Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 299 This is called a cat meeting

Chapter 299 This is called a cat meeting

After Li Shuyao went upstairs to take a shower, she threw herself onto the bed, rolled around excitedly, and then lay down on the bed in a large shape.

Thinking about it, I haven't slept alone for a long time, even if the guy in the middle, Xue Ning, caught a cold and went to live in her room for two days, it wouldn't be long.

When I went to the base, I was in the same room with Jingyi.

Now I finally have my own house...

Or say that you own a house, dare you believe it!
Haha, one of my wishes in my previous life was to be able to live in a big house by myself, but I didn't expect Lei to help her realize it.

Li Shuyao lay on the bed and smacked her mouth, she was still very satisfied with her current life.

The song is loved by many people... Well, of course, this is a song that I selected by myself, and people have been helping her to promote it, so naturally the rate of singing is getting higher and higher.

I can be regarded as standing on the shoulders of giants.

Moreover, songs attract fans very quickly. A good song can quickly attract a large number of fans. The farther the sound of the song spreads, the wider her fan base will be.

In addition, the density of her good-looking songs is too high. This period of time has been bombarding the music circle like a bombardment. Even a certain blog that always reports negative news on station B has contributed several articles related to her. positive trending searches.

Lying on the bed, Li Shuyao summed it up. It was the one who was reposted by the official blog that I wished for a long time to attract the most fans. At that time, the number of fans seemed to explode. It was scary to watch, and she almost drifted away.

In addition, CR's recent 7-game winning streak has directly promoted her to become an e-sports goddess, and she is crazy about attracting fans in the e-sports circle. Some of these new fans have heard her songs, and some have not, and they help her A wave of song clicks.

According to Lu Yao's research, she now has a considerable number of fans abroad, some of which were promoted by Lu Yao and the others, and some of them are actually Li Shuyao who she knew from e-sports.

In fact, many e-sports players in foreign competition areas are studying CR. After all, it seems that CR's new season seems unstoppable. As the new Li Shuyao, it is natural to study it carefully.

And the song became a by-product and they discovered it.

There are many foreign e-sports star players who play Li Shuyao's songs during the live broadcast... so the income from overseas is gradually increasing.

It's just that there is not such a high degree of attention at present, but the development momentum is very good.

Lu Yao also had preliminary approval for Li Shuyao's move to promote the overseas market of songs by playing professionally. Maybe when she really wins the world championship, it will be a violent explosion.

However, there is also a little happy little trouble.

At present, there are also some fans of Li Shuyao in South Korea. Most of them heard about it from the live broadcast room of e-sports players in South Korea.

Then they discovered that Li Shuyao had released Japanese songs, English songs, and Chinese songs, but no Korean songs.

At first they thought it was because Li Shuyao didn't understand Korean.

But Li Shuyao often chats in Korean when playing ranked...

So gradually everyone knows that Li Shuyao can speak Korean but has never released a Korean song. During this period of time, South Korean fans have left messages, hoping to release a Korean song.

"Do you want to publish Korean songs..." Li Shuyao looked at the ceiling in a daze, but she didn't care about it, it didn't matter if it didn't come out.

However, if League of Legends is used to develop overseas markets, the market in South Korea will actually be larger. After all, League of Legends in Dongyang is actually relatively small, and there will be more people in South Korea who like this game.

That is to say, if the foreign language songs are also promoted through the League of Legends competition, Korean songs will actually be more popular.

She doesn't discriminate or anything, the last word is to make money from them, you discriminate against that every day, and as a result, you can't make money from others, but buy their things instead.

You have to earn their money!

It seems that after a while, a Korean song can be released to make money from South Korea, hum.

In fact, there are still many, many people who have only listened to the song, but have not paid attention to her. In the future, her fans in e-sports will gradually increase. That is to say, the number of her fans will still increase sharply in the next year.

"Will it break through [-] million?" Li Shuyao is dreaming, if she can reach the top in the two big markets of music and e-sports and influence each other, it will not be difficult to break through [-] million fans.

After all, the quality of the song is here.

If you can win the championship, then the championship is the same here.

Gradually, Li Shuyao fell asleep, and the dog brother and the dark red kitten also fell asleep after eating, and the whole house gradually fell into silence.

After an unknown amount of time, small figures appeared outside the house.

Some of these figures are a little fatter, some are a little thinner, some look in good spirits, and some look like they have been hungry for several days.

But they all looked at Li Shuyao's house with eyes shining with various colors.

Most of them are stray cats, both inside and outside the community.

They ran over along the scent that aroused their genes' desire for food, and some of them just ran all the way by relying on the faint, even intermittent smell.

So it runs very slowly.

As for the stray cats in the neighborhood...

For them, they are a bit afraid to come here, after all, there lives a kitten that scares the cat to death, and they have basically been beaten by this kitty.

However, they were all eliminated by kittens and did not become a member of the "Empire".

But gradually more and more stray cats came, and everyone had the courage to come over. How about we have so many cats, you are a little cat, no matter how powerful you are, how can you have so many cats?

As the saying goes, when many cats gather firewood, the flames are high, and the power of cats is great!

It has four claws and eight legs, and it is impossible to beat so many cats and cats. When the time comes, everyone will directly grab the delicious food, eat it and leave!

If Li Shuyao looked down from the window at this moment, she could see at least 20 small light bulbs and more than a dozen kittens running around outside her house.

After coming here, the fragrance is even more intense.

The hooking up made the kittens very itchy.

"Meow meow……"

"Meow meow meow……"

"Meow meow meow meow..."

The meowing of cats gradually increased one after another. Naturally, the kittens have no moral bottom line that they can't meow at night, which will disturb the people. Well... some people didn't come, let alone the kittens.

So, in his sleep, Li Shuyao inexplicably felt a bunch of dogs calling around him.

Then barking and barking, not only the dog brother, but also a bunch of red-haired kittens, and then barking together, it's really annoying!

Suddenly, Li Shuyao got up directly, and frowned in a daze: "Why did I dream of a cat meowing as soon as I got home, and I woke up, last time I woke up, this time I woke up... uh , last time it was really a cat meowing, and this time it's true too?"

He listened carefully, the sound was actually not loud, after all, the sound insulation was not bad, it was just a burst of screaming that was very penetrating...

Li Shuyao scratched her head, and just as she got out of bed, she heard a relatively loud cat meow coming from downstairs.

Considering that the sound insulation of her house is not bad, this meow should be quite loud.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Why does she feel as if a bunch of cats are having a meeting downstairs at her house...

(End of this chapter)

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