No. [-] list? Let me tell you, there are nine out of ten people who have families."

"I'll go, Yaoyao, you don't really want to destroy other people's families, do you?"

"To be honest, it's really inappropriate. They're just for fun..."

"Let me tell you, although some people laugh at the poor and not at the prostitutes in this era, we must have the backbone of our own lives!"

Li Shuyao: "..."

Where are you going to fix this for me...

If I don't reply again, are you going to take a taxi and come here!
"Don't worry, I don't want to fall in love, I fell asleep just now... You have such a rich imagination..." Li Shuyao replied speechlessly, and then threw the phone aside.

People in this world are not pure in heart.

The world is going downhill, people's hearts are not ancient!

"What's the matter?" Fang Xuening watched Lu Yao's cell phone ring, then swallowed the hairy belly in his mouth hard, and looked at her eagerly.

"Should... maybe... I was wrong?" Lu Yao scratched his head, and then gave Fang Xuening a look at his phone.

Fang Xuening smacked her mouth: "According to my experience, you must have made a mistake."

Lu Yao: "It's true, alas, I have to guard against it. The little girls nowadays are stunned when they are thrown with money and gentleness by those old men. In fact, such people often have families, and it is too much to be deceived." too much."

Fang Xuening: "Really?"

Lu Yao: "Of course it's true... Come on, let me tell you..."

 The dream I had last night... Well, I can still remember it when I just woke up, but I almost forgot it when I posted this chapter, haha, but I still have a little bit of memory... It's just very vague.

(End of this chapter)

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