Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 285 Dog blood...

Chapter 285 Dog blood...

Seeing that Lu Yao was about to tell a story again, Fang Xuening immediately ran to the kitchen to get a large jar of drink, then poured a glass for Lu Yao, and waited to listen while holding the meat in his hand while rinsing it.

Brother Gou and the four little squirrels next to him also opened their eyes wide and waited for Lu Yao to tell the story.

Hmm... Brother Gou wants to listen to stories. Compared with Li Shuyao's great principles, the stories told by Lu Yao are obviously more attractive to him.

Li Shuyao always talked about things that happened hundreds or thousands of years ago, while Lu Yao talked about things that happened a few years ago, and they were all bloody love stories. That guy is so energetic!

As for the four squirrels...

Well, they're purely following suit.

"Let me tell you, this actually happened to a classmate of mine. Oh, I'm so embarrassed when I think about it now."

Lu Yao took a sip of the juice that Fang Xuening poured, feeling slightly regretful, but Li Shuyao didn't have much wine at home, so it didn't matter:

"By the way, she was 19 years old back then, and she was a classmate with me in college, but I'm actually not very familiar with her. I learned about these things, and some of them I saw with my own eyes."

"She just fell in love with a man. This man took good care of her. One day she said that she had a cold and didn't feel well. He asked for leave to take care of her, serving water and cooking."

"After a long time, the two of them rushed to the hotel... But, after the man arrived at the hotel and took care of her, he turned around and was about to leave. The girl asked, why did you leave, and he said Ah, rest well, I'm going back."

"She just asked, don't you like me? He just said, I don't want to make you sad. "

"She was very touched, you know, and then she put the clothes... right, and then this boy helped her put them on... At this moment, this girl fell directly, and she thought, oh, what a good time I met It's a man... So, it got out of hand, and I was moved to tears."

"Ahem...well, wait..." Fang Xuening hurriedly raised her hand: "I'll interrupt for a moment."

"Meow!" Brother Gou yelled in dissatisfaction, you let people continue to talk, it's the critical time!

"Don't bark." Fang Xuening gave Brother Gou a white look and then continued: "Then what are they doing or not..."

"Oh... what's the matter?" Lu Yao nodded.

Fang Xuening: "..."

"Tall, really tall, what a trick to play hard to get." Fang Xuening smacked her mouth: "That... I want to ask, how do you know so clearly?"

"Hey, isn't that what she told me after crying?" Lu Yao waved his hand.

"Then why is such a good man crying?" Fang Xuening opened his mouth.

"So listen to what I'm going on."

Lu Yao smacked his mouth:

"Later, this classmate of mine found out that the man seemed to have a mistress. She immediately became angry, and chased after the woman's work unit, and then made a fuss..."

"Uh..." Fang Xuening opened her mouth, "Okay... as expected."

"She thought she was reasonable, and that woman was pretty, so she thought it was that woman who seduced her boyfriend... As a result, after she communicated with that woman, she found out about her marriage. certificate……"

Fang Xuening: "???"

"So... that classmate of yours is the junior?" Fang Xuening's mouth grew wide.

"Well..." Lu Yao nodded: "Then she's going to go crazy, you know, several of us didn't stop her, and almost took a kitchen knife to hack the door."

Fang Xuening: "It's bloody...and then?"

"The more magical thing is yet to come..." Lu Yao smashed his mouth: "That man said, he wants to divorce his wife and marry my classmate, you know, and then his wife will not divorce...even her wife She also told my classmate that she can accept three people..."

"Fuck..." Fang Xuening felt like her jaw was about to drop to the ground: "Sister Lu, aren't you making up stories with me?"

"It's true, why did I lie to all went to the court." Lu Yao shrugged: "That man said he had no relationship with his wife. He was forced to get married at the beginning, and my classmate was the one." Really emotional."

"This... I want to scold someone." Fang Xuening was speechless: "This is too shameless."

"Yeah... But my classmate seems to have accepted this statement. The final result is that the man moved away with his wife, and my classmate also broke up with him. But, I heard that they are still a little bit disconnected. I don't know when we will be in touch."

Lu Yao shook his head:

"This woman is always easy to fall into love, because for many women, love is all they have, and their worldview is too small, so they give these scumbags a chance."

"That's why I said, we must go out to work, no matter what job we do, no matter how much money we earn, we must go out to work, we must also study, we must expand our worldview, and don't let ourselves fall into the wall of love."

"Love is a necessity of our life, but it is not the whole of life. Career is also a necessity of our life. When we regard love as a third or a quarter of our life, then we can open our eyes .”

Fang Xuening smacked her mouth: "So... Yaoyao is not that kind of person, I feel that there is no love in her world."

"Oh...she's not in love, I'm afraid she will be overwhelmed by money." Lu Yao spread his hands.

"Uh...that's possible." Fang Xuening nodded.

"Actually, this is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that I have a friend..."

"and also?"

"Ang... yes." Lu Yao nodded: "Two days ago she asked me what to do. She was pregnant and wanted to marry her partner, but her family didn't agree, and her partner's family didn't agree either."

"Why? Because that man's family has no money?" Fang Xuening tilted her head.

"The lack of money is only one aspect...on the other's also because the man hasn't divorced yet."

"Huh??? Another mistress? Or a mistress with no money? This... What is this picture..." Fang Xuening was speechless.

"Well, it's not mistress, maybe it's mistress [-] or [-]..." Lu Yao smacked his mouth: "According to my investigation... that man has at least two more..."

Fang Xuening: "..."

"Niu beer... Sister Lu, I don't know what to say... I feel like my world view has been shattered..." Fang Xuening smacked her mouth, "What are these ghosts and snakes?"

Lu Yao curled his lips and smiled: "Scumbags always have many women, while most of the good men are single, do you know why?"

"Why..." Fang Xuening tilted her head.

"Because they keep themselves clean, they have few girls in contact with them, and they don't know how to make girls fall in love with them because of their lack of experience." Lu Yao shrugged: "Looking at their clumsy appearance, I am worried for them .”

"As for the scumbag, he has been scrambling among the flowers for a long time, so he has naturally acquired the ability to deceive girls, making those girls with a small worldview fall in love with each other, and in the end, they are covered in bruises."

"So many times emotions will deceive you. The boy you see who looks clumsy and doesn't please you may be the boy who is really worth entrusting."

"Of course, if you're just looking for excitement, then it doesn't matter, whatever..."

"This thing can't be taught, and it can't be said. The road is chosen by oneself, so let's accept it."

 Thanks for the reward of the second-level little owl beast, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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