Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 286 I know, I know!

Chapter 286 I know, I know!

Fang Xuening doesn't have any troubles in this area at present... Or, Lu Yao found that the three sisters don't have any troubles in this area at present, and there is no man around them at all...

Sometimes Lu Yao wondered, did these three people jump out of rocks?Is there no emotion?
"Hey, I have another story, do you want to listen to it?" Lu Yao seemed to suddenly think of something, or maybe it was because he had a good time talking tonight, and after taking a sip of juice, he became energetic again.

"Listen, come here." Fang Xuening hurriedly gave Lu Yaoman a hand.

"By the way, this time it's a 21-year-old girl. She was my classmate in junior high school. We were pretty good at the time. Later, she went to a technical school before she was admitted to high school. Technology, in fact, earns a lot, and it is [-] to [-] per month."

Lu Yao took a sip of his drink and then smacked his mouth:
"Then, she was in a relationship with her boss at the time, and then she was sent on a business trip. It was originally a short business trip, but it was delayed because of something, and she didn't have time to leave, so she temporarily stayed in the local area for two days. "

"Then something happened?" Fang Xuening asked.

"Hmm..." Lu Yao nodded.

"At that time, she was on a business trip with another girl. They went to dinner together and met a boy. The boy probably came up to strike up a conversation because he saw that she was pretty."

"At first they ignored him, and then this man started to stalk him, you know, waiting downstairs in their hotel, delivering breakfast and dinner and so on."

"Two days later, they were about to go back, so they returned the hotel, but the plane was canceled again, and they couldn't go back. He appeared at this time, and said that you have no place to live, so go to my place first... ..."

"In the beginning, both of them were not happy, but they came and went, right, so they went together. At that time, the man said he promised to invite them to dinner."

"It's eating. While eating, her colleague was sleepy and went to sleep. She was going too, but he said he had something to tell her and asked her to wait a while."

"She was a little hairy at the time... He talked about it for a long time, and the two agreed, but the colleague said that he would call within 10 minutes or something."

"Then he really didn't do anything, just chatting with the two of you..."

"In the evening, the two of them fell asleep in the same room... She heard that the man fell asleep, so she fell asleep at ease, but when she was half asleep, she felt..."

" wait." Fang Xuening immediately raised her hand.

"Meow meow meow!" Brother Gou is about to scold the street, can you stop interrupting others at critical moments!
"I told you, don't bark!" Fang Xuening glared at it: "So... this girl believed him so easily, and then lived in the same room with him, but in the end... what happened?"

"Ang...yes..." Lu Yao nodded: "I'm speechless, I was also speechless when I heard her talk."

Fang Xuening: "..."

"Shouldn't this be called the police..." Fang Xuening opened her mouth.

"It's useless..." Lu Yao shrugged: "After that, her boss, her real boyfriend, called her, and then this man and her boss started scolding..."

Fang Xuening: "..."

"Later, she lived with that boy in that place. They lived together for four years and had several abortions. Then, what did the man's family say... There was no money at all, and her life depended on borrowing money. That friend of mine I also borrowed 10,000+ from their house.”

Lu Yao laughed as he spoke:
"Their family pretends to be a rich family when they have no money. They always ask her for money. They block the door every day. They also eat betel nuts, which almost spoils her mouth and makes her whole body sick."

Fang Xuening also smiled speechlessly: "This... don't tell me that she still followed him in the end."

"Of course not, she would hate him to death now, if we hadn't stopped her, she would have fought desperately with him." Lu Yao shook his head: "Now that she has returned to her hometown, I heard that she was scolded by her mother... ..."

"Alas..." Fang Xuening sighed softly.

"After hearing the stories of these people, how do you feel?" Lu Yao said with a smile.

"I's quite pitiful." Fang Xuening sighed again: "This world doesn't give them any warmth and kindness."

"You're very kind, little angel." Lu Yao laughed and said, "We can't control their affairs, it's their own choice, but I have learned it all, using people as a mirror can tell gains and losses."

"No matter what, love is a matter between two people. There is no room for a third person to join in. Once there is, it will inevitably lead to tragedy."

Lu Yao patted Fang Xuening on the shoulder and sighed:

"Especially you little girls, you are all on the Internet, you are bombarded with countless messages every day, and those boys who confessed to you crazy, can't say all of them, many of them... just greedy for your body and money .”

"According to some of my surveys, those down-to-earth boys basically don't express themselves crazily on the Internet... right."

"This is actually a very ridiculous phenomenon nowadays. No matter men or women, there are a small group of people who have a strong desire to express themselves. They crazily output their negative energy on the Internet. The real wishes of the people are not those online. That's how people express it."

"However, because most people are unwilling to express anything online, the wishes of this small group of people gradually become the wishes of the public, and even gradually become a trend, and then some people say, oops, the wishes of the public The quality is simply too poor!"

"Actually, it's just that the quality of that group of people is poor."

"You guys, you can be said to be wealthy, and you are also very beautiful, and most importantly, you are very young." Lu Yao smiled: "People like you, that group of people like it the most, What a nice purse plus...that...right."

"So, keep your eyes open, don't be fooled by money and sweet words, those are really fake."

"It's normal for you to want to fall in love. You should find a clumsy boy who will blush when you see you. No matter how much his salary is, as long as he has a serious and stable job, he has simple social relations but is not autistic. Just do it."

"I know... Do you need to make a special voice call to say such a long paragraph..." Li Shuyao's helpless voice came from Lu Yao's phone.

I know, I know, I know better than you, what kind of thoughts are those private messages, can I not understand?
Although I said that in my previous life, I was a good person who never sent private messages to harass others, but how can I not know what those guys are thinking?I'm not those silly and sweet characters, hey!
"Hey, Yaoyao, you're here." Fang Xuening slapped her mouth in embarrassment. Does this mean that the sound of eating hot pot was heard by others?
Sister Lu is really too, why can't you secretly give me a look!

"Yeah, I'm here too. When you're eating hot-boiled mutton, I can only drool listening to the sound."

"...cough cough, this, oops, it's getting late suddenly, hurry up and rest, goodbye, good night, okay~" Fang Xuening jumped to Lu Yao's side while talking, and then quickly hung up Got the phone!
Lu Yao: "..."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

 I hope you keep your eyes open, and I hope you can manage yourself well, don't let a third person appear in your love, and don't hurt other people.

(End of this chapter)

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