Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 287 Change of Wind Direction

Chapter 287 Change of Wind Direction
When Lu Yao made a voice call to Li Shuyao and started to tell a story, Tantai Jingyi woke up...or she hadn't fallen asleep, she just closed her eyes and listened to the conversation.

Then... I heard this amazing story.

Okay, Lu Yao, why don't you start a live broadcast to talk about emotional topics, your ability to make up stories is too strong, good guy, every song is a story.

I don't know why Li Shuyao frightened Lu Yao so much because of what he ordered. Such outrageous things can be made up.

Li Shuyao was also speechless for a while, these two people actually stayed up late at night and secretly ate hot pot!It's disgusting, when I go back after a while, I must let them strengthen their exercises!
A few people here are making a fuss, and it's almost time to go to bed, but there are still many people talking about today's game on the Internet.

Although it is just an ordinary league, it is reasonable to say that the discussion is definitely not as long-lasting as the World Championship. Basically, it is over after the match. Who keeps talking, there will be a new league tomorrow.

But... isn't there three... or even four or even five parties making hype, so Li Shuyao's match is actually a little on the trending list.

Although I clicked in and looked, the top one had more than 2000 comments, compared to the kind of hot searches that cost tens of thousands... Obviously it was hard-topped.

But the trending searches on the hard top are also trending searches, and there is no particularly hot news recently, so this quiet Mimi's trending search is very strong.

Then a lot of various e-sports self-media and marketing accounts are following up, anyway, it is also a hot search, not for nothing.

This Quiet Mimi's hot search name is CR's first victory in the spring competition.

That's right, I didn't mention Li Shuyao at all, he used the name of CR to be on the trending list. CR is a popular old player. Every year, CR has a bunch of trending searches. Every game will have a trending search.

Therefore, Lu Yao, Zhen Hong, and CR are hyped in it, and there are also the shadows of the event official and station B behind it.


This trending search was forcibly pushed up.

However, everyone is also an old hand, knowing that this thing has a small hot search, if it reaches the top few, it will be easy to get annoying if it is linked to a bomb, after all, it is not a major event.

In addition to the topics of normal reports, the following are basically all kinds of self-media and marketing accounts that follow suit.

Basically everyone is Jiangzidi:

"CR wins for the first time, how do you evaluate the performance of this brand new CR?"

"The first battle of the nursery rhymes in the book is super god, is it a vase or is it really powerful?"

"The first battle was won, and CR beat TY lightly."

"I'm not a flower vase. The nursery rhymes in the book slap my face with my record."

"The nursery rhyme in the book is a battle to become a god? It's shocking for a rookie to win the super god MVP."


Some directly talk about CR, and some use Li Shuyao to create topics. Anyway, this is what everyone is most concerned about at present, and it is also the most likely to cause controversy.

For self-media and marketing accounts, as long as the controversy does not touch the bottom line, it can be used for hype. Anyway, what they want is popularity.

Even if you are really being chased and scolded, just pretend to be dead for a while, and wait for the limelight to pass.

For those self-media who are relatively small in size, they even wish to be scolded by others, which is better than no one sees it.

It can even be said that those who followed the trend to criticize Li Shuyao before, and those who follow the trend and praise Li Shuyao now are basically a group of people.

They don't have any position of their own, as long as most people on the Internet are willing to read it, they can speak righteous words, citing various scriptures, speaking as if they are the embodiment of justice.

But compare...they often contradict themselves, but they don't care what's really going on, they just write what people want to see and chase traffic.

The following comments will be more normal. After last year's "washing fans", almost all the so-called "champion fans" in CR have been transferred to other teams.

So most of the commenters are relatively calm.

"Look again and look again, one game can't explain anything."

"Yaoyao is still pretty good, but it's too early to say how CR will be. We'll wait and see."

"The nursery rhymes in the book turned around and proved themselves. Finally, they don't need to be called vases anymore."

"What's there to brag about playing TY, the bottom team."

"Play SU next time, come on, SU is still very strong now."

"Come on, Yaoyaogui, you can live broadcast tomorrow after the match."

"I knew from the previous song that she was unwilling. I look forward to the next competition."

"Xiaoye's performance in these two games was really impressive, driving the overall rhythm."

"Jingyi and Coffee Bean are also very stable. I think this CR can be expected."

"My Neighbor Totoro is a bit invisible, but the operation is no problem."

"Overall, there is no problem. The status is online and the operation is very stable. I hope to continue."

"Did none of you pay attention to CR's Tai Chi before the competition?"

"Haha, CR's official blog has previously posted photos of the team members doing Tai Chi in the morning. I didn't expect to actually practice Tai Chi before the game."


On the whole, the hard black Li Shuyao has almost disappeared, maybe she will reappear the next time she performs poorly, but at least there won't be too many criticisms in the current situation of winning.

Anyway, professional players have this advantage. As long as you win, you will be praised more. If you keep winning, there will not be many people scolding you.

Of course, if you win all the way to the end and win the final championship, that's even enough to go down in the annals of e-sports.

Uh... Maybe Li Shuyao's jump from a music up to a professional player is worthy of being written in the annals of history. If she can win the championship, it will really be a legend.

In short, after Li Shuyao won this match, after several efforts, the atmosphere that was very unfavorable to CR and Li Shuyao gradually began to reverse.

In fact, Lu Yao also restrained Li Shuyao's fans, telling everyone not to praise Li Shuyao too anxiously, which would cause resentment.

So in fact, there are not many fans of Li Shuyao praising Li Shuyao in these comments, at most, everyone had a little carnival in the group.

Several managers in the group gave out red envelopes, that guy is always lively.

Anyway, it doesn't matter how everyone praises others in the group...

"Brothers, Yaoyao first won today and won the MVP. Let me raise a cup first. I did it. Everyone is free. Happy today. I will send some red envelopes in the group, everyone can grab it!"

Mostly refreshed, Zhen Dahong began to throw coins crazily in the group, and the group became lively again.

"Boss atmosphere!"

"Come on, Ruo Yao!"

"Hahaha, I did it!"

"It's cool, just go super god MVP, see if anyone messes with BB here."

"It's been killing me for the past few days."

"Everyone, don't worry, we can counterattack after winning a few more games."

"I feel like I'm about to fall in love with CR. It turns out that e-sports are so good."

"Brothers, let's give out red envelopes too, let's be happy together!"

"Boss atmosphere!"

"Hahaha, Yaoyao wins more, let's get more red envelopes!"

"Come, come, the rain of red envelopes is coming."


(End of this chapter)

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