Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 298 This is what cats eat

Chapter 298 This is what cats eat

Naturally, Li Shuyao didn't wash it with him. The little dirty cat was still dirty after being washed in cold water for so long, but it looked okay on the surface, but you can tell by looking at the bath towel, there are many things on it that are not slippery.

She wouldn't wash it with this little dirty cat, she had to brush it clean.

And tonight, put this product in a small box to limit the range of activities, and then take this product for vaccination tomorrow!

She feels that there should be parasites on this guy, if he doesn't clean it up, he must not let it enter our house!

Uh...Although it has been entered now, it is mainly because this product looks too pitiful, and the skinny one will probably starve to death if he doesn't eat any more tonight.


After being frantically brushed by Li Shuyao's big brush, the dark red kitty also turned into a wine red kitten, and the color was more colorful.

"Hmm... Sure enough, it's only beautiful when it's clean. Look at it, it looks like a little fox, haha, um, I know, I know, don't look at me like this, I know you It is a cat, and a fox is a canine, but the fox is very beautiful."

Li Shuyao looked at this dark red kitten with a bit of amused look, even though it was already lying on the ground and looked spoiled, but still trying to raise its head, this guy seemed to be saying that it was a cat, not a dog...

Well, this guy is really stubborn.

After drying the two little guys next to him, Brother Gou regained his clean white hair, and the other kitty...uh, it reminded Li Shuyao of Lu Yao's hair...

Lu Yao's hair seems to be this color.

"It looks good to use your hair as a wig." Li Shuyao grabbed the kitten's hair and smashed her mouth, then said with a smile: "Look at you, you haven't cleaned your hair outside for so long, right?" , isn’t it too hot, haha, come on, let me cut your hair for you.”

The little cat looked at Li Shuyao in shock, and then turned back to look at Brother Gou in shock. Is this your mother you told me about?Is it so cruel?Will I become a bald cat if I stay here for a long time?

"Meow meow." Brother Gou nodded solemnly, thinking that Li Shuyao's method is very good, the fur of this product looks like it can be made into a wig, and when the wig is sold, it happens to be able to buy cat food, so that you can support yourself of the people.

Tsk tsk, as expected, Ma Ma has a business mind. At this moment, I feel that the empire's finances have been opened up. We can be self-sufficient in the future, and we don't need Ma Ma's daily subsidies at all.

At this moment, the little cat felt the deep malice towards it from the whole world...

No, I want to run!

The little kitten stood up in a jerk, and was patted down by the paw of the faster brother Gou as soon as it started to catapult.

Small sample, my country has just found a source of income, you still want to run away?

Brother Gou looked at the little kitty seriously, and obediently pretended to be hairy from now on, did you hear me!I heard the story Ma Ma told me, that the financial resources of those dynasties were only strong when they were in the hands of the emperor, so I also want to hold you in my hands, hehe.

"Okay, okay, don't scare people." Li Shuyao smiled and shook her head, what can I do, Brother Gou is too strong, from now on I will never see cats beating cats, which cat can stand Brother Gou?
Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, forget it, Gou Ge's love Gou Ge can handle it by himself, don't worry about these things all the time when you are a numb person.

"Let's go, let's eat, haha, I cleaned it up for you to eat, you know, this meal is carefully cooked by me, and it has been researched and improved several times. You are really lucky. The cats around my base are meowing every day. Too bad, I ignored them, hum."

Li Shuyao grabbed the two kittens that had been washed in vain and walked downstairs.

At this time, the two kittens didn't struggle anymore, they went to eat and struggled for a while. The genes evolved over thousands of years told them a truth:
Dry rice is not active, there is a problem with thinking!
They feel that there is nothing wrong with their thinking, so if there is more to say, just do it!

So the two kittens stretched their necks and looked downstairs. In fact, they had already smelled the scent. If Li Shuyao hadn't been controlling them all the time, they would have already run over.

Well, the fact that the two of them are so obedient now has a lot to do with how delicious the cat food is.

Li Shuyao had put the cat food on a large plate to dry before, and at a glance, it was basically some thick porridge-like and granular food, and the meat was cut neatly, even Fang Xuening saw it. Come here without any discomfort.

After so much tossing around, the originally hot cat food has almost cooled down.

"Hey, you all sit here and wait."

Li Shuyao put Brother Gou and the kitten next to Brother Gou's den. Generally speaking, Li Shuyao would let Brother Gou eat at the designated place, which is considered a good habit!
Well, as for the fact that this guy always comes over to eat with them, that's Brother Gou's fault, it has nothing to do with them!
After taking out a spare cat food bowl and putting it in front of the kittens, Li Shuyao filled the small bowls in front of the two kittens, and then looked at the two kittens expectantly: "Come and eat."

In fact, she didn't need to say anything at all, when the rice was put in, the two of them started to eat.

The dark red kitten tried a little at first, and then...then it almost slapped its face in the cat food bowl.

"Meow..." The little cat yelled excitedly while eating. I didn't expect there to be such a delicious food in the world. The slippery texture and rich taste reminded me of being a cat. Taste in genes!
This is what kittens should eat!
Thinking about what I ate before, it was just a bunch of dog food!

Brother Gou doesn't care about the financial affairs of the empire at this time. I didn't expect Ma Ma to go out for a trip and hunt such delicious things when he came back. Sure enough, he didn't go out in vain. It's okay, if it's so delicious every time If it's something, it's okay to let her go out.

Li Shuyao looked at the two kittens with a smile. The cat food actually tasted okay, but it wasn't that amazing.

For example, after the chinchillas have eaten it, they say that it is not as good as the porridge they drink every morning, but the taste is not bad. The main thing is that there are enough ingredients in it, and it is quite enjoyable to eat.

Well, Totoro is also a cat, although it is just an ID, but it’s fine if it gets a little bit!

Besides, when I was doing it, he was watching the whole process, and even strongly demanded to eat it, so I can't blame her...

Uh, but after seeing the kittens inside and outside the base rushing towards the food, the chinchilla never appeared in the kitchen where she was cooking.

I don't know why, maybe I decided to train hard!

Seeing that the two kittens finished eating quickly and continued to stare at her, Li Shuyao filled up the cat food bowls of the two cats again: "Okay, I can't eat so much at once, let's eat these today. "

After feeding the two kittens, Li Shuyao put away the rest of the cat food and turned to go upstairs.

Today is another night where she lives by herself.

Think about when I first came here, I met two stupid thieves.

Nothing will happen this time.

If we meet again, God will target her!
 The dream last night was a scene of a spy war, the background is a bit like modern times, and then I was a spy assigned to the army by a certain organization, and after planning an "accident" that caused a leader of the spy organization of the army to fall to his death, He returned with his two subordinates.

  There are details in the dream, such as the clothes to wear, and the secret signs when returning, haha, it’s quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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