Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 301 It's New Year's Eve

Chapter 301 It's New Year's Eve
After a whole night of tossing, Brother Gou gained another group of men. Unlike before, Brother Gou was still young last year, so he only accepted cubs and not big cats.

But it's different now, Brother Gou is already a big cat, and he even brings his harem buddies with him. He no longer hugs two foxes, so he can naturally take this group of stray cats under his command.

The growth of the "Empire"!

Of course, these kittens are still not qualified to eat the cat food made by Ma Ma himself. Giving you these cat food is already good for you.

Well, in the eyes of Brother Gou, its empire is of course divided into levels. For example, the red-haired one is the source of income of the empire, and these newly joined kittens are the soldiers of the empire!

Seeing your performance, if you perform well, I can give you the cat food made by Ma Ma himself, which is better than this cat food!
Li Shuyao looked at Brother Gou, who seemed to be standing in front of the group of kittens, and was a little speechless. She suddenly felt that it was not good for her to tell Brother Gou the history of those emperors.

Tsk tsk, I don't know what this guy's little head is thinking all day long.

Forget it, anyway, thinking about everything is a matter of the pet world...

Lying on the bed, Li Shuyao gradually fell asleep thinking wildly.

Then, she had a very strange dream. In the dream, she became the god of a world, and the mortals in that world were all cats...

Brother Gou became the first emperor of the feudal empire in that world and established a huge tribe, while she watched them silently as a god.

Brother Gou said that its monarchy comes from the endowment of God. It is God who taught it knowledge and let it know the world. Therefore, future emperors must obey God's will, and everyone is a child of God.

So he called himself the Son of Heaven!

Since then, the world of cats has entered a matrilineal society...

Li Shuyao woke up suddenly from the dream, seeing the morning sun shining in through the curtains, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ma Dan, luckily it's a dream, it's all messed up." Li Shuyao shook her head, and then saw Brother Gou lying beside her.

"Hmph, you are the only one who is still the emperor!" Li Shuyao slapped Brother Gou on the head, and Brother Gou jumped up, looking at Li Shuyao with a confused expression, what's the matter?
"I dreamed that you cheated." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes as she stared at Brother Gou's confused eyes.

"Meow meow?" Brother Gou confronted Xiao Jiuhong who had heard the noise and walked in, confused.

"Meow?" Xiao Jiuhong looked at Brother Gou and opened his mouth, have you cheated?
"Meow! Meow! Meow!" Brother Gou stretched out his paw to shine on Xiao Jiuhong's head, and three paws came, and you cheated!Bah, is the word cheating suitable for me?Isn't it normal for me to be three feet and six husbands, and I plan to raise three thousand handsome men in the harem.

Li Shuyao didn't care about Brother Gou and Xiao Jiuhong, after a simple wash, she went downstairs to cook porridge and exercise.

Although I went to bed a little late today, I didn’t get up until after 7 o’clock, but it’s not because I was kept awake by a group of cats last night!

After breakfast, Li Shuyao seriously asked Brother Gou and Xiao Jiuhong for their opinions, and then, with Brother Gou nodding seriously and Xiao Jiuhong looking confused, brought Xiao Jiuhong to the gate of the community. Hospital.

After a series of operations such as cleaning, vaccination, worming, and bandaging, Xiao Jiuhong, whose body was emptied again, finally returned to Li Shuyao's home clean.

Well, of course, I can't do sterilization. Although they kept trying to promote the New Year's gift, she still firmly refused.

Just kidding, Brother Gou is so old now, Li Shuyao strongly suspects that if she really sends Brother Gou to the operating table, Brother Gou can let that doctor see another doctor...

This pet hospital is still very powerful. During the Spring Festival, it still provides services such as door-to-door replacement of cat litter boxes, but the service fee is more expensive, but it doesn’t matter. People in this community don’t care about the three times more expensive service fee. They just want It's just easy to spend money on.

Li Shuyao put the two kittens back, Xiao Jiuhong still needs a little time to recover after tossing around all morning, the injuries on her body are still not healed.

She didn't care about these two kittens, and she didn't care where the stray cats went. Anyway, Brother Gou can handle it well. The next thing she has to do is to decorate the house and prepare for tomorrow's New Year's Eve .

Although it is said that she celebrates the new year alone, she is still planning to make this year more enjoyable. Here is a notice that firecrackers can be set off, so there are also firecrackers and fireworks in the shops in the community.

In addition, there are all kinds of New Year's goods such as blessing characters, couplets, lanterns, and window grilles. Li Shuyao purchased a batch. After buying these things, she found a tall stand to put her phone on and turned it on. live streaming.

"Hi everyone, haha, I'm going home now."

Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction seeing the rapid increase in popularity. This popularity is the traffic brought by e-sports. The people who watch e-sports are all surfers in the first place.

In fact, many people who listen to music don’t watch the live broadcast very much, but most of those who watch e-sports games watch the live broadcast, so the feedback on the live broadcast is very obvious.

As the current top laner of lpl, Li Shuyao naturally gained a lot of traffic.

Among other things, CR's huge fan base has brought her great benefits, and now almost all of CR's fans have become her fans.

There is no way, the performance is too impressive, last year CR was too miserable, and now many CR fans regard Li Shuyao as the savior.

And she's a pretty girl... isn't she...

"Tomorrow is the New Year's Eve. Everyone hasn't gone home for the New Year. Those who haven't gone back will plan to go back." Li Shuyao put the phone on the door, and then held the blessing and the couplet in his hand.

"Haha, it stands to reason that the door will be closed tomorrow, but I can't wait. I have to make a lot of delicious food tomorrow. I don't have time to do these things, so I will do them today."

"I won't play games today, let's decorate my home."

Li Shuyao pasted blessing characters and couplets on the door of her house, and hung two red lanterns beside it. There was a place for hanging lanterns here, and the electricity was still on, so just hang them up.

"Haha, it's bright, how about it, isn't it beautiful."

Li Shuyao looked at the big red lantern fluttering in the wind at the door and smiled, at this time the lantern was also powered on and lit up.

Coming down from the ladder, Li Shuyao clapped her hands and picked up the phone holder:
"Come on, let's decorate the house."

Li Shuyao took out a bunch of small lanterns, window grilles, Chinese knots and the like, and began to arrange them on the first floor.

"I plan to arrange two places. One is the whole first floor. Although we are alone, right, but in case someone comes to pay New Year's greetings, the first floor should be made more beautiful."

Li Shuyao said with a smile while sticking the window grilles:
"The other place is my small balcony on the second floor. Yes, I will watch the New Year's greetings there tomorrow night. I will also have works on the New Year's greetings at that time."

"Hey, how about my window stickers, haha, it's right in the middle."

"Hmm... do you think it's better to hang my colored lantern in the middle or on the window..."

"Well, it's better to hang it on the window, so when the lights are turned on at night, the red, green, and yellow lights will flicker, how beautiful it looks outside..."

"The one who said the haunted house, get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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